Pinned New rules draft [Poll]

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    • New rules draft [Poll]

      Do you like the new rules draft? 15

      The result is only visible to the participants.

      Dear Community,

      Here is the draft of the new game rules, please read them carefully and if you do not agree with something or think something is missing, this is the moment to give us your feedback back, once they are implemented it will be too late.

      The Poll is basic "Do you like the new rules draft?" : YES or NO

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      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Matacapullos ().

    • Next part:

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      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Matacapullos ().

    • i stoped reading in like the middle because i couldnt find a different rule so far.
      in case something changed, can you make short tldr?

      one thing i noticed tho is this one:

      so what is the purpose of the bounty then? paying bounty so no one receives the resources? this rule makes absolutely no sense.
      if you dont want players to receive bounty resources, just remove the bounty-system.
      2005 - 2018

      #1 Speedserver

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Green ().

    • Iv alllready proposed bounty is deactivated.
      It's currently used just before an attack to push other players.

      The bounty system was not created with the intention to pay resources when a known attack will happen, it was there so players pay resources towards enemies so that it would incentive others to Attack to gain the resources.

      Basically a motivator for attacks.

      I did the rules over 2-3 months ago, I would need re-read to make a list of changes, but there was mostly rework of defenitions so that each rule was understood currently, there is also a couple new notes that change the rules.

      The most important part is the ban catalog, that has a major rework, at the end of the days the rules will allways go down the same road with some tweaks.
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • Stv3N wrote:

      Iv alllready proposed bounty is deactivated.
      It's currently used just before an attack to push other players.

      The bounty system was not created with the intention to pay resources when a known attack will happen, it was there so players pay resources towards enemies so that it would incentive others to Attack to gain the resources.

      Basically a motivator for attacks.
      i see it as a whole picture and cant make up any difference. its still resources going from source A -> source B, doesnt matter when the bounty was set.
      the reasoning doesnt change the outcome at all.

      in your described scenario its still not 100% sure where the resources are going to (could still be your family member). but how it is right now, its just a compensation for loosing troops. and i think thats a good thing to have. and still, you cant be sure the target will get hit.
      2005 - 2018

      #1 Speedserver

    • This thread is only for comments about the new rules draft, any questions not related can be done on an other thread or via PM.

      Now back to the subject on hand.
      This is the moment for everyone's comments, don't regret not saying anything once the rules are official.

      - Bounty System note.
      I will look into how that can be rewritten or removed.
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • Found this in internal board, there may be something missing, but must changes should be listed below.

      General Conduct
      - Misconduct
      - Provocation

      - Multi IP Attacks (existed, term created)
      - IP Sharing limitation
      - Pushing resources sent to staff member

      - Exempt if player is more than 14 days inactive.

      Interference with Game technology
      (Explained with more details)

      Staff Decisions
      - Discuss Punishments
      - Acuse of cheating
      - Player rights
      - Bans final (Players banned cannot play with an other account unless permission is given)
      - Any insults, threats, etc towards staff members will result in ban x3 ( Example: Minor insult to a player 3 Days, to a staff member 9 days)

      Account Exchange
      - Difference between illegal and legal account exchanges

      General Operating Conditions
      (Fully rewritten)
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • so how are my questions not about the new rule draft and offtopic? i legit just gave you a feedback and thats what you asked for?

      Stv3N wrote:

      Dear Community,

      Here is the draft of the new game rules, please read them carefully and if you do not agree with something or think something is missing, this is the moment to give us your feedback back, once they are implemented it will be too late.

      guess im out.
      2005 - 2018

      #1 Speedserver

    • Dr.Greenthumb wrote:

      so how are my questions not about the new rule draft and offtopic? i legit just gave you a feedback and thats what you asked for?
      My warning about offtopic was to bulldog, just didn't feel the need to edit his post.
      If you see we both posted at the same time.

      Your contribution has been added to my list of tweaks, I will think what's best; Totally remove that note or edit it so it makes abit more sense.

      Your last post actually convinced me of your point of view, just will meditate it, since the rules won't be implemented soon.
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • but that should be a rule... because that is what we have been asking for so long. At the moment you have people getting banned for the same thing and they only get 2-3 days...

      So there should be something stating: When infraction is repeated the punishement is doube; tripple; whatever, just longer.. That is how it works in a legal system
      boom boom boom i like it in my room :P
    • Stv3N wrote:

      Why don't you go read the ban catalog... :huh:

      One thing is a rule and an other thing is the catalog for how bans are processed.
      because i have read it and it does not say anything really important ? althought you mention something that they are nore accumulated there is still nothing defining how long you get banned, what is a sever break of rules etc..
      Like if you get 3 days for a multi (that many here have received multiple times) then i still call it a farce..

      And for your common knowledge.. the rules support the catalog, but the rules prime
      boom boom boom i like it in my room :P
    • Clearly you lack to understand the point.
      When ever you have something constructive to add le me know.

      Your complaining about something that is going to be implemented, it's right in front of you and you still don't see it...

      Anyway this just proves you don't understand the ban catalog... If you would actually invest abit of effort in reading them a couple of times you would understand that with 3 severe bans a player is one year banned... Hmm rules don't say that.. but if you actually read there is a note that you can't avoid a ban with a new account unless authorized by the team.

      The rules prime over the violations of the game, the ban catalog states how they should be applied...

      Stv3N wrote:

      (...)ban times have not been yet assigned, but I mostly would like feedback on the structure since alot has changed.(...)
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • then next time make something read frienldly and not posting some pics you took a screenshot from your mobile device.. because I have read it 3-4 times and could not find that info.. not to mention that your post could not be read from my mobile device... but maybe that is how the BB board is designed.

      And i do understand the catolog.. just it is useless when you have not yet discussed severity.. multi/ip violiation should directly be 1Y, there is no need for 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Feels like you really like to over complicate things..

      Btw.. i would maybe do something for the account exchanges.. like i have the feeling that some are just changing it. can you not limit it like 1 acc per year ?
      Player A gives player B his acc, they get a cooldown for the acc..
      boom boom boom i like it in my room :P

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Nicky ().

    • Pushing: I believe that voluntary pushing and error should be differentiated. I trade millions of resources every day and it happens that I'm wrong or that the player I sell is wrong.
      was banned twice (the first I do not even know exactly what I was
      wrong) while the second time the player who bought me dollars had wrong
      500k ammunition on 2kk for a distraction and I had ban for 7 days.
      it possible to insert a clause that in similar cases (when it is likely
      to be an error) in which the error can be compensated within, say, 12
      hours from a GO notification?
    • Normal the team will no act in small amounts gained from trades (of ours if your trading 10k small can be something like 1-2k but if your trading 100k small can be 10k) we don't have an exact number, since if there would be most people would abuse this amount allowed.

      Most pushing cases are give to Mata this he's the number guy and then we decide as a team.

      When this happens continuesly we normal consider this pushing since 1 trade a day gaining 10k each trade is 70k in a week if your trading 100k, you've nearly got a free trade. It's a risk taken when you repeat it alot, we can understand you get it wrong once, twice or even a couple of times a month, depending how much one trades, but on every trade?

      As I did say not long ago, warnings were removed because of the amount of players pushing in S2.

      Ps. The example I just used is an "example" just in case...
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."