Starkiller [DT] vs Thor [#EZ] Points Lost: 194.650.000

    • Starkiller [DT] vs Thor [#EZ] Points Lost: 194.650.000

      Looks like we got a HOF top 10, pretty even battle in the end it was won by the better research. I know you're inactive Thor but it was a good battle.

      11. Starkiller - 1.1x10^8
      14. Thor - 9.62x10^7

      53. Starkiller - 1.69x10^6
      37.Thor - 9.88x10^6

      Battle reportCombat Report: 6:18:87 (Starkiller) >>>
      04/30/2018 08,:02,:04

      Battle round 1
      Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
      Schakal 0 0 1 0
      Colonization Ship 0 0 3
      Espionage Probe 0 0 18432
      Transporter 0 0 64 31
      Stealth Bomber 164392 84,046 112,027
      Longeagle V 4,054 2,073 69,314 33,877
      Noah 17,199 8,793 11,786 5,760
      Longeagle X 6,635 3,392 9,331 4,561
      Sentih 16,206 8,285 9,055 4,426
      Light Laser Tower 500 244
      Plasma Tower 500 244
      Rocket Tower 1 0
      Attack index 8,729,261,939 * 82%
      = 7,157,994,790 8,511,800,439 * 81% = 6,894,558,356
      Defense index 46,122,606,317 42,,43,0,0,34,,527
      Chances of Winning 48% 52%
      Chances of Espionage 0%

      Battle round 2
      Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
      Schakal 0 0 1 0
      Colonization Ship 0 0 2
      Espionage Probe 0 0 9423
      Transporter 0 0 33 16
      Stealth Bomber 80346 42,532 57,274
      Longeagle V 1,981 1,049 35,437 16,678
      Noah 8,406 4,450 6,026 2,836
      Longeagle X 3,243 1,717 4,770 2,245
      Sentih 7,921 4,193 4,629 2,179
      Light Laser Tower 256 120
      Plasma Tower 256 120
      Rocket Tower 1 0
      Attack index 4,266,526,491 * 82%
      = 3,498,551,723 4,351,495,838 * 81% = 3,524,711,629
      Defense index 22,543,149,064 21,,69,1,4,27,,482
      Chances of Winning 47% 53%
      Chances of Espionage 0%

      Battle round 3
      Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
      Schakal 0 0 1 0
      Colonization Ship 0 0 1
      Espionage Probe 0 0 4988
      Transporter 0 0 17 7
      Stealth Bomber 37814 21,795 30,319
      Longeagle V 932 537 18,759 7,947
      Noah 3,956 2,280 3,190 1,351
      Longeagle X 1,526 880 2,525 1,070
      Sentih 3,728 2,149 2,450 1,038
      Light Laser Tower 136 58
      Plasma Tower 136 58
      Rocket Tower 1 0
      Attack index 2,007,980,468 * 82%
      = 1,646,543,984 2,303,375,055 * 81% = 1,865,733,795
      Defense index 10,609,632,024 11,,48,1,5,83,,582
      Chances of Winning 42% 58%
      Chances of Espionage 0%

      Battle round 4
      Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
      Schakal 0 0 1 0
      Colonization Ship 0 0 1
      Espionage Probe 0 0 2875
      Transporter 0 0 10 3
      Stealth Bomber 16019 11,088 17,475
      Longeagle V 395 273 10,812 3,328
      Noah 1,676 1,160 1,839 566
      Longeagle X 646 447 1,455 448
      Sentih 1,579 1,093 1,412 435
      Light Laser Tower 78 24
      Plasma Tower 78 24
      Rocket Tower 1 0
      Attack index 850,501,899 * 82%
      = 697,411,557 1,327,526,064 * 81% = 1,075,296,112
      Defense index 4,493,739,056 6,,61,7,3,43,,029
      Chances of Winning 30% 70%
      Chances of Espionage 0%

      Battle round 5
      Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
      Schakal 0 0 1 0
      Colonization Ship 0 0 1
      Espionage Probe 0 0 1990
      Transporter 0 0 7 1
      Stealth Bomber 4931 4,393 12,095
      Longeagle V 122 109 7,484 817
      Noah 516 460 1,273 139
      Longeagle X 199 177 1,007 110
      Sentih 486 433 977 107
      Light Laser Tower 54 6
      Plasma Tower 54 6
      Rocket Tower 1 0
      Attack index 261,812,494 * 82%
      = 214,686,245 918,740,974 * 81% = 744,180,189
      Defense index 1,383,299,494 4,,57,9,5,28,,979
      Chances of Winning 10% 90%
      Chances of Espionage 0%
      Captured Resources
      Iron 0 1,131,040,000 -1,131,040,000
      Lutinum 0 13,195,380,000 -13,195,380,000
      Water 0 0 0
      Hydrogen 0 4,315,978,000 -4,315,978,000