[OPEN] Candidature for Trial Game Operator

    • [OPEN] Candidature for Trial Game Operator

      Candidature for Trial Game Operator
      Candidature to integrate Stiddari GO Team are open now!

      Do you feel ready for this challenge?
      Have you got some free time and desire to help the community?

      Read the requirements carefully, and if you think that fulfill all of the,
      just send your application and we will review your profile as soon as possible.

      Requirements needed for being a Game Operator:

      1.- Over 18 Years old.
      2.- Analyze the time you have available, you will need to dedicate 1-3h Daily.
      3.- Its mandatory to know how to communicate with the Community in a polite way.
      4.- Have a good level of English.

      Send an e-mail with your candidature to stiddari.com@gmail.com with the following information:

      * Name:
      * Sure name:
      * Sex:
      * Country:
      * Date of Birth
      * E-mail address:
      * Skype User:
      * Board Nickname:
      * In game Nickname:
      * Native Language:
      * Other languages spoken:

      * Make a brief presentation and explain the reason/s why do you wish to apply for the position of Trial Game Operator.
      * Include in this presentation your level with Computers/Technology and your experience in any other games as GO.
      * Attach any proof you may have.

      Any question please contact @DemoN
      Mail: Stv3N@gmx.es
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."