Why the rules are sh!t

    • Why the rules are sh!t

      All I want for christmas is to have the allianz beserk to be banned from the game :D
      As we all know Beserk has North Korean inspired allianz page. This is quite offensive due to the crimes of humanity that the DPRK is doing in the 21st century. Just think of the labor camps or the production of Begonia 'Kimjongilhwa' in the middle of winter.

      §1 of the game rules states
      - It is forbidden the naming (in terms of usernames, building names, alliances and buildings images, etc.) and descriptions, which may have implicit or explicit contents like: political radicalisms; pornographic and erotic contents which contain full or partial nudity; offensive material and/or contents potentially shocking for sensitive people; Xenophobic/Racist contents.

      The accusation of political radicalism is self explanitory but why the erotic content of partial nudity? well check out their homepage, here is a link: i.imgur.com/WtF6xdS.gif
      This homepage is way too revealing and should be sanctioned.

      While we are at it also ban the following players:

      DiosNadal [Blocked Image: http://s29.postimg.org/dtltwzzav/dios_nadal.jpg]
      Monrris-Junior[Blocked Image: http://board.stiddari.com/wcf/images/avatars/33/241-33afbe54f1a39264eb6a5729e53c8186a3ada0a0-128.png]
      Greenthumb [Blocked Image: http://board.stiddari.com/wcf/images/avatars/94/11-946cf0f3ae055d542d64dac446ede8ccd3dd1d76.jpg]
      Necro[Blocked Image: http://i58.tinypic.com/2nukmf5.gif]
      15:01:51 Unantastbar: pls dont talk shit

      "Ich kann meinen Einheiten ja sagen sie sollen langsamer laufen... wäre doch auch sinnvoll denen zu sagrn ihr lauft erst um 2 uhr los oder? ;)" - Illisto[/align]
      [Blocked Image: http://i.imgur.com/PX9xk6q.gif]
    • DiosNadal wrote:

      DemoN wrote:


      §1 Conducta General

      - Está prohibido utilizar nombres (refiriéndose a nombres de usuario, edificios, etc.) y descripciones que pueda tener contenidos implícitos o explícitos como: radicalismo político, pornográfico y erótico que contentan desnudo parcial o completo, material ofensivo y/o contenido impactante para personas sensibles, xenofobia/comentarios racistas.

      La Administración,

      No me parece justo que en la pagina principal del juego aparezca la foto de parís, no me parece que el juego tenga nada que ver con eso, sobre todo cuando es un movimiento político en masa para poder atacar una de las regiones mas ultrajadas de los últimos tiempos, la idea del juego o como dicen las reglas es de no permitir tomar partido par radicalismo o etc, pero no es justo ver las cosas desde una perspectiva que algunos no compartimos.

      yo no digo que no me parezca horrible el ataque, no estoy a favor,pero Francia mato miles en oriente medio y no veo carteles llorando por ellos, una vida es una vida, sea de quien sea, y por eso aborrezco entrar al juego y tener que ver esa imagen tan hipócrita y lava cerebros del imperio

      solo pido un poco de conciencia y respeto para todos

      me despido con saludos cordiales, bye raven

      Luego ciertos jugadores se quejan de una imagen sobre el apoyo a Francia, pero de lo mencionado por @MDM2 NI MU durante mas de un año....

      Nice job MDM2, you say the true

      por otro lado, esta parcialidad ¿tendrá que ver que compartiste familia con bersekers? ¿Cuando estabas en bersekers por que no abriste un hilo quejándote de esta situación? jajajaja

      ale a pastar guillermo el cararata, cada día quedas mas retratado

      y por cierto, en el 13:11 te espero, pero bueno todos sabemos que eres un cobarde. Ya te dije en su dia que no entraría en tu juego
      :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
    • Stll tryn to find reasons to ban berserk players? ccc...this are nonsense things. Flag of North Korea from what i know its a LEGAL flag that can be shown everywhere and its not an nazi flag or anything ilegal. By your logic Libya, Siriya, Iran, Iraq and so on are also countries that cannot be shown public becouse of all the crap that happened down there.

      Too revealing pictures? Do you close your eyes or your kids eyes when you/they watch the tv? Do you send letters to your country TV stations that they are propaganding violence with movies etc etc? This is a funny nonsense.

      North Korea flag is a BIG offence but violence all over the internet and on tv its just fine right? Yeap..its not written Berserk all over it...
      [Blocked Image: http://i.imgur.com/jV1WIIN.jpg]
    • Ok, lets see what we have here:
      1. We have game where light motive is mafia, smugling and combat. Is that legal?!?
      2. Ok lets see other alliances logos:
      - FKL they have man with out head, hmmmm
      - badboys they have nude picture of girl, bljak I am going to throw up
      - PDC have pirate head, we all know what pirates do, they should be awarded nobel prize
      - M- W they have word "mafia" oh my god, why dont they have picture and name of Unesco :))

      at the end pal, its not our fault you beleive in Santa so that you make christmass wishes :D

      lets play in good spirit and enjoy the game... By the rules :)
    • @TheDarkSide Haber voy a ir por puntos:

      1- Que sea un juego de mafias, contrabandos o combates no tienen nada que ver con la edad, hay miles de juegos autorizados para menos de 13 años o dibujos animados que tienen relación con estos asuntos. Que sea legal o no da igual, lo que hay que pensar que esto es SOLO UN JUEGO y que puede haber MENORES DE EDAD jugando, con lo cual temas políticos no se deberían ni siquiera tocar, y ya no digamos los asuntos pornográficos. Hay que diferenciar entre pornografía de chicas ligeras de ropa, cosa que algunos parece que no saben.

      2- Una vez descartado vuestro gran argumento, intentar defender algo que esta mal y debería castigarse, que es el hecho de poner una foto de un dictador, tiene telita y la verdad que dais un poco de pena.

      Por otro lado

      guillermo el rata ataca de nuevo (rataboardwarrior):

      [Blocked Image: http://i64.tinypic.com/24ez2w2.jpg]

      [Blocked Image: http://www.puzzlesjunior.com/imatjes/el-maestro-astilla-la-rat_51067550aa5a7-p.jpg]

      JAJAJAJAAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA Venga tío ahora vas y lo cascas jajajaajjaja
      :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
    • I wish I would understand the ratata meme cause it looks funny as fuck

      Heres a foto of mitt romney
      [Blocked Image: http://www.pleated-jeans.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/29927598974.jpg]
      15:01:51 Unantastbar: pls dont talk shit

      "Ich kann meinen Einheiten ja sagen sie sollen langsamer laufen... wäre doch auch sinnvoll denen zu sagrn ihr lauft erst um 2 uhr los oder? ;)" - Illisto[/align]
      [Blocked Image: http://i.imgur.com/PX9xk6q.gif]
    • txoni wrote:

      ratata es un pokemon @MDM2

      @TheDarkSide tranquilo no me voy a molestar en traducirlo, pero esta claro que la excusa te viene perfecta por que te has quedado sin argumentos.

      Dude, think about it before you imagine your arguments are strong enough, under which standards you say theat he is dictator?!? I bet more then half of population consider Obama as a dictator too, you see the logic?!?
      To be honnest with you, I thought my mother is dictator too, when she wouldn't let me play football with my wet t-shirt, now I am healthy man :))) Alexander the Great didnt went with "democratic stick" waving around with magic and spread democracy, instead he was killing too but who ever write history has the right to show us the good vs bad person tables.
      anyway, I hate politics, I am sure being banned for such a reason is not a goal of the game anyway, so play the game and f**k politic
      peace dude :)
    • Dannyto wrote:

      txoni wrote:

      ratata es un pokemon @MDM2

      @TheDarkSide tranquilo no me voy a molestar en traducirlo, pero esta claro que la excusa te viene perfecta por que te has quedado sin argumentos.

      Dude, think about it before you imagine your arguments are strong enough, under which standards you say theat he is dictator?!? I bet more then half of population consider Obama as a dictator too, you see the logic?!?
      To be honnest with you, I thought my mother is dictator too, when she wouldn't let me play football with my wet t-shirt, now I am healthy man :))) Alexander the Great didnt went with "democratic stick" waving around with magic and spread democracy, instead he was killing too but who ever write history has the right to show us the good vs bad person tables.
      anyway, I hate politics, I am sure being banned for such a reason is not a goal of the game anyway, so play the game and f**k politic
      peace dude :)

      enserio te crees la mierda que escribes?
      :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
    • txoni wrote:

      Dannyto wrote:

      txoni wrote:

      ratata es un pokemon @MDM2

      @TheDarkSide tranquilo no me voy a molestar en traducirlo, pero esta claro que la excusa te viene perfecta por que te has quedado sin argumentos.

      Dude, think about it before you imagine your arguments are strong enough, under which standards you say theat he is dictator?!? I bet more then half of population consider Obama as a dictator too, you see the logic?!?
      To be honnest with you, I thought my mother is dictator too, when she wouldn't let me play football with my wet t-shirt, now I am healthy man :))) Alexander the Great didnt went with "democratic stick" waving around with magic and spread democracy, instead he was killing too but who ever write history has the right to show us the good vs bad person tables.
      anyway, I hate politics, I am sure being banned for such a reason is not a goal of the game anyway, so play the game and f**k politic
      peace dude :)

      enserio te crees la mierda que escribes?

      yup amigo yo, como lo mismo que que creo que puedo hablar español
    • ​Dude,... , under which standards you say that he[kim jong] is dictator?!

      To be honnest with you, I thought my mother is dictator too, when she wouldn't let me play football with my wet t-shirt, now I am healthy man :)))​

      Thats funny man. but just to be clear: Under this standard Kim Jong is definetly a dictator.
      15:01:51 Unantastbar: pls dont talk shit

      "Ich kann meinen Einheiten ja sagen sie sollen langsamer laufen... wäre doch auch sinnvoll denen zu sagrn ihr lauft erst um 2 uhr los oder? ;)" - Illisto[/align]
      [Blocked Image: http://i.imgur.com/PX9xk6q.gif]