Matthew [Berserk] vs ZIO_SKIP [PDC]

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    • Matthew [Berserk] vs ZIO_SKIP [PDC]

      Se pudrio todo.

      43 ZIO_SKIP [PDC] it 51.650 522.985 1.63*107 1.69*107 70
      82 Matthew [Berserk] en 53.586 330.569 8.85*106 9.24*106 34

      Source Code

      1. Battle Report: Matthew >>> ZIO SKIP
      2. Thu, 30.07.2015
      3. Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
      4. Bouncer 0 0 481 273
      5. Knifer 0 0 100 56
      6. Gunman 0 0 676 382
      7. Occupation Troop 0 0 2 1
      8. Spy 0 0 148 84
      9. Mover 0 0 14 8
      10. CIA Agent 0 0 2 1
      11. FBI Agent 0 0 1 0
      12. Carrier 0 0 103 58
      13. Sniper 0 0 3 1
      14. Hitman 0 0 6 3
      15. Mercenary 7.380 7.380 13.541 7.658
      16. Scout 0 0 3.040 1.719
      Display All

      The defender has won the battle.

      Resources lost in the battle
      Resources lost by the attacker: 1.845.000.000
      Resources lost by the defender: 1.931.299.100
      Total of resources lost: 3.776.299.100

      Points lost
      Points lost by the attacker: 8.678.880
      Points lost by the defender: 9.042.215
      Total of Points lost: 17.721.095

      Captured: 0 W , 0 M , 0 D
      Lost: 590.400.000 W , 885.600.000 M , 369.000.000 D
      Analyzed with Desert Eagle's CR-Analyzer

      86 ZIO_SKIP [PDC] it 51.650 523.036 7.37*106 7.94*106 70
      150 Matthew [Berserk] en 53.586 330.623 172.183 556.392 34

      Battle round 1
      Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
      Bouncer 0 0 481 190
      Knifer 0 0 100 39
      Gunman 0 0 676 266
      Occupation Troop 0 0 2 1
      Spy 0 0 148 58
      Mover 0 0 14 6
      CIA Agent 0 0 2 1
      FBI Agent 0 0 1 0
      Carrier 0 0 103 41
      Sniper 0 0 3 1
      Hitman 0 0 6 2
      Mercenary 7380 4472 13541 5336
      Scout 0 0 3040 1198

      Attack index 342.107.280 * 87%
      = 297.633.334 533.621.914 * 51%
      = 272.147.176
      Defense index 410.527.260 640.067.099
      Chances of Winning 39% 61%
      Chances of Espionage 0%

      Battle round 2
      Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
      Bouncer 0 0 291 71
      Knifer 0 0 61 15
      Gunman 0 0 410 100
      Occupation Troop 0 0 1 0
      Spy 0 0 90 22
      Mover 0 0 8 2
      CIA Agent 0 0 1 0
      FBI Agent 0 0 1 0
      Carrier 0 0 62 15
      Sniper 0 0 2 0
      Hitman 0 0 4 1
      Mercenary 2908 2201 8205 1995
      Scout 0 0 1842 448

      Attack index 134.803.248 * 87%
      = 117.278.826 323.342.622 * 51%
      = 164.904.737
      Defense index 161.763.316 387.841.275
      Chances of Winning 24% 76%
      Chances of Espionage 0%

      Battle round 3
      Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
      Bouncer 0 0 220 12
      Knifer 0 0 46 2
      Gunman 0 0 310 16
      Occupation Troop 0 0 1 0
      Spy 0 0 68 4
      Mover 0 0 6 0
      CIA Agent 0 0 1 0
      FBI Agent 0 0 1 0
      Carrier 0 0 47 2
      Sniper 0 0 2 0
      Hitman 0 0 3 0
      Mercenary 707 670 6210 327
      Scout 0 0 1394 73

      Attack index 32.773.692 * 87%
      = 28.513.112 244.724.190 * 51%
      = 124.809.337
      Defense index 39.328.289 293.539.871
      Chances of Winning 5% 95%
      Chances of Espionage 0%

      Battle round 4
      Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
      Bouncer 0 0 208 0
      Knifer 0 0 44 0
      Gunman 0 0 294 0
      Occupation Troop 0 0 1 0
      Spy 0 0 64 0
      Mover 0 0 6 0
      CIA Agent 0 0 1 0
      FBI Agent 0 0 1 0
      Carrier 0 0 45 0
      Sniper 0 0 2 0
      Hitman 0 0 3 0
      Mercenary 37 37 5883 0
      Scout 0 0 1321 0

      Attack index 1.715.172 * 87%
      = 1.492.200 231.838.329 * 51%
      = 118.237.548
      Defense index 2.058.199 278.083.246
      Chances of Winning 0% 100%
      Chances of Espionage 0%