Important to say

  • Important to say

    Let me break something down for you: when you act like this, it makes me want to spite you - to actively seek out ways to tweak you and your "rules" and your demands. And so I do... there are situations where I could just shrug and say, "Well, I don't agree with that person," and move on - and usually, I do. But, sometimes, I think of people like you, and I know that it will make you literally indignant if I post something snarky or dismissive. So I do it. And you can rage all you want, it will never change anything. There's more like me than there are of you, and there always will be. Tell yourself whatever you want to believe. What I say is true whether you believe it or not.

    Warned: see profile. DemoN
    5. - It will not be tolerated SPAM or Offtopic in the sections where it is not allowed according to the rules. It is considered Spam the messages without content that does not bring anything new to the content of the thread. The majority of the messages that only contain smilies or less than 5 words, are typical of spam. The members who make SPAM of any kind, may be warned. The order on the board, the respect for the intention of the authors when they create a thread and for the various sections and subsections is something important for the proper functioning of the board and its flexibility for the users, therefore a negligent attitude regarding these rules may be punished.

    7. - All the threads/replies should be placed in the appropriate section or subsection according to the subject. If it is verified an intentional mistake the user will be responsible for the consequences.

    - In the case of major insult or adopt a stance of abuse of the system notice-warning, showing a clear "overstep the mark", it will be given a direct warning.
    In: BOARD RULES (link).
    15:01:51 Unantastbar: pls dont talk shit

    "Ich kann meinen Einheiten ja sagen sie sollen langsamer laufen... wäre doch auch sinnvoll denen zu sagrn ihr lauft erst um 2 uhr los oder? ;)" - Illisto[/align]
    [Blocked Image:]