*Thor*Asgard [FBI] - Sirius Delta [DT] - Points lost: 17.987.081

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    • *Thor*Asgard [FBI] - Sirius Delta [DT] - Points lost: 17.987.081

      Thanks Buddy :)

      Kampfbericht: WIN (*Thor*Asgard) >>> LOSE (Sirius Delta)

      2016-03-31 17:53:51

      Kampfrunde 1

      Einheiten Anzahl vernichtet Anzahl vernichtet

      Schakal 0 0 49 35

      Spionagesonde 0 0 50245 36150

      Tarnbomber 0 0 29585 21286

      Longeagle V 15827 4440 3434 2471

      Noah 7544 2116 1700 1223

      Longeagle X 3201 898 394 283

      Sentih 2084 585 1154 830

      Angriffswert 1.313.532.080 * 80%

      = 1.050.825.664 844.406.350 * 80%

      = 675.525.080

      Verteidigungswert 8.807.118.351 3.537.011.637

      Kampfrunde 2

      Einheiten Anzahl vernichtet Anzahl vernichtet

      Schakal 0 0 14 13

      Spionagesonde 0 0 14095 12952

      Tarnbomber 0 0 8299 7626

      Longeagle V 11387 923 963 885

      Noah 5428 440 477 438

      Longeagle X 2303 187 111 102

      Sentih 1499 122 324 298

      Kampfrunde 3

      Einheiten Anzahl vernichtet Anzahl vernichtet

      Schakal 0 0 1 1

      Spionagesonde 0 0 1143 1143

      Tarnbomber 0 0 673 673

      Longeagle V 10464 0 78 78

      Noah 4988 0 39 39

      Longeagle X 2116 0 9 9

      Sentih 1377 0 26 26

      *Thor*Asgard: -8.111.743
      Sirius Delta: -9.875.338


      The post was edited 1 time, last by Sirius Delta ().

    • Lol, he is a lot bigger with a bigger fleet yet lost almost the same amount of points. I know Thor was trying to catch Sirius for a couple of days and finally did, it wasn't as easy as you make it seem. If sirious had a bigger fleet then I'm sure Thor would've lost more points. ;)

      Non the less, nice one, keep the battles coming.
    • You should know that stealth bomber give less points for the same attack-power than other ships. So you can call it high skill to build as much stealth as possible and defend against a higher player an "win in some guys eys" or you call it a thumb unmovable fleet which is just boring. Your decision.

      And btw Alvaro. Its all about destroyed points.
    • There is a little mistake in the points lost, you forgot to count my Schakals :D I have corrected it.

      What shall I say else? Not really how I planned it, but well, it's just a matter of time when I'll be back.

      Don't argue about who won or lost this fight. It has been a nice fight, I destroyed a lot of ships if you look at the fleet strenght of both of us, but still Thor shot me down to the bottom and has destroyed more than I did, so it's clearly a win for him.

      Still I'm tired of this whole Camo discussion since people with loads of Camos complain about the use of Camos. That's kinda ridiculous. Camos exist in the game and add a tactical option, so it should be allowed to build them. Of course they are cheap and bring a lot of attack index, but on the other side you have the disadvantage of the movement cost. I'm sure Thor would have used his Camos as well if the transport wouldn't have been so expensive. So let's not stick to that, everybody should build his troops like he wants.

      Just one more thing:

      The thing I really dislike is the way of talking some people use ingame. A guy with 27M points attacks a guy with 10M points and calls him a p*ssy, because the small guy's friend with 44M points is near? Very messed up point of view. I wish some more respect for each other. It doesn't matter what is happening, it still is a game and we should respect each other instead of bickering around and even insulting each other. A little "dirty talk" is okay and part of a "war" game, but still one should know when it's enough.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Sirius Delta ().

    • Like I said when I posted my comment about me and Destroyer, and discussed that strategy, There IS a strategy to beat the stealth bomber turtle strategy that you guys are potentially complaining about. If its necessary, I will use it, and make the point again. Hopefully instead we will see battles happen with those troops, and an update with a new combat system soon. But you guys really need to start being more creative and less "certain" that other people have an insurmountable advantage over you. I will prove again and again that this is just not true.

      This was a beautiful fight. It sounds to me like it was a counter, which makes it even more impressive, as I even just commented in private on my opinion of the strategy of attacking, then fleetsaving all the time. I was expecting to have to do this work myself if I wanted it done. So Thank You to FBI for their unintentional aide! :P Sirius, I have given you your due respect. You did a good amount of damage, and I know you'll be back even bigger. Please feel free to take your time though :P
    • Wait. Noone is complaining about stealth bombers. Everyone has his own opinion about them. I testet them one time in large quantities and for me they didn't pass the test. But its up to yourselve to test them longer :D

      We are complaining about the non stoping self-praising of a dreaming team even after a lost fight. Yes sirius made a good damage, but he lost. And if there is everytime someone who talks it small and ignores the facts, it produces only bad mood. You can do this on your alliboard a long as you like.
      But I think its useless to talk about this again and again.
      My solution is, that the FBI won't post reports anymore.
    • None said this is a bad attack, since thor won no matter what, i just said i am happy that Delta gave a good punch and destroyer alot of fleet :)

      About camos, well, i am not a fan of them, but if i remember right it was FBI guys who started with them to compensate the attack index againts us, and then thor comes and "cries" that we use camos and the funny thing is..he has 50k+ of them, so what, others should use them to compensante againts us, but we shouldnt ? :D
      [Blocked Image: http://i.imgur.com/jV1WIIN.jpg]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Starscream ().

    • BrandyHolmes wrote:

      Well i got 50k+ cause stubi wanna crash into me in the last months and he got many of it. atm 200k? servers best?
      But i never used it. I guess the only alliance who's using them all the time and building it to attack is the best and glorious DT.

      If i remember right, you had them along ago when you was in 6:18 and from what i know stubi never came in your system..so its false you build them becouse of stubi :)

      All the time? We started using them when terminator wanted to hit me with them, then i adapted and hit back, thats when all started i guess. I dont like them, and i dont wanna use them, but i am "forced" to use them due to others using them agains me and my alliance.
      [Blocked Image: http://i.imgur.com/jV1WIIN.jpg]