Pinned New rules draft [Poll]

    • The maximum sitting period is too much long for me. I know that it is annoying when you go on holidays and lost advantage in your account process ... but if you are offline, what you want? u-mode exists for this cases too.

      About pushing: go away of your family, attack any member to get resources, and join again in the family would be including here (on short periods). Same in the opposite case, when someone left and he is attacked by family members to get resources and later join again.
      Inactive players (+7 or 14 days) should be excluded.

      And I'm agree with Nicky on account exchanges. Some players get an account and left it, get anohter account and left it, get another ... and again, and again. We need a limit here.
      Borja Work

    • Thanks Mata, your feedback allways usefull.

      I'll review sitting period, what max duration would you recommend? Half the current?

      That sort of pushing has allways been included, it's indirect pushing.
      What do you mean inactive should be excluded? If he's inactive he's not pushing indirectly, he is a farm :D

      Account Exchange Limite is already on my list of tweaks.
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • Im doing some game checks and in finding alot of legal pushing, that's ok but i don't like the amounts that are pushed since some players coordinate very good.

      What does everyone think of limiting legal pushing (Bigger player to smaller player) to something like 1 legal pushing every 48h.
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • I will be preparing the ban catalog ban durations draft this week.

      With kids holidays and work I don't have much time, im trying to work on multiple things at the same time.

      What you mentioned was my thought for those bans that are repetitive.
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • This is my current list of stuff to check and rework/add

      - Bounty System note
      Most users don't like this, maybe this note could be removed and bounty system tweaked, giving less resources.

      - Account Exchange
      Some players are exchanging accounts regularly, maybe Limite 1 Account exchange pero 6 months.

      - Limite Legal Pushing
      Some players take advantage of legal pushing and send big amounts of resources, maybe it should be limited to certain degree.

      - Note for Trades
      Add a small note when trades are not done correctly they may pay the difference within X hours.

      - SittingReview Sitting period and prohibit multiple sittings.

      - Fake User
      Impersonation of other players.
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • Now im trying to think of a way to eradicate Multi Accounts, the problem is the following:

      As the current rules state, if there is no direct or indirect contact between Accounts they are allowed.

      Some users deside to have imaginary brothers, farthers, etc to avoid bans.

      I do have knowledge that some do this to infiltrate other Allie's , spy enemies, etc..

      So does anyone have any ideas of proof that must be given to allow a Multi Account.

      I was told that in old Vendetta you had to send proof of person for Multi Accounts.
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • Stv3N wrote:

      Now im trying to think of a way to eradicate Multi Accounts, the problem is the following:

      As the current rules state, if there is no direct or indirect contact between Accounts they are allowed.

      Some users deside to have imaginary brothers, farthers, etc to avoid bans.

      I do have knowledge that some do this to infiltrate other Allie's , spy enemies, etc..

      So does anyone have any ideas of proof that must be given to allow a Multi Account.

      I was told that in old Vendetta you had to send proof of person for Multi Accounts.

      `Pero si es difícil para uds mirar cuales son las multis ahora para imaginate para nosotros jeje, si me he dado cuenta de cosas pero no me quiero ganar un ban pendejo aca.

      You know what to do with big fat butt... Wiggles wiggles... :thumbup: by evil

      [Blocked Image:]
    • egal, ich würde nie wissentlich regeln brechen und habe sie mir gut durchgelesen und wurde nun für etwas gesperrt was so nicht drin stand, wollte nur andere warnen und muss meine Woche sperre nun halt absitzen, wieder etwas dazugelernt, meine frau freut sich da sie das spiel sowieso nicht mag

      Ban will not be removed.
      this is the rule that has been broken:

      "attack between 2 players of the same IP to a third party in a short time range is also prohibited"

      Below is an explanation step by step with time stamp explained by Mata:

      2018-07-20 06:15:44 end time - Luis Suarez attacks Rottweiler and he destroy him a few mercenaries.
      2018-07-20 07:41:54 - rott connected and check the attack. Tell to Müge to attack Luis Suarez.
      2018-07-20 07:49:39 - Müge connected.
      2018-07-20 07:50:26 start time - Müge sent the attack. He/she knows where the Luis Suarez's troops are, and if Luis is disconnected the attack will be success. Only a few seconds (47 seconds) from the connect hour to send the attack to the correct coordinates and know the details.
      2018-07-20 10:11:56 (should be 08:11:56? its a bug, his attacks last ~2 hours. If not the attack was not success) return time - Luis Suarez's troops returned to 27:24:55
      2018-07-20 08:53:14 end time - the attack

      This is the reason for the ban

      Best Regards

      Warned by Stv3N

      Private Messages are called like for a reason, especially those from Staff Members.

    • eskiaa wrote:

      almenos para ti hay una explicacion, para mi es sigueme llamando y te baneo por un año?? Ni si quiera estabamos en el juego y me iban a bannear ??? Pfff
      Teléfonos are for private use and I do not take harassment litely, therefore yes you will get banned you keep phoning my private number and thanks to you it will be added to the new rules.

      All above I will read tonight, since I have to translate...
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • te sentiste porque te llame?? te puse a trabajar de mas?? Perdoname

      Edit by Matacapullos: stop provocation to the staff members, and respect his privacity.

      You know what to do with big fat butt... Wiggles wiggles... :thumbup: by evil

      [Blocked Image:]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Matacapullos ().

    • This thread is for opinions about the game rules draft, if we are going to have offtopic from banned players we will close this thread and the rules will only be shown when official.
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."