Misaki Taro vs Players

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    • Misaki Taro vs Players

      Last CRs:

      (ByeByeMisakiTaro) >>> (cichy)

      Battle round 1
      Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
      Schakal 0 0 1335 1248
      Colonization Ship 0 0 1 1
      Espionage Probe 0 0 2465 2304
      Stealth Bomber 281075 18389 16599 15513
      Longeagle V 8973 587 9361 8749
      Noah 4892 320 132 123
      Longeagle X 3278 214 1541 1440
      Sentih 2030 133 591 552
      Combat Probe 0 0 1 1
      Rocket Tower 50 47

      Attack index 4.391.873.919 * 80%
      = 3.513.499.135 493.921.932 * 92%
      = 454.408.177
      Defense index 9.758.272.893
      Chances of Winning 93% 7%
      Chances of Espionage 0%

      Battle round 2
      Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
      Schakal 0 0 87 87
      Espionage Probe 0 0 161 161
      Stealth Bomber 262686 0 1086 1086
      Longeagle V 8386 0 612 612
      Noah 4572 0 9 9
      Longeagle X 3064 0 101 101
      Sentih 1897 0 39 39
      Rocket Tower 3 3

      Attack index 4.104.525.797 * 80%
      = 3.283.620.638 32.374.811 * 92%
      = 29.784.826
      Defense index 9.119.656.835 144.942.311
      Chances of Winning 100% 0%
      Chances of Espionage 0%

      (ByeByeMisakiTaro) >>> (dacara)
      7 057 908 + 18 634 943=25 692 851 TOP10 HOF

      Battle round 1
      Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
      Schakal 0 0 1 1
      Espionage Probe 0 0 2765 1985
      Stealth Bomber 80000 22560 0 0
      Longeagle V 0 0 6395 4592
      Noah 7604 2144 2929 2103
      Longeagle X 3174 895 3717 2669
      Spit 0 0 1 1
      Sentih 1952 550 1660 1192
      Combat Probe 0 0 105 75
      Light Laser Tower 64902 46600
      Laser Tower 1513 1086
      EMP Launcher 1507 1082
      Plasma Tower 651 467
      Rocket Tower 119 85

      Attack index 1.766.250.656 * 80%
      = 1.413.000.525 701.764.696 * 90%
      = 631.588.226
      Defense index 7.205.596.662
      Chances of Winning 71% 29%
      Chances of Espionage 0%

      Battle round 2
      Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
      Espionage Probe 0 0 780 716
      Stealth Bomber 57440 4731 0 0
      Longeagle V 0 0 1803 1654
      Noah 5460 450 826 758
      Longeagle X 2279 188 1048 962
      Sentih 1402 115 468 429
      Combat Probe 0 0 30 28
      Light Laser Tower 18302 16795
      Laser Tower 427 392
      EMP Launcher 425 390
      Plasma Tower 184 169
      Rocket Tower 34 31

      Attack index 1.268.306.326 * 80%
      = 1.014.645.061 197.860.470 * 90%
      = 178.074.423
      Defense index 5.174.648.745
      Chances of Winning 91% 9%
      Chances of Espionage 0%

      Battle round 3
      Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
      Espionage Probe 0 0 64 64
      Stealth Bomber 52709 0 0 0
      Longeagle V 0 0 149 149
      Noah 5010 0 68 68
      Longeagle X 2091 0 86 86
      Sentih 1287 0 39 39
      Combat Probe 0 0 2 2
      Light Laser Tower 1507 1507
      Laser Tower 35 35
      EMP Launcher 35 35
      Plasma Tower 15 15
      Rocket Tower 3 3

      Attack index 1.163.954.957 * 80%
      = 931.163.966 16.379.920 * 90%
      = 14.741.928
      Defense index 4.749.245.006 98.103.676
      Chances of Winning 100% 0%
      Chances of Espionage 0%

      (ByeByeMisakiTaro) >>> (Glaudrim)

      Battle round 1
      Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
      Schakal 0 0 3 2
      Espionage Probe 0 0 201 159
      Transporter 0 0 2 2
      Stealth Bomber 65000 13698 8000 6314
      Longeagle V 0 0 9720 7672
      Noah 5365 1131 252 199
      Longeagle X 2106 444 1413 1115
      Sentih 1289 272 660 521

      Attack index 1.311.115.623 * 80%
      = 1.048.892.498 423.794.700 * 87%
      = 368.701.389
      Defense index 4.921.678.371
      Chances of Winning 78% 22%
      Chances of Espionage 0%

      Battle round 2
      Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
      Schakal 0 0 1 1
      Espionage Probe 0 0 42 41
      Stealth Bomber 51302 1661 1686 1631
      Longeagle V 0 0 2048 1982
      Noah 4234 137 53 51
      Longeagle X 1662 54 298 288
      Sentih 1017 33 139 135

      Attack index 1.034.695.453 * 80%
      = 827.756.362 89.302.479 * 87%
      = 77.693.157
      Defense index 3.883.621.229 472.435.259
      Chances of Winning 96% 4%
      Chances of Espionage 0%

      Battle round 3
      Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
      Espionage Probe 0 0 1 1
      Stealth Bomber 49641 0 55 55
      Longeagle V 0 0 66 66
      Noah 4097 0 2 2
      Longeagle X 1608 0 10 10
      Sentih 984 0 4 4

      Attack index * 80%
      = 800.927.120 2.829.084 * 87%
      = 2.461.303
      Defense index 3.757.676.604 14.804.934
      Chances of Winning 100% 0%
      Chances of Espionage 0%

      (ByeByeMisakiTaro) >>> (andrea)
      6 710 688+ 16 253 114 =22 963 802

      Battle round 1
      Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
      Schakal 0 0 3 2
      Espionage Probe 0 0 43 27
      Tjuger 0 0 51 32
      Cougar 0 0 70 44
      Trading Ship 0 0 227 142
      Stealth Bomber 97000 36231 21104 13221
      Longeagle V 0 0 5502 3447
      Noah 4137 1545 320 200
      Longeagle X 1608 601 2273 1424
      Sentih 984 368 1865 1168
      Light Laser Tower 1 1
      Plasma Tower 2513 1574
      Rocket Tower 13 8

      Attack index 1.560.859.162 * 80%
      = 1.248.687.330 706.805.548 * 95%
      = 671.465.271
      Defense index 4.142.784.226 3.389.349.631
      Chances of Winning 62% 38%
      Chances of Espionage 0%

      Battle round 2
      Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
      Schakal 0 0 1 1
      Espionage Probe 0 0 16 13
      Tjuger 0 0 19 15
      Cougar 0 0 26 21
      Trading Ship 0 0 85 67
      Stealth Bomber 60769 12627 7883 6245
      Longeagle V 0 0 2055 1628
      Noah 2592 539 120 95
      Longeagle X 1007 209 849 673
      Sentih 616 128 697 552
      Plasma Tower 939 744
      Rocket Tower 5 4

      Attack index 977.690.670 * 80%
      = 782.152.536 264.075.993 * 95%
      = 250.872.193
      Defense index 2.594.347.013 1.266.485.263
      Chances of Winning 79% 21%
      Chances of Espionage 0%

      Battle round 3
      Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
      Espionage Probe 0 0 3 3
      Tjuger 0 0 4 4
      Cougar 0 0 5 5
      Trading Ship 0 0 18 17
      Stealth Bomber 48142 1491 1638 1587
      Longeagle V 0 0 427 414
      Noah 2053 64 25 24
      Longeagle X 798 25 176 171
      Sentih 488 15 145 141
      Plasma Tower 195 189
      Rocket Tower 1 1

      Attack index 774.558.134 * 80%
      = 619.646.507 54.878.872 * 95%
      = 52.134.928
      Defense index 263.264.062
      Chances of Winning 96% 4%
      Chances of Espionage 0%

      Battle round 4
      Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
      Trading Ship 0 0 1 1
      Stealth Bomber 46651 0 51 51
      Longeagle V 0 0 13 13
      Noah 1989 0 1 1
      Longeagle X 773 0 5 5
      Sentih 473 0 4 4
      Plasma Tower 6 6

      Attack index 750.578.401 * 80%
      = 600.462.721 1.583.345 * 95%
      = 1.504.178
      Defense index 1.991.678.464 7.461.695
      Chances of Winning 100% 0%
      Chances of Espionage 0%

      Bye Bye!

      SiriusDelta, u know what u should do, because of title points:
      1ByeByeMisakiTaro118.864.545Lethal Champion

      Short summary- 06.06.2016!
      - Being part of the best alliance- thx u guys!

      - Top1 and Top3 HOF... and TOP10 ;-)- NOW,
      - exTop1 (Highscore)- 04.02.2016,
      - Top1 (Title points ) ;) Yes, I know- NOW.

      Retirement is calling, so good luck and CU!



      Misaki Taro aka makaroni
      Eloi, Eloi lama sabachthani?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by makaroni ().