not a war declaration only a notice of intent demo V DT

  • You magically created an enemy in your head out of the vice-capo of the alliance you belong to, and your friends belong to. You picked fights imagining that I was some outsider that was just talking trash to everyone. It was false, the actions of my teammates have clearly said that, yet you still blab on about it. You stuck your head into things that were NON-issues before you spoke up. You were told to stop, and you made it a problem. Continuing to claim that my actions were talking trash to my own family will never make it true, and they have spoken on my behalf already, so your still just talking trash.

    If you want to move on, move on. Stop airing our dirty laundry for the entire forum. I close the other thread under it being an invalid war declaration to keep this from happening, and get you to deal with it privately. That didnt work. Now we can all look like children fighting.

    Time to act like grown ups and for us to move on. Be a representative of DT from SISU, and display your talents in playing from there.
  • thats the thing you dont understand as starscream stated on the front page
    you are an equal to everyone else
    no one is more equal or less despite what you tried to claim about only a few belonging to dt the rest lucky
    but as you say lets move on from here
    we seam to have come to a consensus so would you agree the thread should be closed?
    if so i ask as OP for the thread to be closed if cannibis agrees