Proposal: Remove Points of Units

    • The problem is not what you do with the game.... modifiers.... removing unit points.

      The problem is the people playing the game and their style of play.

      Some build economy, some build like a turtle, some build attacking fleets.

      We have liked the way this game is for many years and to change it to force people to change there style may be a negative. You may lose people because this will force them to be attacking all the time.

      Some may play here for the community but are not active enough to keep doing attacks.

      You must think when you change for a few people how many may not like it.

      I work on dont change what isn't broken.

      Modifying fleets is a good idea, promoting attacks in a reward system would be good.

      However making a highscore that forces people to attack to gain positions I think is a bad idea.

      Really all that caters to is the aggressive players and the ones who have the most time.

      If we dont like turtles or point collectors then people work together to bring them down. it's a simple as that. Changing the way it's dislpayed wont change that.

      You will find people who still turtle because they dont care for the highscores.
    • Jpr wrote:

      What if a 10m player attacks 100m player, just farming their sides to kill transport ships etc? Would they get bonus points in title score for this for attacking larger player?

      Also starscream, at least a decent amount of noah are unavoidable now because all combat ships have had their cargo capacity nerfed. So any attack you are looking to gain resources you need transport ships in addition to ships required to win the battle (or be smart and send your noah afterwards, especially as sentih has 1.1* modifier v noah).

      Either way, changes to the game make it more fun and hopefully keep people interested a bit longer.

      It would max at 100%. This is just to protect point farming against weaker players.
    • You guys have been busy, im sorry yo say i didnt read all...

      I like the idea of not knowing how many troops your enemy really has, maybe a good idea to avoid mass suicide is an indicator that you are attacking a much bigger player, you attack at your own risk...this would avoid point farming or atleast make It harder.... This could be done with the troop points but hidden to use only for the warning.

      I also think noob protection should be improved maybe some other factores into the fórmula....

      And i will continúe to request the event system especially now :)

      Lets see how the server goes, should be fun.
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • Already introduced a new approach for the indicator some minutes ago.
      When the player have more than 10 times of your unit points, an arrow up will be shown.
      When the player has less than a tenth of your unit points, an arrow down will be shown.
      With less than 10 times and more than a tenth, a double arrow (<->) will be shown.
      And with zero points, there will be a cross. :)
      • score.png

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