
  • Moin,

    ich wurde soeben mit meinem Bruder Ero853 gesperrt, Grund: Multi / IP-Sharing violation

    Dabei haben wir uns gegenseitig doch schon jeweils eingetragen, dass wir uns manchmal in einer Leitung befinden, es war den GAs also bekannt. Jetzt habe ich (youseethedark) ihm gerade mal 3k Luti zukommen lassen (er ist punktschwächer gewesen, somit kein Pushing) und wir werden dennoch gesperrt ? Dass es kein Multi ist, sollte daran zu erkennen sein, dass wir auch oft mit anderen IPs zocken ;) Ich hoffe, dass man das vor Ablauf des Sperrdatums regeln kann, denn ich denke, die Community hier wäre mehr daran interessiert neue User für sich zu gewinnen, so gehen User eher verloren.

    youseethedark & Ero853

    Stv3N: Moved to appropriate section Questions & Help.
  • Hello youseethedark

    As you have just shared with us (although i dont understand German and translator is not very good) you have traded with your "brother" when you Share IP to avoid Pushing or Multi Account special rules are applied, there for as you have said this is not pushing because those rules do not effect you.

    Stv3N wrote:

    §2 Accounts

    II Multi-accounting:

    Every player is entitled to a single account at a time per Universe4k server. Multiple accounts belonging to the same individual will be blocked. Accounts for the sole purpose of pushing another account - no matter if active (e.g. shipping of resources) or passive (e.g. raid a target that accumulates resources intentionally for thus purpose) also fall under this regulation. Special care should be taken to ensure no more common account settings (other than an IP address) are being used. An identical IP alone is not a common reason to be blocked. Sending resources to a player having the same IP is forbidden as well as attacking a player having the same IP as the attacker. In the case of two or more users are playing by using the same network IP address it is advised that they report this situation either by using the Options/Settings menu and choosing the option "report IP-Sharing", fulfilling the form given in the Game Account and also by reporting the situation via PM to the responsible Team Members.

    I have underlined important part of the rules and with bold the reason you have been banned.
    As the rules indicate special care must be taken when sharing IP, this is for the soul purpose that the Team is sure that you are really two individuals, as you may understand we as a team can not monitor you in your home and assure you are not one person, therefore these rules must be followed to avoid any problems.

    At the beginning of the server i contacted most part of the server that was sharing IP to inform and ask to read the rules, what i can not do is make an exception every time.

    Please i insist that you read the rules and as i have offered before, if there is anything you do not understand please do contact me.

    Best Regards
    Mail: Stv3N@gmx.es
    Skype: Stv228

    Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
    "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
  • Selbst 5 Eisen hätte euch gesperrt. Wenn man zusammen Wohnt und die gleiche Ip, ob gemeldet, oder nicht benutzt ist der Resshandel strickt Verboten. Da müsst ihr euch schon andere Händler suchen. So ist es und war es schon in allen Spielen ;) Sitz das einfach ab und dann gehts weiter ;) Die Runde ist noch Jung ;) Grüße :thumbsup:
    Most Wanted
  • BrokenHome wrote:

    @ Stv3N:
    Hi there! Sent you an email two days ago and am waiting for response...
    THX a lot!

    Sorry, i have had problems with my PC and have not looked at my email since im not on my own PC.
    Ill check it right away ;)
    Mail: Stv3N@gmx.es
    Skype: Stv228

    Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
    "Give your hand and they will take your arm."