Deadpool School - Lesson nr. 005 - 10 Reasons Why Your Online Game Will Fail

    • Deadpool School - Lesson nr. 005 - 10 Reasons Why Your Online Game Will Fail

      You talk about how much you want to start your own online game with your family or friends, but you never really commit to getting started. You keep waiting for the ‘right time’ or continue to ‘think about it’ without ever getting started.

      I read a statistic recently that said 90 percent of new online games fail in the first four months. Four months! The reasons for this?

      10. Lack of commitment. You talk about how much you want to start your own online game with your family or friends, but you never really commit to getting started. You keep waiting for the ‘right time’ or continue to ‘think about it’ without ever getting started.

      9. Poor planning. You finally get started but you didn’t plan well enough for the financial, emotional, mental and physical implications. You didn’t save enough money, you didn’t do enough research. As a result, you run out of money and ideas very quickly with no plan of how to get yourself back on track.

      8. Lack of action. You simply don’t take enough (or any) action. Or if you do, because you’re new at business your actions aren’t properly aligned to your business so you waste a lot of time.

      7. You attempt to grow your following on Facebook and Instagram but instead of being tactful and succinct you spend entire days on there browsing aimlessly.

      6. You don’t know who your target Users are, or where to find them. So when you do get yourself all set up with your new website, Facebook page and business cards you’ll be completely baffled as to why new Users aren’t queueing up out the door.

      5. You have no idea about copy, SEO or sales, so as much as you are fantastic at what you do, you can’t sell yourself, so you get very little number of Users.

      4. Business plan; you don’t have one. Or if you do, you’ve just made it up with no real idea about how to generate the numbers or how to hit any of your targets.

      3. Visibility. You keep yourself hidden behind the curtains (i.e. your laptop) as opposed to being as visible as possible.

      2. You try to do it all on your own, without the support of others. You decide not to enlist the help of professionals and instead try to figure out everything on your own. You spend hours each week on non-money making tasks, such as fixing annoying tech issues with your website or mailing list. You end up scared, overwhelmed and lost, and frustrated at your lack of results. You realise there is a long road ahead that you aren’t prepared for.

      The number 1 reason I see people fail at their new online Game:

      1. Comparison. Online Gaming can be dangerous for motivation, especially if it makes you feel negative about your own situation. Looking at what everyone else is doing and getting overwhelmed by their results can spell new online game disaster. Comparison crushes your creativity and feeds self-doubt, worry and concern. Concern that you’re not good enough, smart enough, young enough, old enough, not ‘liked’ enough, not earning enough or that there’s something wrong with you in general can really knock your confidence.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Deadpool ().