Pinned Brainstorming - more fights

    • Brainstorming - more fights

      Dear players,

      I'd like to improve fights a bit to make them more interesting for you.
      What can be useful to reach this goal?

      Please post here some ideas and discuss about these.

      To give this discussion a start:
      We can think about introduce something like battlefields to reprocess resources of lost units of you and your opponent.
    • It's a good idea, but I think that You must control the points of the players in the battles, I mean that only reprocess the resources in battles with players with similar points or if the attacker have less point than the defender. If not, the new idea would favor principally to the players in the top, and I dont want that.

      Another idea would be reduce the cost of the mercenaries, but I think that nobody want that.

      Sorry for my english.
    • I agree with @Matthew that this would mainly benefit big players.
      Maybe a system that only gives resources to the player that losses.

      Im not sure much can be changed with battles, since they are ment to be basic, any new features towards them will make them more complicated.
      I maintain my opinion, that to improve battles and alliances a system should be implemented to encourage Alliances to fight and work togehter, for example the possibilitie to station troops on alliance member buildings, maybe wars between alliances instead of days should be 24h, and instead of attacking individual players its all about how many troops alliance members station in the alliance hub/hive/building/hq after 24h the war automaticly starts with all stationed troops.

      Allowing to station troops will mean that the player with most points will never have all his troops in his buildings (easy to attack) small players will allways have much more troops (easy to defend) this should create a balance within the server.
      Creating a diferent War system for 24h will mean wars will allways finnish, it is about skill but activity of the alliance, once can send all troops, for example the alliance in war with can attack members to avoid them to station troops. The its a major battle and not man small battles.
      The alliance will all fall together and not seperatly, meaning less troops lossed for most and easier to rebuild.
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
    • how about troop carrier with an extra unit (I call them times troopship) 1 could be up to 100 mercenaries transport (from one building to another), so you could bethe use of cost-cutting deal, and would kolobau not langwierig.der transportermight yet be aufgeveltLevel 1: 10 mercenaries, Level 2: 25 mercenaries

      sry for that english, its google translater -.-
      >>> the Ring on Fire <<<

      "When i do good, i feel good. When i do bad, i feel bad. That´s my religion."
      Abraham Lincoln

      Kenny's KB-Scanner

    • 1. Kolobau vereinfachen in dem man Bauzeiten verkürzt (als Bsp. CB, WL, MD und Tressor bis 20 sollte schneller auszubauen gehen)
      2. Stationierungskosten billiger machen, ab einen bestimmten Punkt ist es eine logistische Meisterleistung seine 25 k Söldner von a nach b zu schieben
      3. den Bash-Schutz verändern, denn ohne Krieg schafft man es nicht bestimmte Leute zu erwischen, weil Sie zu aktiv sind und die 50 % Geschwindigkeit sorgen für noch mehr Sicherheit!
      z.Bsp. der Feind kann einem Spieler für 7 Tage den Schutz nehmen (es gibt keinem Bash-Schutz - Meinetwegen bekommt er eine IG Nachricht, damit er bescheid weiss das es gleich ärger gibt), danach gilt er jedoch für 14 Tage als nicht angreifbar, Urlaubsmodus verlängert die 7 Tage, sobald ein Spieler nur noch 5 oder 10 % seiner vorherigen Einheiten hat, beginnen die 14 Tage Bash-Schutz
      Spieler: [MW]Bergeremit - Allianz: Most Wanted

      ehemals: WKEA [Wir kriegen euch alle]

    • das spiel ist mitlerweile doch garnicht mehr ausgelegt um gute angriffe zu starten . 50% regel , bashregel , noobschutz (was ok ist) . läd sehr zum inaktiv werden ein wenn ich meine einheiten bis zu 12 stunden wegschicken kann . ausserdem bleibt der reiz nach ein paar tagen aus jemanden zu erwischen der seine einheiten wegschickt . man versucht es ein paar tage und lässt es irgendwann . wer hat schon lust wochenlang jemanden zu jagen ?

      so lange es 50% regel gibt wird sich nicht ändern ;)

      im krieg sollte es die nicht geben .
      so würden viel mehr ke´s schreiben und die anderen zu erwischen ;)

      die kriege würden keine 3 bis 4 monate dauern usw.
      man muss nicht immer viel verändern um etwas zu erreichen :)
      S2 Der Bünder Mitglied der Allianz 300
      S7 Bulldog Bünde Capo der Allianz Wir kriegen euch ALLE

      The post was edited 1 time, last by BulldogBuende ().

    • Its a good idea to make more fights ! But to do this, Ravenc must reduce the price of mooving troops.

      Reduced 10 times the price and you see fights !

      I find the game boring because I have to build a building close to my target. This building is seen quickly and suddenly, my attack is no longer a surprise!
      We need to attack from our first building over the map!
      Hope this is changing rapidly ... otherwise I think stop ...
    • Like other player said.. Reduce the costs of moving troops. In Universe4k i can send 30k of the Sentih because the tank is easier to build up.

      Reduce the costs of moving troops or make it easier to build the tresor (short build time)...

      In this time, I need to pay 100.000.000 Dollar to move my troops with 50% of speed to a building to attack other players....
    • Reducing Movement costs is planned with an research. ( Have a look here for example: [0.11.0] Planned Features )
      When I'll implement this, I will consider events with reduced movement costs too. So It's possible, that some Events will be available from time to time when this Feature was introduced. ;)

      Topic Speed Reduction
      This feature was planned to be able to time enemy units better to fight them on their way home and to reduce movement costs to station your troops cheaper near to the enemy.

      I have several ideas how we can handle this speed reduction feature in future. We can remove the 50%, 60% & 70% limit and set it to 75% speed as a maximum. Available in 5% steps.
      When two Alliances are in war we can set it to 90% and in 1% steps for members of both alliances.
      Also we can discuss about an general movement cost discount when an attack should be started between two alliance members in war.

      Some Ideas for combats:
      Some kind of alliance attacks can be implemented ingame and already was considered a bit when I'll programmed the game from the scratch up.
      But the concept for this wasn't finished yet completely.
      Some thoughts for this:
      - Alliance members can always station their troops in buildings of their Alliance Members
      - it will costs some kind of keepup to let them stationed there until a fight begins ( No keepup while involved in fights )
      - Attackers can merge their fleets in associations
      - round limit will be removed or increased ( at the moment maximum 5 Rounds )
      - around 10 minutes idle time between two rounds ( variable, also could be adjusted to 5 Minutes or becoming faster after some numbers of rounds fought )
      - units can join both sides between two rounds ( only when in same alliance or in war with the opponent enemy )

      But for this system, the combat system must be adjusted. It shouldn't be the case that every combat will be decided in the first round, like it would be possible with the current system.
      For this we have to brainstorm some more ideas. Like some kind of maximum units that will fight each round.
    • Like in other type of wars, just one type of troops don't win a war... in this game Mercenary have all the power....

      I think that the defense in the buildings should do anything else then just give pointe for the building:
      - Spring Guns and Land Mines should give a little defense, otherwise why do they exist?

      - This troops may have a little more defense (again, why do they exist?);

      - This can be a bad idea or a good idea, but, In a war the possibility to damage some rooms of the building (ex:Storage, safe room and boot camp, also spring guns and land mines if they begin to do anything), to prevent destruction of the buildings Spring Guns and Land mines sould have some power;
      - at this time when we put buildings on the waiting list resources are immediately used, my suggestion is that the buildings remain on the waiting list but only the features are removed once construction begins, this preventing that spend resources only to that in attack if not stolen, or, if anyone cancel a construction a part of the resources will be lost;
      - Possibility to move a building but loosing the rooms or a part;

      Boot Camp:
      - A better distribution of the atack and defense (not like Vendetta S3, but a fusion of both);
      - Possibility to cancel troops in boot camp with lost of resources or a part;

      - Lost of Combat Strength in the atacks in 24 hours with more than 50% of the troops (ex: after one atack lost of 10% for 12 hours, 2 atacks lost of 20% for 18 hours......) - They should rest hehehe

      RaVenC wrote:

      Planned Features for Version 0.11.0 ...At the moment there is no date for the release date of this version. This will be announced later.Planned Features:
      research to reduce movement costs - Good idea

      ignore function for messages (to ignore other players) - Don't se a real reason

      alliance rework - Good idea

      war rework (with benefits for the winner) - Good idea, but what type of benefits?

      ( bash warning ) [I will see if i can handle this]

      Highscore rework - Good idea

      chat rework - Good idea

      possibility to delete accounts

      mission to trade resources (or perhaps a tradehub?) - Good idea

      map improvements (tooltips, diplomacy for alliance members) - Good idea

      show choosen colony image of player to other players - Good idea

      Build- and Research Queue - Don't se a real reason

      Combat Simulator - Good idea

      possibility to cancel actions in queue (including unit queue)

      This is planned for now. Perhaps i'll move some features out of this planned milestone or i'll some new freaky stuff. But i think you will like it ;)

      Not everyone will like all my sugestions or all changes that will ocurr, but, it is always so, and discussing will make this game better.

      A new interface would also be nice, but i know that is dificult.
      [Blocked Image:]
      Bibam as gajas....bibam as farms