What is the best playing style?

    • The difference is the many times that you have recalled your troops while trying to attack me... the way I play leaves the possibility both of someone hitting me, and of me ninja'ing them... The fleetsave strategy is about just hiding. There is no honor in hitting someones sides, then going and hiding all the time. Sorry, but you guys are arguing the really pathetic argument here.
    • I have never gone after someone's fleet and them not avoid me like the plague, even when it would be a fairly close battle. If I know it is going to be one hell of a close fight, then I won't fleetsave, I will stay and fight and just enjoy the mutual destruction... but if I know that I'm going to lose by a massive amount, then it would be stupid to stay and get slaughtered.

      Whenever possible you should fight on your own terms, that is basic strategy. I spent the time and effort building the fleet, you can bet I want that fleet to actually make some kind of impact, win or lose. And let us not pretend that you feel any different, I don't see you crashing into Stubigman... does that make you a coward? If Stubigman sends his fleet at you, you won't move? How many of your FCW pals would move? If Stubigman came knocking on BuDdy or *Thor*'s door, you can bet your ass they are going to run away. Are you calling them cowards?
    • your refusing the hear the difference I am claiming in scenarios.

      I am not at all referring to people who DODGE attacks, as you are referring to.

      I am referring only to the people who every single time they get offline, send all of their troops at every planet, to an empty planet so that they cannot be killed while they are offline. This ruins the game in my opinion, and is a major reason why there are so few attacks on this server.

      Dodging is normal and different than when I refer to Fleetsaving.
    • Let me quote a short line of Pirates of the Caribbean:

      Jack Sparrow (after Will draws his sword): Put it away, son. It's not worth you getting beat again.

      Will Turner: You didn't beat me. You ignored the rules of engagement. In a fair fight, I'd kill you.

      Jack Sparrow: That's not much incentive for me to fight fair, then, is it?

      It's the same with fleetsaving. What's the point in letting fleet stay on the planet when I KNOW that there are 30 people with bigger fleets who will definitely win a fight against me, of which 12 people definitely wish to knock me down? It's pure suicide, only letting someone else pay the flight cost instead of doing the suicide actively.
    • Why do you have so problem with my strategy of FS? Its my choice, and trust me, if you didnt do that on Ogame for example, even when i was nO.1 you would be crashed every night, especialy servers with ACS(group attacks). A couple of playeers can take me down, but still, like i said...if i can i try to lose my fleet on my terms :)

      If you dont like FS man...keep your fleet on the planet...your own choice..but that doesent make you a "brave" player...its your own choice :)

      FS-ing is not "coward" is my way of play :) If i am offline for a longer period, why would i be offline not knowing what is happening with my fleet? its easier for me to FS and enjoy other activities knowing i am safe :)

      Also, if someone wanna take me down, its HIST PROBLEM how he is going to get my fleet, not mine, and i am not going to make it easier for him by leaving my fleet unprotected during longer periods :)

      [Blocked Image: http://i.imgur.com/jV1WIIN.jpg]
    • CannabisKid wrote:

      your refusing the hear the difference I am claiming in scenarios.

      I am not at all referring to people who DODGE attacks, as you are referring to.

      I am referring only to the people who every single time they get offline, send all of their troops at every planet, to an empty planet so that they cannot be killed while they are offline. This ruins the game in my opinion, and is a major reason why there are so few attacks on this server.

      Dodging is normal and different than when I refer to Fleetsaving.

      You realise most of FWC are doing this fleet save yes?? it is part of the game.

      i prefer full on fleet battles and not hitting sides. To me I feel you have a 1 on 1 fleet battle and then leave that player to rebuild.

      in my eyes thats honourable.

      however ask players who hit sides like terminator and buddy and im sure they will say they do it to slow progress so this is again another strategy.

      we must just deal with it and let people play as they wish. :)
    • I could care less what playing style each one of you uses, my only issue was having your good bye hit against someone who is much weaker than you. When I leave I will look for someone who would give me a pretty even battle and have a glorious death.

      Now in love and war anything goes, if puppet launches at me, I will fleet save, since it wouldn't be an even battle. Once my fleet is stronger I will take it head on ;)
    • Yes but nobody left the game as well xD.

      there is no real strategy in this game unless you call camos and research a strategy.

      if you run away from bigger targets, but manage to hit weak targets, then your a god, the biggest pro in the game... Thats how this workss, or when have u seen a 50/50 battle ?

      when have u seen a 20mill player attack a 10mill point with only 10mill fleet? Never and that will mot change. Because if u are lower points, and stand up, but lose, ur a noob :)
    • misaki vs psycho was a 50 / 50 battle I hope you didnt forget this one ;)

      The aim of the game is to kill as many points as you can do. If a 20 mil player can catch a 10 mil player be assured he will do so because he may then be able to hit another before going down.

      a player 2 times your size is not weaker. He may have had weaker ships but in size he was not weaker. There for it's a non argument.

      i'd say weaker research and 2 times the size evens itself out.

      battousai I can if you'd like have an even fight with you.

      10 million points of mine vs 10 million of yours??
    • what would you call even Stusmallman? Going against me? You have a 42 million point difference and our research is two worlds apart.
      Don't come to me with "Oh It's not my fault I built my account like this, strategy, skill... blah blah blah"
      I know you feel lonely up there, but don't worry we haven't forgot about you, we'll bring you down just like it happened in infinite wars ;)

      You also talk about teamwork, about family, being a warrior, but I haven't seen you do anything, where you at bro? your members are being hit and all you do is hide like a turtle behind the massive amount of camos you built, the only time I've seen a hit on this forums was on LOQUI and I'm sure it was very convenient for you. I dare you big man to leave your shell and come crash all of FWC with your deadly and massive fleet.

      But we all know all you care about is holding the #1 overall spot in points and nothing more, this server will be just like the test server the #1 has 2 billion points, that's pathetic, go play minecraft and build yourself a big castle and sit there doing nothing.

      Stop defacing other players' names, that's not very mature. -Sirius

      ^^^ No problem Mod I won't deface players names anymore, I'll just give them nicknames ;)

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Shazam ().

    • lol battousai your right you all did bring me down, about 6 of you who had started the server a year or more before me, I past you all each time i went down I rebuilt and 1 by one destroyed you all until you all left. Lets not get into that ;)

      Plus i just said 10 million vs 10 million. forget I am 42 ahead i did not say they were included.

      77%bp vs yours at approx 88-90bp thats at least a 10% advantage.

      This is the best chance you have of having a fair battle against me because I can and will out build you over and over.

      Ive publically offered you the option now it's upto you. Contact me in game and we will arrange it away from every 1 else in the galaxy where nobody else can get involved if you like :)