DoubleD [CP] vs. Bud Spencer [FdP] lost points 2.109.094

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    • DoubleD [CP] vs. Bud Spencer [FdP] lost points 2.109.094

      Combat Report: XX:XX:XX (DoubleD) >>> XX:XX:XX (Bud spencer)

      Battle round 1
      Attacker Defender
      Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
      Darwin 0 0 79665 79665
      Raider 0 0 7111 6230
      Espionage Probe 0 0 6 6
      Stealth Bomber 17750 17750 0 0
      Longeagle V 0 0 614 0
      Sentih 0 0 9 0

      lost Points:

      DoubleD: 763.250
      Bud Spencer: 1.345.844

      Total lost points: 2.109.094