
  • Bashing-Regel

    erschreckender Weise füllt sich eben der Chat meiner Allianz mit der Meldung, dass unser bester Spieler für 3 Tage in den U-Mod geschickt werden soll,
    weil er sich nicht an das "Regelwerk" gehalten haben soll.
    Hierbei geht es um die Bashingregel. Er habe einen Planeten 9 mal angeflogen (statt der erlaubten 5 mal)

    Ich finde, dass das irgendwie eine ziemlich dumme Regel ist. Mal davon abgesehen, dass man so vielleicht verhindern kann, dass Leute auf 0 Flottenpunkten gehalten ist,
    macht diese Regel (zu diesem Zeitpunkt) in meinen Augen überhaupt keinen Sinn.
    Vor allem nicht, wenn man einen flottenlosen Planeten angreift, um dessen Rohstoffe abzugreifen.

    Meiner Meinung nach sollte man die paar Spieler, die hier freudig ihre Zeit verschwenden, nicht mit einem solch Sinnlosen Gehabe vergraulen und beim ersten Vergehen direkt eine halbe Woche vom Spiel ausschließen.
    Zudem die Regeln nicht mal für jeden klar verständlich scheinen. Scheinbar kann ich die Bashingregel ja außer Kraft setzen, wenn ich dem kompletten Server den Krieg erkläre...

    Ich bin tight, ihr seid whack!
  • Hallo Kayden,

    ich verweise einfach mal auf den vorhin eröffneten Thread in Bezug auf die Bashing Regel:

    Universe4k Bashing

    Über die Sinnhaftigkeit der einzelnen Regeln darf gerne kontrovers und konstruktiv in einem anderen Thread (den man dafür von Spielerseite her einrichten könnte) diskutiert werden.
    Auch ich sehe manche Regeln (wie z.b. die Pushingregel) als nicht klar genug definiert, nehme mich dieser aber bspw. in dunewar (da ich in u4k nur administrativ anzutreffen bin) trotzdem an, da diese Regel nunmal besteht und keine Änderung herbeigeführt wurde / wird.

    Zu deinen Ausführungen:
    Dumm ist sehr subjektiv, daher meine Worte oben. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt macht die Regel genau den selben Sinn wie zu einem Späteren, denn die Flottenstruktur wird sich z.B. von Cougars zu Sentih und von Handelsschiffen zu Noahs verschieben. Außerdem wird sich die Ressproduktion entsprechend der Zeit anpassen. Somit ist das Spielszenario vom Grundgedanken später analog dem jetzigen. (Wie gesagt, über die allgemeine Sinnhaftigkeit darf gerne diskutiert werden)
    Flottenlose Spieler sind zu jetzigem Spielstand keine Seltenheit, da jeder Spieler eine andere Form des Aufbaus bevorzugt. Daher sind auch Spionagesonden mit in die Bashingregel inkludiert (siehe Link oben).
    Du hast recht, dass die Spieler die auf diesem Server spielen auch gerne spielen sollen. Dazu gehört aber ebenfalls dass sich jeder an die identischen Vorgaben wie die anderen hält und entsprechend überlegt handelt.
    Es ist bspw. kein Problem 5 x 5 Handelsschiffe als Angriff abzusenden, aber 25 x 1 Handelsschiff geht leider nicht, obwohl es die selbe Summe an Einheiten ist. Die Spieler die solche Aktionen nicht durchführen und überlegt spielen können ggf. nur 5 x 1 Handelsschiff absenden und hören auf. Wieso sollten dann andere, die einen 6ten Angriff starten (ab dem regeltechnisch Bashing beginnt) einen Freifahrtschein bekommen?
    Um das Spiel in einem entsprechenden Rahmen zu administrieren braucht es ein Regelwerk. Wer Regeln bricht bekommt eine Strafe. 3 Tage bei einem Spiel welches mehrere Jahre dauert sind ein verschmerzbarer Umstand.

    Wie bereits erwähnt würden wir vom Team uns über Änderungsvorschlage (in einem separaten Thread) freuen, denn wir sperren nicht aus Spaß und möchten die Regeln auch dem Spielverständnis und Spielverhalten der User anpassen.

    Ich hoffe dies ist nachvollziehbar und wünsche eine gute Nacht,
    beste Grüße
  • Well firstly id like to say i dont understand German, so i apoligize if i understood something wrong.

    The Bashing rule is a simple and basic rule of all browser games, this is because it is abusive to attack a player constantly and not allow him to grow, this can even be done with only 5 attacks but gives the player the oportunity to get up again.

    You must understand is that you can only be banned if the user is active since this must be reported and is not monitored by the Team, there for it should not be hard to know if the player you are atacking is active and just hold back on the attacks.

    Now lets just think for a moment that this "stupid" rule is removed, how would this help you? In no way since the most active user that farms the most wil take all resource from all the server and leave everyone else empty and this would slow down the process of most player except 1-5, this that you say is a "stupid" rule is even giving you an advantaje.

    There are ways things should be said and i do not think that your "sugestion" has said in the right way, since you would need alot of support from the community to change such a basic rule.

    This is not a feature but a sugestion/question
    Skype: Stv228

    Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
    "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
  • Could please someone explain in english whats going on?

    So if i understood correctly now every espionage attack will be counted in 5 attack per day limit? I mean WHAT?? Those are espionage probes so if i prob a guy 4 times and attack ones with my fleet i got to the limit?

    That is just a really stupid rule that limits farmers and overall the whole server in general.

    On every game I played including stiddari SPY-s/espionage probes didnt count in attacks!
    [Blocked Image:]
  • The rule has not changed, "espionaje probes" do not count as an attack, i think what is in dout here is when someone sends 50/100 or more.
    This was talked in the begining and we when the rules where implemented and we all agreed that it was stupid to creat soo many espionaje probes to farm, since they are weak and expensive.. it was agreed that the amount wouldnt matter since that would only work in the first steps of the server.

    The subject here is about a Ban given to someone that has bashed a GA Account and are trying to complain...
    Skype: Stv228

    Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
    "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
  • Stv3N wrote:

    The rule has not changed, "espionaje probes" do not count as an attack, i think what is in dout here is when someone sends 50/100 or more.
    This was talked in the begining and we when the rules where implemented and we all agreed that it was stupid to creat soo many espionaje probes to farm, since they are weak and expensive.. it was agreed that the amount wouldnt matter since that would only work in the first steps of the server.

    The subject here is about a Ban given to someone that has bashed a GA Account and are trying to complain...

    Good, i begin to worry :)
    [Blocked Image:]
  • Flair,

    first of all let me say that I totally agree that rules need to exist and to be followed.

    Still I don't agree in this case. If I got informed correctly, Lil farmed an account 9 times with Espionage Probes. You say, that it doesn't make a difference whether we are in the actual state or in a later game tier. I clearly have to say that there IS a difference. Probe Raids get more common in later game, because the relation of their cost to their usability changes drastically. At the moment, EP are quite expensive in relation to the actual ressource production and so you simply are not able to build so many of them that you can farm a planet on one flight (In the later phase of the game this is indeed possible, so I ask you to make a difference in the view on this case). if you send a trading ship instead, you might lose the ressources to another player or to the fact, that the attacked player has time to save the ressources. So you take away a tactical option in the game. And since the term "bashing" has always been a synonyme to "destroying fleet" (or trying to), it's simply absurd, as noone is able to bash anything with EPs.
  • Hey Sirius,

    it is honorable, that teammembers try to help each other. But you know the german game "Stille Post" and thats what it seems to be in this case.
    If you do not agree, because of "you getting informed correctly" that he farmed 9 times with probes, where does the information come from?

    Are you seriously trying to teach me about using / understanding the rules and stuff?

    You did not even see any reports and write such teachable messages?

    Please be careful saying things by being "informed right", because you have no clue what happened. There was 1 out of 9 attacks using probes (67), what is already more information you are supposed to be told.

    Seriously: DONT tell such things on "knowing something", "being informed of something" or whatever and be grateful that there are people trying to do a volunteerable job the right way in each case.

    Most of you are indulged by playing on the testserver... there were NO rules except from using multi.

    This time, check the rules, understand the rules, do or dont follow them and do or dont get the consequence.

    As simple as it sounds.


    PS: Bashing in this game is not equal to destrying fleet. It is defined as attacking a player more than 5 times in 24 hours. Dont try to twist the words of an existing rule, this wont work. Even though bashing has several meanings e.g. in german, not because you know one of many, this will be the one and only.
  • Wow. I did not intend to attack you, though you react like that. If this is what you think I was trying, please excuse that, this might be a negative aspect of trying to explain it in English, maybe I did not find the right words.

    I do not do this because of my teammate. It is only that this case has come to my ears, I had no contact with this rule before, so it was just the flash point, not the reason.

    I'm not trying to teach you. It's just my opinion what I'm writing here. I know the rules, and I'm telling you my opinion with the aim, that the rules might be questioned by the team, in this case by you. If you do it or not, it's your decision.

    what is already more information you are supposed to be told.

    What exactly do you want to tell me with this? I'm not allowed to know, why he has been punished? Really? He told me, yeah. And terms like "as far as I know" or "if I'm informed correctly" are just fillers, you know that.

    And I really don't get your problem, sorry. I never questioned you or your work. Seriously. I've got no idea, why you are so upset.
  • Mach dir nix draus, das ganze Trauerspiel hat eh nun ein Ende ;)

    Schreiben hat immer den Nachteil, dass es langsam ist, man keine Gestik und Mimik sieht und dass man Dinge hereininterpretiert die nicht da sind.

    Das Zitat bedeutet nur, dass du den Grund natürlich erfahren darfst (der Bashing war / ist), aber die o.g. Einzelheiten schon mehr als genug Infos für die Allgemeinheit waren. Es soll niemand an den Pranger gestellt werden, weshalb Namen und Details normalerweise nicht genannt werden.

    Jedenfalls werden wir ab nun wieder auf der selben Seite stehen, als Spieler bin ich scheinbar besser geeignet als als Admin. :D
  • 1. The user was not banned for using espionaje probes but other units.
    2. This subject should only be talked privatly with the user involved, so Pm me and you will hace proof.
    3. You can continue to talk about espionaje probé on that post but bans is private.
    Skype: Stv228

    Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
    "Give your hand and they will take your arm."