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    Genaue Problembeschreibung:

    Why in the clashes players do not bear the loss?
    Presented below the start, is just one of many proofs that something bad acts in the clashes.
    Why did not lose any aggressor units.
    Even if my power attacks that struck the sentih, should lose their 13 pieces.
    My force attack:
    15332996 * 92%
    = 14106356
    So? where the losses on the aggressor?
    Average satystyk strongest units:
    Basis .............................. ................... ......... Aktuell
    Angriffswert ......... 153,559 ...................... 30,000
    Verteidigungswert 200,000 ................... 1,022,897

    In this state the game enough to gain advantage in numbers and can be sentih mountain. No differences in other units.
    Festival of one unit of combat.
    Why is there no defense and missile ships. Which bring diversity in the game?
    And finally, why someone who has 50 planets, there is no defense forces multiplied by 84%?
    The combat system is unfair.

    Kampfbericht: 24:27:35 >>> 24:27:211
    Thu, 21.07.2011 - 08:10:22

    Kampfrunde 1
    Einheiten Anzahl vernichtet Anzahl vernichtet
    Longeagle V 6865 0 500 500
    Noah 0 0 500 500
    Longeagle X 0 0 100 100
    Sentih 3823 0 10 10
    Laserturm 423 423
    Plasmaturm 2 2

    Angriffswert * 84%
    = 902.352.258 15.332.996 * 92%
    = 14.106.356
    Verteidigungswert 119.357.338
    Siegchance 100% 0%
    Spionagechance 0%

    erbeutete Rohstoffe
    Eisen 0
    Lutinum 0
    Trinkwasser 1.764.000
    Wasserstoff 0

    Also, when I happened to attacking players that do not bear the loss and I should (converting all)
    I wanted to ask whether the errors will be corrected?
    Is anyone working on the development server?
  • 1. delete my koordinates pls :P

    2. this isn't the new combat System of s4k! If one of the players has enough power, he will not lost something (approximately 15 * att and 15 * deff from the other)

    3. the defense will not be multiplied with the combat power

    edit: berichtigt mich wenn ich ihn falsch verstanden hab, hab es nur spontan gelesen und drauf geantwortet ;)

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Prett ().

  • that's nice to read. those who play here are mostly skilled players of browser games. Unfortunately, not everything has to be implemented. at least not immediately.
    I would ask you simply to test the game with us. The chef here (RaVenC) is certainly grateful for it. ;)
    Ja nee, is klar :100:
  • hey largo,

    it´s quite easy to decide what you should do here:

    this game is already dead before it just began.
    RaVenC hasn´t the ability to do anything except telling
    everybody it´s on work.
    for months now.

    i´ve loved this game, but for my sorrow it is what it is: