Apology of LF

    • Apology of LF

      Someone has reported our alliance picture as innapropriate becouse it had penis made out of wood on it ( for the ones that dont know, penis is part of human body, it is nothing to be ashamed of, and it is used for many things, like making children, pissing and other stuff )
      I really want to say that we are so sorry, and apologize to the player that felt ofended that we have a picture of 3 guys sitting and laughing on a jumbo penis made out of wood.
      I repeat, i just wan't to say that LF alliance is very very sorry, and the people that got feelings hurt by seeing a giant penis.
      We had a serious internal conversation, it was really bad thing of us to do, as we know that many little children play this game.
      If its needed we will send written apology to father and mother of the player that got traumatized becouse of that.

      Best Regards ( and accept our apology )

      Los Fashionados
    • Yes we all know what a "pennis" is for, but we allow everyone to access Universe4k since we have no age limite, there for we sometimes have to be carefull with our content.
      Just abit of information so you understand:

      More about Content Rating on Wikipedia

      Now, for most of us that are +18 this image has no problem, since it is something minor, but say if there would be a 7 year child playing this game (that is understandable and possible) im sure his parents wouldnt think good of they see him on a website with a pennis.

      There is no need to apologize, you should just understand where you are.
      Mail: Stv3N@gmx.es
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • i think the picture was quite funny.

      as i was 12 years and started googling, there were no such things like parental advisory and restrictions.
      if you googled for hot chicks, you didnt get chicken bites from kentucky fired chicken on the screen (ok you did kind of), but you had HOT CHICKS on the screen like you know what I mean ;)

      it is sad, that people feel offended by those really funny pictures and get the next discussion started how to define the rules for this the right way.

      if someone would post his real penis on the allypage this will be offensive, but a funny sculpture... common community of browsergames players. after beeing offended the next tab opened was youp***...

      also in future, ther wont be funny pictures of animals anymore, ok? this is discrimmination of human beings. No pictures of papayas, shells, bananas or whatever, because they can create sexual fantasies or feelings... i guess you got the point.

      maybe we should start a poll, asking the community if those pictures should be forbidden? lol
    • I very strongly agree with you Flair. I have alot of concern for the level of censorship that comes along with these rules when we are talking about an international community, and a guarentee of language barriers. In some languages being called a pig is alot more offensive than others, in my country, thats just a police officer. I agree with the avoidance of directly insulting and calling names, but I would rather err on the side of less concern than more, because it only promises misunderstanding to take everything THAT seriously. Of course obviously lewd content and pictures are inappropriate, but this was a picture of a sculpture, not something that was in any way used sexually, but dipicting a natural body part. This is similar to us saying any pictures that resemble boobs are unacceptable. Its a slippery slope, one that makes us all look like old farts, on an internet RIDDLED with things TRUELY inappropriate. We arent advertising to people beating a parental guidance system, so why do we feel the need to impose parental restrictions?

      For the record, I feel any parent that would have taken that picture to be so utterly inappropriate that they would complain about their children playing this game, are parents of children who SHOULD NOT BE PLAYING THIS GAME!!! :P
    • .. da da da da daaaa .. :thumbsup:

      Ehehe no please no, i ll remove the pictures, but dont make unuseful polls for just some "funny" images (the two pictures were the real pics of mine friends/allys, i play with two monkeys )

      However, sincerly, just for example, i think are more improper the avatars of "Stv3n" and "CannabisKid" :P Couse if the child of 7 years see a picture of a "penis", he know what a D' is, he have one eheh, but if he see a image of Stifler, mybe the children is curious and he go to google it, and what he find? just sex and beer eheh; then, "CannabisKid" is a simpa guy, the children is curious, hmm why he write "smoke weed", lets google it, ouh the weed is just a particolar "cigarette" for magical moments, hmm i want to be as "CannabisKid", i want to try it (before 18 y old)

      Ahaha is just a stupid example ;)

      Love you guys <3
    • I dont think that things like this should be censored...i mean we live in a world where we are surrounded with sex, sexualy explitic content etc etc...its become part of our world...

      So this is like telling "you cannot shot him here, but you can on a shooting range becouse its a shooting range"

      Also i think not many kids play this game since most of us are 21+ and veteran players of this game
      [Blocked Image: http://i.imgur.com/jV1WIIN.jpg]
    • i think its not a "bad picture". if you are that soft, every picture may be in some case a "bad pic". i cannot see why it should be as harmful to be removed. i'm myself cannabis user. so i find that making advertising with weed may be more harmful than this pic of a penis. what does not mean that any pic showing a smoker or a weed plant should be removed.
      pics to be removed should be such as showing rasism, discriminating any or brutal violence.
      with best regards

      p.s.: so i understood the dilemma of a public site open for everyone. there are laws in some countries which are very strong. and the limits of what is legal and what is not are sometimes difficult to find out.
    • and thats the point, I'm glad you all got it...

      if we start restricting every little "unimportant" picture of alliances or whatever, we start to change names of players like cannabiskid, we start changing alliance names and will end up in a frustrating game with no fun and a bunch of old fashioned restrictions which one or two people seem to be useful or good, but which are apparently destroying the thing what this game is all about:
      having fun with some strange guys from all over the world ;) (even though there have to be some more players :D )
    • Ok, i agree the images were softcore, but im a person that follows what is in the rules, even if i dont like them :P
      As @Murphy says, laws are diferent in each country and since we are an open webstie for all ages (even if there are not many -18) once its been reported i prefer to take it the easy way.

      Yes the image is soft and not offensive but if it was a child or a parent that reported, us as adults should not be offended because an image was removed, we should show muturity and avoid problems.

      This is how i have acted, prefering to remove an image instead of getting into a disput, but in the end it leaded the same way.
      Mail: Stv3N@gmx.es
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."