Pinned New Ban Catalog draft [Poll]

    • New Ban Catalog draft [Poll]

      Do you like the new ban catalog draft? 15

      The result is only visible to the participants.

      Dear Community,

      With the new rules draft there must be a new ban catalog draft, ban times have not been yet assigned, but I mostly would like feedback on the structure since alot has changed.

      It may abit complicated to understand at first so please ask and I will explain.

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      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Matacapullos ().

    • So everyone fully understands the new structure? No one will complain that they hadn't understood the ban catalog.

      I myself thought I had spotted an error then realized it isn't a error.

      Mainly because because I've tried to structure the ban catalog so that if solves all the problems we had before.
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • i agree with your idea to restructure the rules and the ban catalog so that nobody can say that "i didnt know".

      Multi IP / Pushing:
      From my point of view as a player there shouldnt be so many levels for Multi IP / Pushing.
      Maybe 2 Levels. If i do things like that than i cant blame anyone besides myself.

      And if there is a situation where someone would loose troops or the main fleet they would might take the risk because they know there are 5 levels.
      Especially in a later time of the game with thousands of mercs..

      i definetly think the limit of 2 accounts for IP sharing is neccessary. LOL... it would be intresting to know what was the max of accounts playing over 1 IP?


      Who would check the accounts on Multi IP/ Pushing since there have been problems in the past in regards to the amount of work?
      That would be another pro for reducing the Levels of Pushing/ Multi IP.

    • The amount of levels is necessary, mainly because account violations & conduct violations are cumulative.

      So If a player bashes someone 3 times, raise to lvl 2, 2 Pushings by accidental trades (can happen) and 1 multi he is now at lvl 3.

      Clearly each infraction has different duration since you can ban the same for bashing than for multi.

      Now your questions, multi ip is very easy because the go tool flags accounts with same IP.
      Pushing is abit more time consuming but once some internal stuff are prepared we will continue with the go recruitment.
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • i understand your thought.
      And i agree , accidental trades or bashes can happen.

      I just think Multi IP , Multi IP Pushing / Multi IP Attacks etc. should be punished harder since they can not just accidently happen.
      I never had a problem like that. I sitted accounds during holidays. Talked to GO's .. everything was fine because i followed the rules.
      Its kind of ridiculous that the 2nd and 3rd account of players(1st account got banned) are on the same or higher level than a average players 1st account.
      No doubt good players but that the sign to me that we need harder punishments. They shouldnt be able to be on the same level.

      I just think we will be talking about this hole topic again soon.
      And i really think its not too much to expect the players not to Multi IP / Push etc..

      I appreciate the affords in regards to find solutions with the community though.
      I hope we will find a solution which makes everybody happy .. Players and GO's
    • Yes, the durations will be much harder than before, and as I said with the cumulative factor maybe it's his first Multi IP ban but he gets a lvl 3 and 2 months ban (for example)

      We are not trying to ban half the server so there is only 20 players playing fair, we are trying to get players to understand, if you don't play by the rules you will get banned, if you continue it will be for a long time.
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • Stv3N wrote:

      Yes, the durations will be much harder than before, and as I said with the cumulative factor maybe it's his first Multi IP ban but he gets a lvl 3 and 2 months ban (for example)

      We are not trying to ban half the server so there is only 20 players playing fair, we are trying to get players to understand, if you don't play by the rules you will get banned, if you continue it will be for a long time.
      Lol... Meanwhile you lost a big amout of players because of those who had multi.. if you had clear rules since the beginning maybe that could have been prevented..
      boom boom boom i like it in my room :P
    • Before reading, I say that the biggest problem here are the multi-accounts and the indirect pushing.

      Later than I read, I like this idea, and agree with whistla. Multi.account violation needs to have harder punishment than the others one, and a maximum of multi-account must be established. If you get more than 2 accounts the sanction needs to be bigger.
      Borja Work

    • Nicky wrote:

      Lol... Meanwhile you lost a big amout of players because of those who had multi.. if you had clear rules since the beginning maybe that could have been prevented..

      You have done 4 posts and in every single one your just flaming and complaining very little positive help towards the community.

      If you have nothing that can help the community that you complain so much about just avoid posting.
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • Matacapullos wrote:

      Before reading, I say that the biggest problem here are the multi-accounts and the indirect pushing.

      Later than I read, I like this idea, and agree with whistla. Multi.account violation needs to have harder punishment than the others one, and a maximum of multi-account must be established. If you get more than 2 accounts the sanction needs to be bigger.

      There is no need for punishments for more than 2 Accounts, since with the new rules your are only allowed 2 Accounts max, since its pretty hard prove one is the same person.

      At the start those that have more than one Account, I will block the smallest one, or they may chose if they want an other account blocked.. After it will the the account they have used last, example if 2 Accounts have been used for months and then he uses an other for a day, the banned Account would be that one.

      What I also think we may have to look into, is the illegal Account exchanges, many players are flagged for multi and this is just because they left there other account and started an other...maybe with the 2 Accounts Limite, manually actions can be taken.. need to think about this.
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • Stv3N wrote:

      Nicky wrote:

      Lol... Meanwhile you lost a big amout of players because of those who had multi.. if you had clear rules since the beginning maybe that could have been prevented..
      You have done 4 posts and in every single one your just flaming and complaining very little positive help towards the community.

      If you have nothing that can help the community that you complain so much about just avoid posting.
      Then you don't know the definition of flaming. I am complaining about something that you fail to see and that is just to ban pushers and multi.
      Me and others here are asking for.. ban Muti for 1Y and you fail to understand that?

      There is no need for punishments for more than 2 Accounts, since with the new rules your are only allowed 2 Accounts max
      aha now it is allowed to have 2 accounts ? lol
      boom boom boom i like it in my room :P
    • Sorry for delay, in doing extra hours at work because of Holidays.

      This will be finnished and posted tonight, although I do not think it will be the final version.

      At least so there is a draft for debates.
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • I know you don't like screen shots but, it takes to long to format a post correctly.

      Conduct Violations draft
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      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • Iv removed 1 year ban, since with new rules players will not be allowed to abandon there old, banned account, and start with a different one, therefore I think it's best bans are lowered but are more harsh since they will be forced to stop playing for the duration indicated.

      Lvl 4 & 5 is allways without Umode since those clearly are repetitive bans and the duration is more hard.

      I will be thinking of adding a Special Violations submenú to have bans better devided and in this case with less levels.

      Opinions, on this draft?
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • Dr.Greenthumb wrote:

      Dr.Greenthumb wrote:

      i would prefer to remove the vacation-modus on a level 2+ ban.
      what i dont get is the "provocation" section tho since this game lives off of it.
      could get really hard to define that in a consequent manner.
      It's only a draft, im still not convinced with the one published, but at least I get opinions.

      "Provocation" I can understand but this rule is to have a line between provocation and minor insult, many times we allow very minor insults, diminutives, etc.. since it's a mafia game... I will make an internal guideline for banning, in this case it will only be when one player repetitively provokes a player.

      BulldogBuende wrote:

      1 assassin should be considered a spy. 2 assassins as attack as well as spies

      Im confused here, not long ago everyone wanted to remove assassin's.

      I would have to talk this subject with @RaVenC since it would change game play alot.
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."