war declaration demo V DT

  • war declaration demo V DT

    i know others will say its not fair but i don't intend to destroy all of dt only those i don't know
    I know the mods hate such things but those who know me know what happens next
    It will take some time before i am ready but i post here and now my intentions not to harm my friends only the fools
    you get the chance to hit me when i come out of vac mode in a day in a few weeks i will come for you stop me if you can as i break no rules in declaring now only give you a chance to try to stop me.
    When you don't i will kill dt
    its nothing personal starscream just a clearing of what must be cleared and most of your members wont be touched till they touch me
    then they die
    your wing of course are exempt from this war as i know them too well
    its not a never ending war just a chance for the top alliance to try to stop me before i kill them
    try to do what no one else could do stop me
  • This is ridiculous, talk about over reacting a grown up behaviour ¬_¬

    The problem being that if you are intent on declaring war to someone in D.T. you are declaring war to the alliance. You are so full of yourself, just read what you are writing. I personally advocate for Kid and asked Starscream to send you out, now, are you going to attack me too?
    Praetor Fenix - Andromeda - 05/12/2014
    Vito Benito - Chicago - 12/07/2014 - Retired
  • no as i have said i will only attack those i do not know
    those i know will only be attacked if they attack me
    i dont accept people being rude to me even less so being rude to people i know
    when good even great players get told they know nothing and one thinks they know everything and the alliance head supports such then its time to change such opinions with actions after that perhaps peace
  • I dont see any reason for this...i mean, you are bringing personal issues ahead of team. This is also a nonsense since you are part of SISU that is OUR WING. So tehnicaly a PLAYER in OUR WING is DECLARING WAR TO MAIN ALLIANCE, and it doesent make sense.

    If you dont like me, or cannabis, work things out on personal basis, no need to declare war to "US"

    I dont know what got into you guys that you started acting with all that ego and doing all this. I dont have anything againts you like i said before and i dont see sense in bringing this public to the board.
    [Blocked Image: http://i.imgur.com/jV1WIIN.jpg]
  • Sorry for the delay, iv been thinking if any modification was needed for some Basic War Rules until a War System is implemented.
    Please read the War Rules that come into inmediate effect including current war declarations ;)

    Game | War Rules
    Mail: Stv3N@gmx.es
    Skype: Stv228

    Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
    "Give your hand and they will take your arm."