I gave this a tought thanks to Mess

    • Well iv got to say about this subject... even tho i live in bolivia (wishing to get back to my country) and it doesnt affect me, even if economical it affects the entire world.

      Refugees and imigrants are not leaving their country out of desire, its because they do not have an other oportunity, striped from everything they have and given a choice, live or die. They are not on a master plan to steal our jobs, our houses and our benefits. The wont a life and nothing else.

      Iv been reading about this for a long time and i find it discusting how many coments there is, imigrants go away, die and many other stuff.
      Why are you scared at losing your job? Are you that bad at it that you think someone is going to steal it? They just want money to live and in this world without it your on the death road.
      Today for you, tomorrow for me..

      In my case that im half english and spanish, iv got a question, is england so blind? Kids finnish their school and go directly to get benifits, they find a girlfriend and get pregnant, now they have a house... al free without any education. I would strip england from all those useless people that do not mean nothing that expenses. Let the imigrants work, they wont too and help a country develop, cheaper labour more income.
      Iv heared so many times from friends in spain, but they work for shit money and then we dont get paid... and its the imigrants problems thay companies abuse them? They should get paid the same as everyone else, just because they are fighting for a life we should make them work 12h daily for not even enough to eat? No that is a politcal and greed problem.

      Now lets go to spain, they where accepted by all europe, mostly england in the time of the spanish civil war.. and all they have is hate towards imigrants. This is a situation that is getting out of control... hes there are some terrorist that come to kill people, but is that an imigration problem? Well its a security problem, how is it that terrorist can just get in... check borders and give the support needed to those and reject those trying to do harm.

      I read not long ago, a post about imigrants.. since thats what everyone thinks about.
      When the mad cow disease broke out in england, they could track all cows, calfs and barns where they slept, and the post said but they cant find imigrants, we should give a cow to each one of them... well imigrants and going to help the crisis go away, but give a cow to the bloody terrorist with a bomb inside it.

      Talking about crisis and imigrants, how is it that germany is flurishing so well with many imigrants?
      Maybe we should look at the world with other eyes, because i see so much critisisim towards germany but well whatever they do works.

      Anyway... maybe abit mixed up, not a good day today. My opinion.
      Mail: Stv3N@gmx.es
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."