Universe4k Bashing

    • Universe4k Bashing

      §4 Bashing

      Definition / Prohibition:

      It is considered bashing more than 5 attacks within 24 hours to the
      same building; usual "espionage" is exempt and doesn't count as an
      attack. To be considered as "espionage" should be made by using the
      attack troop called "Spy". The attempting of making the "espionage"
      using the attack unit "Espionage Probe" is considered as a regular


      The parties concerned are at war and the 24 hour period after
      declaration of the war has expired. (For further information see the War

      Because there have been several times people asked me about using espionage probes for farmin people and stuff:

      Using espionage probes (spies) for farming other players is supposed to be an attack (which also means, it is one of five attacks you have per person per planet before it is bashing). So at this time using 1 or 2 probes is a classic espionage action, using up to 50 or even 100 or more is an attack.

      Attacking a GA account is the same as attacking any other player, the only thing you may not have to fear is "the revenge" of the GA attacking your planets, because the accouns are used to find bugs or reproduce them if someone finds some.

      But if you have more than 5 attacks on a GA account, this is bashing and you will be banned. (Not because we dont like beein attacked, but because the rules say so)


      Da mich in letzter Zeit viele Leute darauf angesprochen haben bzw. es entsprechende Vorkommnisse gab:

      Wer Spionagesonden zum farmen einsetzt läuft Gefahr gebannt zu werden, sofern es mehr als 5 Angriffe innerhalb von 24 Stunden sind. Zu derzeitigem Spielstand sind 1 oder 2 Sonden kein Problem um jemanden auszuspionieren und dies wird nicht als Angriff sondern also Spionageaktion gewertet. Sind es mehr als eine solche angemessene Anzahl, also 50 oder sogar 100 pro Flug, wird dies als Angriff gewertet.

      Außerdem: Da Angreifen von GA accs ist genau so erlaubt wie bei jedem aneren Spieler auch. Wahrscheinlich ist der Vorteil, dass ihr für Angriffe keine "Rache" in Form von Gegenangriffen erwarten müsst, da die Accs zur Finung von Bugs oder deren Reproduktion im Falle eines Auftretens genutzt werden.

      Wenn aber mehr als 5 Angriffe auf einen GA Acc erfolgen, so werden auch die Angriffe entsprechend den Regeln gewertet.

      These information are nothing new to you, but a reminder to prevent from misunderstandings in the future. You may all think about how many times you send attacks to other players and if its fine with the rules.
      Dies sind keine neuen Infos für euch, aber soll als Erinnerung dienen, um zukünftigen Missverständnissen vorzubeugen. Bitte denkt daran wie viele Angriffe ihr absendet - egal gegen welche Spieler - und ob dies mit den Regeln konform ist.

      Best regards,
      beste Grüße

    • Should Espionaje Probes be considered a normal Attack? 16
        No, they should be exempt no matter the amount (13) 81%
        Yes, they should be considered a normal attack no matter the amount (2) 13%
        None of the above (1) 6%
      Dear Community

      As the rules indicate clearly below ALL attacks with the unit "Espionaje Probe" with ANY quantity is NOT considered an attack.
      This subject has come up several times and i consider this is the correct moment to open a POLL and ask the community there opinion about this rule.

      Stv3N wrote:

      §4 Bashing
      Definition / Prohibition:

      It is considered bashing more than 5 attacks within 24 hours to the same building; usual "espionage" is exempt and doesn't count as an attack. To be considered as "espionage" should be made by using the attack troop called "Spy". The attempting of making the "espionage" using the attack unit "Espionage Probe" is considered as a regular attack.


      The parties concerned are at war and the 24 hour period after declaration of the war has expired. (For further information see the War Rules).

      Note: The rules have an error and where it says "Spy" it should say "Espionaje Probe" and where it says "Espionaje Probe" it should say "Combat Probe"
      This will be fixed soon.

      POLL: This poll will end on Feb 4 2015, votes will be public to avoid multi accounts.
      Mail: Stv3N@gmx.es
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • The Community has decided:

      No - 13 Votes [81%]
      Yes - 2 [13%]
      N/A - 1 [6%]

      The Bashing rule will be modified and show the following:

      Stv3N wrote:

      §4 Bashing

      Definition / Prohibition:

      It is considered bashing more than 5 attacks within 24 hours to the same building; "espionage" is exempt and doesn't count as an attack no matter the amount of units. To be considered as "espionage" it should be made by using the attack troop called "Espionaje Probe". Attempting to "spy" using the attack unit "Combat Probe" is considered as a regular attack, and is NOT exempt


      The parties concerned are at war and the 24 hour period after declaration of the war has expired. (For further information see the War Rules).
      Mail: Stv3N@gmx.es
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."