Insults and profanities

  • Insults and profanities

    First of all, I would like to say that I'm not sure whether this is the appropriate section for this, but I have something I need to report. If this is not the right place, please feel free to close and contact me where it's more appropriate, or to direct me to the right place.

    So, I had an alliance with these guys for little less than one month and everything was just fine. We texted several times and everything was nice. Out of the blue, I received a pretty disturbing message: ma dio cane mi hanno attaccato. Puoi darci una mano con la tua inutile famiglia?

    For those who don't speak Italian, the second and third words of this message are pretty bad profanities. I replied to him:" ma sei fuori"? Which literally means, are you out of your mind?

    To which he replied: come osi parlare in questo tono a PAPA WINSTON II, la voce di DIO?! Con la tua famigliucola composta da traditori ed ex galeotti e guidata da un pluri pregiudicato megalomane come te! Io ed il mio fido CARDINALE VERDONE vi SCOMUNICHIAMO UFFICIALMENTE dalla Chiesa! Chiedete ufficialmente perdono e forse potremmo riconsiderarvi come alleati. In più esigiamo 2 milioni di risorse per ogni genere entro stasera.

    This is another series of pretty bad insults, where he pretends to be the Pope, and where he claims that me and my family are traitors and jail detainees. He also said that unless we begged for mercy and send them 2kk of each resources they won't be our ally's anymore. To which I replied, explaining them that they need to be careful to what they say, to don't use multi accounts and to be careful.

    To which he replied again with another series of insults: Stai zitto feccia umana. La Chiesa ti è superiore, strisciate davanti a noi e forse ti risparmieremo! adesso ti facciamo bannare per i multi attacchi.

    Saying that i'm a human scum, still pretending to be part of the church and to ban me for multi attacks. I did not bash him, I only spied Cardinale Verdone in every building ONCE and then sent mercenaries to his buildings. Once I saw he was online, because he sent me a msg, i called my troops back. The GO's and moderators can check this, as well as my messages.

    Later, Cardinale Verdone, member of the same family, sent me a message: Senti pezzo di cazzo puoi attaccare quanto vuoi me ne fotto pezzente

    This is another series of low pointless insults that I don't want to translate.

    That was it. I don't think this behaviour is anywhere near being appropriate. These guys just went crazy for no reason, insulted me, my family and using blasphemies and profanities. In the home page of their family they pretend to be the pope and a cardinal... I know... It's really weird, but true.

    I also have reason to believe that one account that goes by the name of "cripstac", is actually a multi account they made to spy people. I ask whoever's in charge to check these facts and intervene. Everything I said I can prove, so please just contact me. Thank you.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by IlPresidente ().