[War Battle Reports] >> [HELL] HeLL FoRCeS VS [Berserk] Berserkers

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  • The declaration of War is valid. You have 24 hours till de bashing exemption becomes effective.

    As part of the MOD team, and realizing that both families have members in the team, I will ask to all of you to restrain yourself to acuse or insinuate each other of cheating, eg: abusing of the go tool, favortism or any kind you imagine of it.

    We have seen these day that anyone who got attacked comes to the forum right away to complain about cheats and that. If you find suspiccious activity, report to the GO team via In Game or contact @RaVenC, but
    PLEASE, abstain yourself of making it public, the only thing you will get is a direct missconduct warning (wich implicates a direct ban), no matter if you are right or not. The mod team has directions of being zero tolerant with this issues.

    Good war to both alliances, and keep it clean in the game and in the forum.

  • Informe de Batalla: Sat, 18.10.2014 - 03:42:57

    Floyd Mayweather
    Transportista 20 Destruido: 0
    Mercenario 10 Destruido: 0


    Porteador 110 Destruido: 110
    Mercenario 1 Destruido: 1

    Recursos Robados: 545.086 Armas, 545.086 Munición, 0 Alcohol, 90.028 Dólares

    Floyd Mayweather lost a total of 0 points.
    6u7oZ lost a total of 2,166 points.

    StiddariTools - Beta Version - ©Copyright by Luxifer

    Cantidad de Ataques: 21

    Tropas Perdidas:
    Transportistas: 2
    Mercenarios : 1

    Perdidas Atacante : 1278

    Tropas Asesinadas:
    Porteador: 434
    Mercenarios: 4

    Perdidas Defensor : 8610

    Recursos Totales:
    Armas: 3.107.108
    Municion: 3.379.255
    Alcohol: 732.791
    Dolar: 825.534

    aRGENTCoM by M4gn0 V1.5.1
  • Informe de Batalla: Sat, 18.10.2014 - 08:20:28

    Floyd Mayweather
    Transportista 30 Destruido: 2
    Mercenario 6 Destruido: 0


    Matón 1 Destruido: 1
    Transportista 20 Destruido: 20
    Mercenario 1 Destruido: 1
    Centinela 40 Destruido: 40

    Recursos Robados: 113.698 Armas, 258.991 Munición, 22.167 Alcohol, 59.677 Dólares

    Floyd Mayweather lost a total of 102 points.
    catbob5 lost a total of 3,042 points.

    StiddariTools - Beta Version - ©Copyright by Luxifer

    Cantidad de Ataques: 27

    Tropas Perdidas:
    Espias: 16
    Transportistas: 36

    Perdidas Atacante : 1884

    Tropas Asesinadas:
    Matón: 20
    Transportistas: 418
    Mercenarios: 19

    Centinela: 440

    Perdidas Defensor : 53022

    Recursos Totales:
    Armas: 1.598.617
    Municion: 4.229.089
    Alcohol: 3.029.870
    Dolar: 227.193

    aRGENTCoM by M4gn0 V1.5.1
  • Why do you even post things like that attacking of side buildings...

    Combat Report: iron >>> hΛvoκ
    Sat, 18.10.2014 - 11:01:37

    Battle round 1
    Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
    Bouncer 0 0 190 91
    Spy 2 1 391 187
    Mover 0 0 409 195
    Carrier 0 0 12 6
    Sniper 50 26 0 0
    Mercenary 1000 523 624 298
    Scout 2000 1046 140 67
    Safeguard 10 5

    Attack index 18.296.052*87% = 15.917.565 18.640.689*78% = 14.539.737
    Defense index 21.761.252 22.359.480
    Chances of Winning 47% 53%
    Chances of Espionage 0%

    Battle round 2
    Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
    Bouncer 0 0 99 44
    Spy 1 1 204 90
    Mover 0 0 214 94
    Carrier 0 0 6 3
    Sniper 24 13 0 0
    Mercenary 477 267 326 144
    Scout 954 534 73 32
    Safeguard 5 2

    Attack index 8.727.328*87% = 7.592.775 9.738.517*78% = 7.596.043
    Defense index 10.380.121 11.681.344
    Chances of Winning 44% 56%
    Chances of Espionage 0%

    Battle round 3
    Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
    Bouncer 0 0 55 19
    Spy 0 0 114 40
    Mover 0 0 120 42
    Carrier 0 0 3 1
    Sniper 11 7 0 0
    Mercenary 210 137 182 63
    Scout 420 274 41 14
    Safeguard 3 1

    Attack index 3.842.541*87% = 3.343.011 5.436.889*78% = 4.240.773
    Defense index 4.569.875 6.521.527
    Chances of Winning 34% 66%
    Chances of Espionage 0%

    Battle round 4
    Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
    Bouncer 0 0 36 6
    Spy 0 0 74 12
    Mover 0 0 78 13
    Carrier 0 0 2 0
    Sniper 4 3 0 0
    Mercenary 73 61 119 20
    Scout 146 122 27 4
    Safeguard 2 0

    Attack index 1.335.871*87% = 1.162.208 3.554.906*78% = 2.772.827
    Defense index 1.588.580 4.264.082
    Chances of Winning 16% 84%
    Chances of Espionage 0%

    Battle round 5
    Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
    Bouncer 0 0 30 0
    Spy 0 0 62 0
    Mover 0 0 65 0
    Carrier 0 0 2 0
    Sniper 1 1 0 0
    Mercenary 12 12 99 0
    Scout 24 24 23 0
    Safeguard 2 0

    Attack index 219.849*87% = 191.269 2.957.538*78% = 2.306.880
    Defense index 261.145 3.547.511
    Chances of Winning 0% 100%
    Chances of Espionage 0%

    Captured Resources
    Weapons 0
    Ammunition 0
    Alcohol 0
    Dollar 0

    You may have more points, but remember, thats just numbers.
    We have balls, you don't.

    Yeah Liberty you can now post your full power attack on Iron after he lost troops on that hit. Its all you can do anyway. :)
  • Cesc... Let me talk about the story of that attack :)

    Once upon a time there was a man, made of Iron. Só strong that he thought he could beat everyone...

    His aim was on Havok and so he did it, with almost twice of the troops he attacked Havok with victory certainty in his mind!
    Poor Iron, he forgot that Havok had the twice of his skills on this matter, Havok evoked havoc and bang... The man of Iron went on holidays

    [Blocked Image: http://i39.servimg.com/u/f39/11/23/34/48/beasts10.png]
    [Blocked Image: http://i39.servimg.com/u/f39/11/23/34/48/oie_1910.png] [Blocked Image: http://drawergeeks.com/Iron Man/Pelletier.jpg]
    [Blocked Image: http://i39.servimg.com/u/f39/11/23/34/48/oie_1611.png]
    [Blocked Image: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_SWcXxYPqxGI/THB_7-F4TUI/AAAAAAAADik/0_cLaazSROg/s1600/HAVOK.jpg]

    Informe de Batalla: Sat, 18.10.2014 - 11:01:37
    Espia 2 Destruido: 2
    Francotirador 50 Destruido: 50
    Mercenario 1000 Destruido: 1000
    Scout 2000 Destruido: 2000
    Portero 190 Destruido: 160
    Espia 391 Destruido: 329
    Porteador 409 Destruido: 344
    Transportista 12 Destruido: 10
    Mercenario 624 Destruido: 525
    Scout 140 Destruido: 117
    Centinela 10 Destruido: 8

    iron lost a total of 1,203,406 points.
    hΛvoκ lost a total of 624,642 points.

    StiddariTools - Beta Version - ©Copyright by Luxifer

    [Blocked Image:

    And Cesc... This wasn't balls, this was a poorly planned attack by Iron
  • [Blocked Image: http://i43.servimg.com/u/f43/11/23/34/48/beasts10.png]


    [Blocked Image: http://i39.servimg.com/u/f39/11/23/34/48/bewulf10.png]


    Not demonstrate with words but with attitude.

    Combat Report: Mon, 20.10.2014 - 19:47:57

    Rowdy 300 Destroyed: 139
    Gunman 700 Destroyed: 323
    Mercenary 950 Destroyed: 439


    Rowdy 104 Destroyed: 104
    Knifer 2247 Destroyed: 2247
    Gunman 200 Destroyed: 200
    Mover 900 Destroyed: 900
    Mercenary 683 Destroyed: 683
    Scout 6 Destroyed: 6

    Captured Resources: 2.471.685 Weapons, 2.501.790 Ammunition, 951.551 Alcohol, 2.138.396 Dollar

    Beowulf lost a total of 523,881 points.
    6u7oZ lost a total of 825,198 points.

    Source Code

    1. Battle Report: Beowulf >>> 6u7oZ
    2. Mon, 20.10.2014
    3. Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
    4. Rowdy 300 139 104 104
    5. Knifer 0 0 2.247 2.247
    6. Gunman 700 323 200 200
    7. Mover 0 0 900 900
    8. Mercenary 950 439 683 683
    9. Scout 0 0 6 6
    Display All

    The striker has won the battle!

    Resources lost in the battle
    Resources lost by the attacker: 111.531.800
    Resources lost by the defender: 175.879.200
    Total of resources lost: 287.411.000

    Points lost
    Points lost by the attacker: 523.881
    Points lost by the defender: 825.198
    Total of Points lost: 1.349.079

    Captured: 2.471.685 W , 2.501.790 M , 2.138.396 D
    Lost: 35.793.800 W , 53.788.000 M , 21.950.000 D
    Analyzed with Desert Eagle's CR-Analyzer
  • Source Code

    1. Battle Report: Beowulf >>> 6u7oZ
    2. Wed, 22.10.2014
    3. Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
    4. Gunman 400 21 0 0
    5. Spy 1 0 0 0
    6. Mover 0 0 378 378
    7. Carrier 0 0 119 119
    8. Mercenary 500 26 84 84

    The striker has won the battle!

    Resources lost in the battle
    Resources lost by the attacker: 6.605.000
    Resources lost by the defender: 22.481.200
    Total of resources lost: 29.086.200

    Points lost
    Points lost by the attacker: 31.017
    Points lost by the defender: 108.255
    Total of Points lost: 139.272

    Captured: 2.376.836 W , 3.236.110 M , 377.149 D
    Lost: 2.122.000 W , 3.183.000 M , 1.300.000 D
    Analyzed with Desert Eagle's CR-Analyzer
  • Combat Report: Sat, 25.10.2014 - 22:07:47

    Mercenary 962 Destroyed: 962


    Rowdy 77 Destroyed: 43
    Knifer 1443 Destroyed: 816
    Spy 94 Destroyed: 53
    Carrier 311 Destroyed: 176
    Sniper 117 Destroyed: 66
    Hitman 203 Destroyed: 115
    Demolition Expert 43 Destroyed: 24
    Mercenary 1404 Destroyed: 794
    Scout 869 Destroyed: 492
    Clandestine Worker 115 Destroyed: 65
    Safeguard 17 Destroyed: 9
    Policeman 8 Destroyed: 4
    Bodyguard 27 Destroyed: 16
    Guard 8 Destroyed: 4

    Matthew lost a total of 1,131,312 points.
    PoGïS lost a total of 984,534 points.

    StiddariTools - Beta Version - ©Copyright by Luxifer
  • Source Code

    1. Battle Report: « AsFig » >>> SiBiReC
    2. Sun, 26.10.2014
    3. Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
    4. Rowdy 0 0 2 2
    5. Bouncer 0 0 1 1
    6. Knifer 0 0 100 100
    7. Gunman 0 0 172 172
    8. Spy 0 0 0 505
    9. Carrier 0 0 132 132
    10. Sniper 0 0 10 10
    11. Mercenary 0 0 1 1
    12. Scout 11.976 0 40 40
    Display All

    The striker has won the battle!

    Resources lost in the battle
    Resources lost by the attacker: 0
    Resources lost by the defender: 3.028.200
    Total of resources lost: 3.028.200

    Points lost
    Points lost by the attacker: 0
    Points lost by the defender: 14.253
    Total of Points lost: 14.253

    Captured: 3.992 W , 3.992 M , 3.992 D
    Lost: 0 W , 0 M , 0 D
    Analyzed with Desert Eagle's CR-Analyzer

    Hello dude, how are you?
    just wanted to ask how are you? Hope all is fine :)

    [Blocked Image: http://i62.tinypic.com/2h3mu85.jpg]
    Bibam as gajas....bibam as minesss...bibam..........as farms
  • asfig wrote:

    Source Code

    1. Battle Report: « AsFig » >>> SiBiReC
    2. Sun, 26.10.2014
    3. Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
    4. Rowdy 0 0 2 2
    5. Bouncer 0 0 1 1
    6. Knifer 0 0 100 100
    7. Gunman 0 0 172 172
    8. Spy 0 0 0 505
    9. Carrier 0 0 132 132
    10. Sniper 0 0 10 10
    11. Mercenary 0 0 1 1
    12. Scout 11.976 0 40 40
    Display All

    The striker has won the battle!

    Resources lost in the battle
    Resources lost by the attacker: 0
    Resources lost by the defender: 3.028.200
    Total of resources lost: 3.028.200

    Points lost
    Points lost by the attacker: 0
    Points lost by the defender: 14.253
    Total of Points lost: 14.253

    Captured: 3.992 W , 3.992 M , 3.992 D
    Lost: 0 W , 0 M , 0 D
    Analyzed with Desert Eagle's CR-Analyzer

    Hello dude, how are you?
    just wanted to ask how are you? Hope all is fine :)


    Source Code

    1. Battle Report: SiBiReC >>> « AsFig »
    2. Sun, 26.10.2014
    3. Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
    4. Mercenary 1.199 343 467 467

    The striker has won the battle!

    Resources lost in the battle
    Resources lost by the attacker: 85.750.000
    Resources lost by the defender: 116.750.000
    Total of resources lost: 202.500.000

    Points lost
    Points lost by the attacker: 403.368
    Points lost by the defender: 549.192
    Total of Points lost: 952.560

    Captured: 0 W , 1.638.268 M , 0 D
    Lost: 27.440.000 W , 41.160.000 M , 17.150.000 D
    Analyzed with Desert Eagle's CR-Analyzer

    Well I am fine dude, thank you for asking.
    Real man fight with merc, others with scouts :D

  • More or less x14 buidlings :D

    Source Code

    1. Battle Report: SiBiReC >>> PoGïS
    2. Sun, 26.10.2014
    3. Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
    4. Carrier 0 0 10 10
    5. Mercenary 55 0 6 6

    The striker has won the battle!

    Resources lost in the battle
    Resources lost by the attacker: 0
    Resources lost by the defender: 1.580.000
    Total of resources lost: 1.580.000

    Points lost
    Points lost by the attacker: 0
    Points lost by the defender: 7.566
    Total of Points lost: 7.566

    Captured: 286.000 W , 286.000 M , 0 D
    Lost: 0 W , 0 M , 0 D
    Analyzed with Desert Eagle's CR-Analyzer

    ...and he went on VK mode :D
  • [Blocked Image: http://i43.servimg.com/u/f43/11/23/34/48/beasts10.png]


    Informe de Batalla: Sun, 26.10.2014 - 22:49:22

    Pistolero 5866 Destruido: 5866
    Mercenario 1879 Destruido: 1879


    Mercenario 3342 Destruido: 1034

    Broas lost a total of 2,332,890 points.
    Cesc lost a total of 1,215,984 points.

    StiddariTools - Beta Version - ©Copyright by Luxifer

    Relatório de Batalha: xx:xx:xx (Broas) >>> xx:xx:xx (Cesc)
    Sun, 26.10.2014 - 22:49:22

    Ronda de Batalha 1
    Unidades Quantidade Destruído Quantidade Destruído
    Pistoleiro 5866 4326 0 0
    Mercenário 1879 1386 3342 877

    Chance de Vencer 26% 74%
    Probabilidade de Espionagem 0%

    Ronda de Batalha 2
    Unidades Quantidade Destruído Quantidade Destruído
    Pistoleiro 1540 1442 0 0
    Mercenário 493 462 2465 157

    Chance de Vencer 6% 94%
    Probabilidade de Espionagem 0%

    Ronda de Batalha 3
    Unidades Quantidade Destruído Quantidade Destruído
    Pistoleiro 98 98 0 0
    Mercenário 31 31 2308 0

    Chance de Vencer 0% 100%
    Probabilidade de Espionagem 0%

    Recursos Roubados
    Armas 0
    Munições 0
    Álcool 0
    Dólares 0

  • If you are interested how does it look when 12.000 scouts fight and gets killed, enjoy the battle raport :)

    Source Code

    1. Battle Report: SiBiReC >>> « AsFig »
    2. Mon, 27.10.2014
    3. Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
    4. Rowdy 0 0 107 107
    5. Bouncer 0 0 1 1
    6. Knifer 0 0 186 186
    7. Gunman 0 0 1.795 1.795
    8. Spy 0 0 52 52
    9. Carrier 0 0 104 104
    10. Sniper 0 0 26 26
    11. Hitman 0 0 1 1
    12. Mercenary 200 116 101 101
    13. Scout 0 0 11.978 11.978
    Display All

    The striker has won the battle!

    Resources lost in the battle
    Resources lost by the attacker: 29.000.000
    Resources lost by the defender: 131.474.300
    Total of resources lost: 160.474.300

    Points lost
    Points lost by the attacker: 136.416
    Points lost by the defender: 319.941
    Total of Points lost: 456.357

    Captured: 327.600 W , 327.600 M , 327.600 D
    Lost: 9.280.000 W , 13.920.000 M , 5.800.000 D
    Analyzed with Desert Eagle's CR-Analyzer
  • [Blocked Image: http://i39.servimg.com/u/f39/11/23/34/48/oie_ws10.png]


    Combat Report: Wed, 29.10.2014 - 17:04:50[/b]

    Rowdy 1 Destroyed: 1
    Bouncer 1460 Destroyed: 1458
    Spy 134 Destroyed: 134
    FBI Agent 3 Destroyed: 3
    Carrier 393 Destroyed: 392
    Sniper 853 Destroyed: 852
    Hitman 3 Destroyed: 3
    Mercenary 811 Destroyed: 810
    Scout 527 Destroyed: 526


    Mercenary 839 Destroyed: 742

    Undertaker lost a total of 1,013,074 points.
    INnoVation lost a total of 872,592 points.

    StiddariTools - Beta Version - ©Copyright by Luxifer

    Source Code

    1. Battle Report: Undertaker >>> INnoVation
    2. Wed, 29.10.2014
    3. Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed
    4. Rowdy 1 1 0 0
    5. Bouncer 1.460 1.458 0 0
    6. Spy 134 134 0 0
    7. FBI Agent 3 3 0 0
    8. Carrier 393 392 0 0
    9. Sniper 853 852 0 0
    10. Hitman 3 3 0 0
    11. Mercenary 811 810 839 742
    12. Scout 527 526 0 0
    Display All

    The striker has won the battle!

    Resources lost in the battle
    Resources lost by the attacker: 217.510.400
    Resources lost by the defender: 185.500.000
    Total of resources lost: 403.010.400

    Points lost
    Points lost by the attacker: 1.013.074
    Points lost by the defender: 872.592
    Total of Points lost: 1.885.666

    Captured: 0 W , 0 M , 0 D
    Lost: 70.753.200 W , 102.297.200 M , 44.460.000 D
    Analyzed with Desert Eagle's CR-Analyzer


    [Blocked Image: http://i39.servimg.com/u/f39/11/23/34/48/innova10.png]


    Now let the vultures come to try to farm my account:
    - SirBec
    - Cesc
    - Bergeremit

    Like they hare doing to (with the honour that just they have and like to talk about) to the ones that had fallen in this WAR.

    Keep it up courageous ones!

  • Combat Report: Wed, 29.10.2014 - 18:36:36

    Mercenary 90 Destroyed: 0


    Bouncer 2 Destroyed: 2
    Carrier 1 Destroyed: 1
    Sniper 1 Destroyed: 1
    Mercenary 1 Destroyed: 1
    Scout 1 Destroyed: 1

    Captured Resources: 0 Weapons, 0 Ammunition, 9.000 Alcohol, 139.506 Dollar

    INnoVation lost a total of 0 points.
    Undertaker lost a total of 1,280 points.

    StiddariTools - Beta Version - ©Copyright by Luxifer