KaRmA[ANON] Vs Shaggy[PDC] | -1.464.765

  • KaRmA[ANON] Vs Shaggy[PDC] | -1.464.765

    Source Code

    1. Informe de Batalla: KaRmA >>> Shaggy
    2. Wed, 27.08.2014 - 03:14:30
    3. Ronda de batalla 1
    4. Unidades Cantidad Destruido Cantidad Destruido
    5. Matón 0 0 1 1
    6. Espia 0 0 154 85
    7. Transportista 0 0 39 21
    8. Mercenario 711 321 718 394
    9. Scout 0 0 42 23
    10. Puntuación de Ataque 14.429.034*81% = 11.687.518 11.692.115*81% = 9.470.613
    11. Valor de Defensa 17.314.272 14.028.138
    12. Oportunidad de Victoria 54% 46%
    13. Oportunidad de Espionaje 0%
    14. Ronda de batalla 2
    15. Unidades Cantidad Destruido Cantidad Destruido
    16. Espia 0 0 69 43
    17. Transportista 0 0 18 11
    18. Mercenario 390 146 324 202
    19. Scout 0 0 19 12
    20. Puntuación de Ataque 7.914.660*81% = 6.410.875 5.276.111*81% = 4.273.650
    21. Valor de Defensa 9.497.280 6.330.250
    22. Oportunidad de Victoria 62% 38%
    23. Oportunidad de Espionaje 0%
    24. Ronda de batalla 3
    25. Unidades Cantidad Destruido Cantidad Destruido
    26. Espia 0 0 26 21
    27. Transportista 0 0 7 6
    28. Mercenario 244 52 122 96
    29. Scout 0 0 7 6
    30. Puntuación de Ataque 4.951.736*81% = 4.010.906 1.986.676*81% = 1.609.208
    31. Valor de Defensa 5.941.888 2.383.614
    32. Oportunidad de Victoria 78% 22%
    33. Oportunidad de Espionaje 0%
    34. Ronda de batalla 4
    35. Unidades Cantidad Destruido Cantidad Destruido
    36. Espia 0 0 5 5
    37. Transportista 0 0 1 1
    38. Mercenario 192 6 26 25
    39. Scout 0 0 1 1
    40. Puntuación de Ataque 3.896.448*81% = 3.156.123 423.355*81% = 342.918
    41. Valor de Defensa 4.675.584 507.969
    42. Oportunidad de Victoria 96% 4%
    43. Oportunidad de Espionaje 0%
    44. Ronda de batalla 5
    45. Unidades Cantidad Destruido Cantidad Destruido
    46. Mercenario 186 0 1 1
    47. Puntuación de Ataque 3.774.684*81% = 3.057.494 16.280*81% = 13.187
    48. Valor de Defensa 4.529.472 19.536
    49. Oportunidad de Victoria 100% 0%
    50. Oportunidad de Espionaje 0%
    51. Recursos Robados
    52. Armas 233.053
    53. Munición 1.838.989
    54. Alcohol 290.359
    55. Dólares 26.346
    Display All
    Formatted with Kenny's CR-Scanner

    Points Lost
    KaRmA -617.400
    Shaggy -847.365

    Total Points Lost

    Nothing against Shaggy but anyone from PDC must be taken down and no one else showed there troops.
    GardeLAME now you can show your attack... it was obvious it was gonna happen, but didnt care....

    If anyone has before and after just let me know ;)
    Dedicated to POLLOS, HELL & Ruik Without him this would not be possible :D
    Mail: Stv3N@gmx.es
    Skype: Stv228

    Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
    "Give your hand and they will take your arm."
  • you do not understand anything!!

    your attacks are without honor, because you use your game operators power to attack other players.

    you do not deserve the job that you have in this team. @RaVenC should take action against this lawlessness of the game

    Warned: see profile. DemoN
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    26. - Accusations or insinuations of any kind pointing a Staff Member of protection or partiality towards another Players or Board Members or comments to the way that a Staff Member carries out his/her duties, are considered misconduct and will lead to a direct WARNING. The Staff Members have proved themselves capable, responsible and competent and that’s the reason they occupy a position in the Stiddari’s Staff. The work undertaken by the Staff Members is daily evaluated and monitored by their hierarchical superiors.
    In: BOARD RULES (link).

  • DonSacha wrote:

    you do not understand anything!!

    your attacks are without honor, because you use your game operators power to attack other players.

    you do not deserve the job that you have in this team. @RaVenC should take action against this lawlessness of the game

    Dont worry @DonSacha im not part of the Team anymore, i will still destroy you.
    There are people like you that do not take advantaje of there power.

    to be continued.....
    Mail: Stv3N@gmx.es
    Skype: Stv228

    Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
    "Give your hand and they will take your arm."