Activity and Inactivity

    • RaVenC wrote:

      Only one account per IP-Address can be bypassed very quickly without a lot work. That a false sense of security.

      Its very easy to do this and without much effort :)
      Big diference between other games and U4K is that we dont just ban because 2 accounts have the same IP, we have to see movement between both accounts, something that did not happen before.

      Highscore: Not a good idea to hide this, how about creating other highscore tables and giving out prizes to those things we are most interested in, for example for buildings & research but not troops.

      upkeep/lifetime: Upkeep is a strategy used in many games, this just avoids players inactive for long periods and creating more farms. I think its a good idea to asure players dont leave and come back to continue with there troops.
      Lifetime i do not agree since in my opinion why spend so much resources on a unit that will eventualy die... i understand the point that its so there is never many troops.

      In my opinion something esencial is a rewards system with event system, create accounts or anything else for special events, this way we can focus on what we want players to do... for example give out some sort of prize to an alliance for the top3 players under 10k that grow most.
      This will make alliances help there smallest members and memebers will grow faster maybe a prize of 10% less construction time.

      and Event and Reward System is essencial for me since much can be acomplished with it.
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • I think there must be made some kind of changes so that activity and date of start wont be the biggest factor.

      It might sound stupid to someone, but meybe seting a limit on daily attacks, so 24h farmers slow down a bit progress from others who dont have that much time.

      Becouse lets face it, people with lots of time and farming habits develop alot faster then others

      We see for example Hooligan and Fenix...they farm alot and with smart development people like that can grow really quickly way faster then most of the server. I dont say thats bad or that we should "punish" 24h farmers, but make some kind of changes that will give more chances to newcomers and people who doesent have that much time.

      Something/somehow that will make the game more about smart developing then who is spending the most time farming if you get me. So we can be all equal no matter if we spend 5h daily or 20h becouse right now activity&farming is a major factor.
      [Blocked Image:]
    • I agree that we all should be equal, but at the end of the day we all play 24h within a day, just some dont have that much time.
      In my opinion this is a factor that should not be changed since if everyone would farm 24h (that doesnt mean online 24h) we would all be equal, this is what gives an advantaje to those that dedicate more time to the game and dedication should not be punished.

      If allways favored Premium for those that cant dedicate 24h can have it paying but this is not an option at the moment.
      If we would all have the same accounts, with same troops, etc well then this would not be fun... maybe we should add energy to limite attacks :P
      That what down the road your going? I hate those games LoL :P

      Im sure the solucion is what RaVenC mentioned some NPCs this would mean more of us would farm since we would know exactly how many troops there are in each NPC and the resources we will steal. This game i used to play even had a building that allowed you to auto-farm depending on your level you could do more attacks, building had a limite of 8h auto-farming then you had to activate again.
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • Nah no P2W, thats just crap in any case its Pay to catch up to those that are very active, not to win...
      But were not talking about this anyway hehe

      I think we should just wait abit, i think that those new updates will change alot the game.. Anyway

      Força Barça!!

      Back latter ;)
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • I just skimmed through the thread, but if nobody brought up the idea about partnering with gameforge or any other online game company to promote universe. if with gameforge see if there are any archives from before and after the reset and use it to your advantage. whether for (like type said) send emails to old players. see space4k's marketing techniques. get the word out to Ogame players and other online simulation games.
    • When I'll look for a publisher for universe4k, this game will end as a "pay to win" game. Publishers wan't to see profit.
      This game doesn't create some profit. At the moment I'll pay around 100€ / Month for the Servers and other infrastructure and the donations are very low. ( around 1€ / Month )
      Ingame advertising is useless ( with last tests around 0.30€ / Month )..

      So when I'll ask an publisher, the answer will be: Add some good features for monetization. And this features won't be cosmetic stuff or things with minor profit ( building queue ).
      It will be something like: "Buy resources, Speedup Buildings etc" ... And thats nothing I'd like to introduce here.
    • I tried several advertising companies .. As I've wrote, the profit was around 30 cent per month .. And 30 cent isn't it worth to have advertising ingame.
      The only advertising that was worth it, was google adsense.. But there I'm blocked since a player means to do more than thousand clicks in some minutes .. Google told me that I have to intercept such things, but that's not possible without violate their eula.
      I can try it again with Google Adsense after founding a company. But for now there is no chance to find a good advertising partner.
    • A Premium Account was thought for the game. At the moment its active for everyone.
      - Build Queue for Buildings
      - overview with units
      - overview with resource production
      - unlimited target list
      - Message in chat when mission is incoming ( can be activated at the moment in configs )
      - Statistics (most buildings / Units / Researches etc)
      - Start missions in map
      - max buttons in mission and construction menu

      Its not a lot advantage for the premium users, but there should be some kind of stimulation to buy the premium account.