"IP-Sharing" in detail

  • "IP-Sharing" in detail

    "Special care should be taken to ensure no more common account settings (other than an IP address) are being used. An identical IP alone is not a common reason to be blocked. Sending resources to a player having the same IP is forbidden as well as attacking a player having the same IP as the attacker."

    Since its a current issue, I have a question.

    There is the following situation. Two players get banned. One of them active (farming the other) the other one inactive since at least two weaks.

    14 u Vito Benito [Berserk] es 49.002 199.515 8.75*106 9*106 40

    312 u IICain es 16.577 51.671 -204 68.044 17

    Multi / IP-Sharing violation
    2015-01-29 22:34:36

    Vito Benito
    Multi / IP-Sharing violation
    2015-01-29 22:34:25

    How can you "share the IP" when only one account is active. I don't know all the details, maybe there are some facts that can clarified here, but from my standpoint this is no actual IP-Sharing.

    Hoping for a quick answer. :)

    Greetings Moin
  • Before people keep talking about it xD

    I don't know if it is against the rules to talk about it in public but anyway, cain is a friend of osmnuel and mine from years ago and it was him who got us into stiddari again. He is very irregular and pretty inactive by looooong periods of time and I guess he connected in my house (he is been only 1 time in my house this month/year) so I'm not denying that the ip sharing may have happened in the end. I just want to know the details about when (in the private conversation) because I have been attacking that account (along with other +50 inactive accounts) since he told me he was leaving and I'm talking about months I have been attacking it xD
    Vito Benito - Chicago - 12/07/2014
    Praetor Fenix - Andromeda - 05/12/2014