Universe4k Pushing

    • Universe4k Pushing

      We have noticed a couple of situations of Team Members being Pushed and we would like to WARN all Universe4k Community.
      Alliance Pushing is a common strategy used within Universe4k and other online browser games and generally there is no problem with this, but you most follow the rules that say:

      Stv3N wrote:

      §3 Pushing

      Definition / Prohibition:

      Pushing means to send resources to another account without evidence of an immediate return of resources. This is only allowed when the account being "pushed" has a lesser total game score than the account sending the resources. Pushing does not only cover the simple sending of resources, but it has a few EXAMPLES that are also considered:

      - intentional accumulation of resources in one (or more) building(s) for later retrieval by another account using (multiple) attacks;
      - additional means and possibilities where one account gets resources without sending back some.

      In-game extortion of resources is not permitted where it violates the pushing rule. Any players attempting to extort resources from other players may be banned. Loaning of resources is not permitted.

      The official resources trade rate is: 10:5:1 - 10 iron to 5 lutinum to 1 hydrogen

      If a player decides to use other resources trade rate he assumes the responsibility of taking the risk of that option be evaluated by a Game Administrator or Game Operator and be considered Pushing.

      In a case of resources trades it is allowed to proceed to the return service of the negotiated resources until 48 hours after the beginning of the trade. Meaning that if the player 1 sends resources to the player 2, the player 2 has to send back resources in return to the player 1 in the period of 48 hours after the beginning of the transportation of the resources from the player 1 to the player 2.

      A Game Operator should always be informed and give permission sought for movement of resources from a lower ranked player to a higher ranked player without an immediate return service.

      Therefor as mentioned above "It is allowed to proceed to the return service of the negotiated resources until 48h after the beginning of the trade" it is advised that if you will not be able to return the resources to inform a Game Operator so the Team is aware of the situation.

      In the case that the resources come from a lower ranked player, as the rules say "A Game Operator should always be informed and give permission sought for movement of resources from a lower ranked player to a higher ranked player without an immediate return service." if a Game Operator would find a situation that he was not informed immediate actions can and may be taken without a previous warning, especially if a period of 48h has passed since the resources were sent.

      When a Game Operator spots a Pushing situation he will normally inform the user why he has broken the rules and ask for an immediate resource return, but in the case that the situation is serious with many transports and NO RETURN, the Game Operator will ALWAYS BAN the user, even if he had no bad intentions.

      Therefor as Universe4k Staff, we would like to request all the Community to inform of any situation that may be considered Pushing to avoid any further misunderstandings leading to bans. We are at a very early stage in the game and would like to avoid any more bans.

      If there is any problem understanding this post, please dont hesitate to ask a Staff member to explain.
      Si hay algun problem entendiendo este post, no dude en contactar a un miembro del Equipo. @Stv3N
      Falls Schwierigkeiten beim Verständnis des Beitrags bestehen zögert nicht und kontaktiert eines der Team-Mitglieder @flair

      The Administration,
      Mail: Stv3N@gmx.es
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • Liebe Community,

      noch einmal kurz auf Deutsch zusammengefasst: (an der Übersetzung der Regeln auf deutsch wird gearbeitet, diese kommen in den nächsten Tagen)

      Bitte passt besonders in dieser Phase des Spiels mit dem Pushen für Kolos auf.

      Das Pushen MUSS bei einem GA gemeldet werden!

      Es gibt viele unter euch die dies bereits für ihre Allianz(mitglieder) erledigt haben, aber eben auch Einzelfälle, bei denen das Regelwerk zum Greifen kommt. Wir sperren niemanden ohne Vorwand und suchen immer die beste Lösung für alle Parteien. Ein kooperativer Kurs in Hinblick auf diese Situationen bedeutet aber nicht, dass wir die Vorfälle unter den Teppich kehren und die Strafe einbehalten.

      Es ist niemand gleicher als die anderen, jeder wird dem Reglement entsprechend beurteilt.

      Bitte teilt die Nachricht auch mit euren anderen Mitgleidern.

      Falls ihr Verständnisprobleme mit dem Regelwerk habt, so bitten wir noch um ein paar Tage Geduld bzw. wir sind jederzeit erreichbar um Fragen zu beantworten.

      Wir bitten um euer Verständnis und wünschen euch eine besinnliche Weihnachtszeit.

      The Administration,