Banned by scout

  • Banned by scout

    Definition / Prohibition:It is considered bashing more than 5 attacks within 24 hours to the same building; usual "espionage" is exempt and doesn't count as an attack. To be considered as "espionage" should be made by using the attack troop called "Spy". The attempting of making the "espionage" using the attack unit "Scout" (or any other unit) is considered as a regular attack.
    Exceptions:- 1 to 3 attacks to the same building within a time period of 30 minutes are considered as 1 attack being defined as a "Burst Attacks".
    - 4 to 6 attacks to the same building within a time period of 30 minutes are considered as 2 attacks being defined as a "Burst Attacks".
    - 7 to 9 attacks to the same building within a time period of 30 minutes are considered as 3 attacks being defined as a "Burst Attacks"
    .- 10 to 12 attacks to the same building within a time period of 30 minutes are considered as 4 attacks being defined as a "Burst Attacks".
    - 13 to 15 attacks to the same building within a time period of 30 minutes are considered as 5 attacks being defined as a "Burst Attacks".

    First, Why is a scouting (the unit is called scout) considered a regular attack? It's cleary not a regular attack since one is scouting the enemy troops.
    What kind of argument can be presented that a suicide mission of 1 troop unit to scout information is considered a regular attack.

    Second, This rule is way to impracticle to be used by any GO. Lets go count how many scouts died in a 30minute time period.

    Third, building on the previous point, what if a large scouting attempt is launched that goes longer than 30minutes. How would a GO judge an attack of 9 attemps within 50minutes. does the GO divide the attemps equally and judges that you have attacked 4 to 6 times twice so therefore you already launched 2 attacks
    ​2 attacks(5attemps) + 2attacks (4 attemps) = 4 attacks

    or did you attemped 1to3 times followed by 6 attemps, therefore 3 attacks.
    ​1 attack (3attemps) + 2 attacks (6attemps)= 3 attacks

    Its such a confusing and impractical rule that doesnt solve anything.

    I propose that we consider 1 scout attacks not as an regular attack but as an scouting attempt. No enemy units are destroyed, no ressources can be stolen only informations are gained.
    Furthermore you cannot get banned via scouting attemps. you can go scout as often you want to.

    If you attack with more than 1 scouting unit then you launched an actual attack which would fall under the 5 attacks per building per day.
    15:01:51 Unantastbar: pls dont talk shit

    "Ich kann meinen Einheiten ja sagen sie sollen langsamer laufen... wäre doch auch sinnvoll denen zu sagrn ihr lauft erst um 2 uhr los oder? ;)" - Illisto[/align]
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  • Just as useless as the 90% of the units ingame that aren't mercenaries? ?( :thumbup:

    Also how nice of you to ignore the part about the ambiguity in the rule.

    But yeah you are probably right, if somebody sends 1 scouting unti 6 times over the time span of 24hours, they deserve to be banned. :rolleyes:
    15:01:51 Unantastbar: pls dont talk shit

    "Ich kann meinen Einheiten ja sagen sie sollen langsamer laufen... wäre doch auch sinnvoll denen zu sagrn ihr lauft erst um 2 uhr los oder? ;)" - Illisto[/align]
    [Blocked Image:]