SpeedServer | Sugestions & Ideas

    • I will be the first :D

      I really like the new mobile design, but iv found two improvements, maybe it only happens to me because of my phone...

      - The Next planet arrows are abit too small and sometimes when i try to press i cant get my finger on them. If they could be abit bigger, maybe double the current size, it would help alot.

      - I would add a frame/border on the right side, since the template adapts to screen size sometimes the clock makes my screen size change making it jump and can be annoying when trying to send attacks.

      Again, i think this is due to my screen size since its not a big phone.
      Mail: Stv3N@gmx.es
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • Ok, my screen size was 320x569, was too small... Code has been optimized.

      Now that i can see the real mobile versión, i have two ideas.

      - I cant see the msg icon or its colour to know when i have msgs.. i would recomend some way to know... Maybe if the menu button would change colour , so when i get pm, It turns green and Atks red, so i know to check.

      - I think It would be very usefull to have the arrows on the main screen to change plantes..maybe were It says Planet have an arrow on each side to change, or even moving It to under resource bar in the center.

      If anyone else has ideas feel free to share
      Mail: Stv3N@gmx.es
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • Ok, so far..

      I think the new menu makes the Game speed abit more slow, would it be possible maybe to have a small mini bar... Ill explain.

      Just under the resources bar add a menu (left to right, joined to the resource bar so its one menú) with small icons, for example; Overview, Buildings, Ships, Research, Missions

      So from the main Page i can move around those pages without having to open the menu. On that same menu i would add the building arrows, maybe at start and end.

      I know you are looking for template tweaks, but i would recomend the following for speed server:

      - Remove complete buildings button
      - Increase queue size (maybe 10)
      - Add research queue (maybe 3-5)
      - Use original highscore for speedserver

      You know i like my servers abit faster, if there was a normal and x2 server id play the x2... How about having a speed server that has a fórmula so that It restarts automaticly and starts again after x days rest, allways with diferent speeds and duration.

      PS. Chat is oversized for the new theme, atleast on my phone i would reduce width and increase length
      Mail: Stv3N@gmx.es
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • I can keep going :D

      Add pop up on resource bar, so that when i click on a resource it shows a brief review of production and limit.

      Would it be possible to make the resource bar live? On a normal server It doesnt matter but on speed it helps abit.
      Mail: Stv3N@gmx.es
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • Sentih ( 2350 )
      Buscando la perfección hizo que tus científicos aprendieron mucho sobre los motores, el blindaje y el armamento del futuro. Un periodo corto después nació el Águila Grande X, tus científicos hicieron un gran avance. Optimizaron el motor de propulsión, añadieron más blindaje y armamento en la nueva nave al costo de capacidad de carga, finalmente creando la nave más fuerte del universo. Ahora es tu hora, joven Emperador de reforzar tu Senith para conquistar el Universo4000.

      H: 100.000 [Blocked Image: https://speed.universe4k.com/game/inc/universe4k/img/R1K.gif]
      L: 400.000 [Blocked Image: https://speed.universe4k.com/game/inc/universe4k/img/R2K.gif]
      Hy: 250.000 [Blocked Image: https://speed.universe4k.com/game/inc/universe4k/img/R4K.gif]
      duración: 00:00:33

      1) You can add the number of ships that one has in parentheses in the factory of ships***

      2)Arrive at level 9 diplomacy and only gives me attack and defense power 99% with 15 planets if I have 16 and I lower to 98% ...
      Could you create a new level of diplomacy to get to have 20 planets with 99% attack and defense?
      [Blocked Image: https://ibb.co/jeMvnk]

      The post was edited 3 times, last by crossman ().