Murphy KB 01

    • Murphy KB 01

      Kampfbericht: xx:xx:xx (Murphy) >>> xx:xx:xx (xxx)
      Thu, 15.01.2015 - 07:23:18

      Kampfrunde 1

      Anzahl vernichtet Anzahl vernichtet

      Kolonisationsschiff 0 0 2 2

      Spionagesonde 0 0 30 26

      Cougar xx xx 0 0

      Handelsschiff 0 0 10 9

      Leichter Laserturm 280 245

      xxx * 99% = xxx 5.612 * 97% = 5.444

      xxx 12.222

      Siegchance 87% 13%

      Spionagechance 0%

      Kampfrunde 2

      Anzahl vernichtet Anzahl vernichtet

      Spionagesonde 0 0 4 4

      Cougar xx xx 0 0

      Handelsschiff 0 0 1 1

      Leichter Laserturm 35 35

      xxx * 99% = xxx 701 * 97% = 680

      Verteidigungswert xxx 929

      Siegchance 100% 0%

      Spionagechance 0%
    • hi cannabis kid
      i'm used to from other games (for example galaxywars) not to show some details of the attack, because it was not allowed to make these datas public. so i x-ed the name and coords of the attacked player and also i do not want to show anyone my exact fleet power.
      with best regards murphy

      ich bin es von anderen spielen her gewohnt (beispiel galaxywars) einige details des kb wie name und koords des angegriffenen zu x-sen, da dies in den spielen nicht erlaubt war diese daten zu veröffentlichen. ausserdem möchte ich nicht jedem meine flottenstärke zeigen.
      mit besten wünschen murphy
    • Strange rules in other games, if you cant show anything why show lol

      Just so you know in U4K you can show all except coordinates.

      Not showing you fleet power is común.

      Best regards
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • Murphy wrote:

      hi stv3n
      i just read your answer and in future posts i will only x the coords of the attacked player.
      and the post above is so far ok in order of forum rules?
      with best regards murphy

      Aus vendetta-zeiten kenne ich es so, dass man nur die koordinaten beider spieler rausnehmen darf und sonst nix am kampfbericht verändern darf.

      from good old vendetta times i remember that its only allowed to take out the coordinates of both players but you aren't allowed to change anything else of the combat report
    • Ive seen many different ways of doing it over the years. the only logic I ever really agreed with was the original vendetta rule that:

      IF you x out your own coordinates, you MUST ALSO x out your opponents coordinates. It seems that the rule has just been changed to x out ALL coordinates, which is fine, but what is the point of showing a battle where you wont show the battle?
    • Murphy wrote:

      wouldn't it be better than to create a screenshot and then posting the picture here. think everyone has a software to do that and to blacken the coords.
      and no one can manipulate the report.

      i blackened again my fleet but this time not my lost ships and the strength of it.
      my ally is [apex]
      the opponents ally is [badboys]

      Well we dont like to create too many rules here, things must be simple and easy for everyone.

      CannabisKid wrote:

      IF you x out your own coordinates, you MUST ALSO x out your opponents coordinates. It seems that the rule has just been changed to x out ALL coordinates, which is fine, but what is the point of showing a battle where you wont show the battle?

      As @CannabisKid said, in the old Vendetta you could show coordinates but if you X out yours you must do the same for the oponent, i imagen its been a case of evolucion since in that time many people showed there enemies coordinates it has evolved to dont show any.

      There really is no point to show a battle if it is all hidden, but other games have there rules.
      We must respect them, but as i said we act diferent here, en truth we allow you to x out what ever you want, but then we go back to the same point as mentioned above, that would just be the community that would complain :D
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • The rule, that it is forbidden to show coordinates, was because of two reasons:
      1. in Vendetta and Space4k there wasn't any possibility to see all coordinates of a player. So it was needed to view all sectors to find a bulding / planet of a player. Here you have the possibility to see where a player have his planets. *
      2. the rule should avoid body-stripping. That's why the rule still exist. But we can remove the rule, when you'd like to.

      * In the old game this caused in some bots which reviewed all coordinates for the players. With this bots a lot traffic and server load was created, so the possibility to see all coordinates of one player was introduced.
    • There are some users that move there troops about alot or like to hide them, so for them if there coordinates are published its not good.
      on the other hand, same people like to share there index but many like to hide them.

      I will create a poll so everyone can vote and me can modify the necesary rules.

      EDIT: Well i was creating the poll, but the way it is now is like most agree, Coordinates hidden, the rest optional.
      So i will open a POLL if requested to change that :P
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • If it is optional to cross the coordinates and everything other, so where is the point of making a rule? ^^

      To be honest, i only know it like Murphy, making an x instead of fleet strenght etc. And I think it is good to do it that way. It protects both the attacker and the defender from useful information getting to another player who could use it for his own advantage.

      And the point of showing the fight anyway: "Look what I have destroyed!" :D