[Others] >> Noobs Rules [NR] vs Veni_Vidi_Vici [v|V|v]

  • So much complaining about things you do yourselves! Bomberox, what's the training difference between messam and dragonslayer? You are such hypocrites.

    I do not have mercs, I had 2000 training points when maty and Randy crashed my troops with no provocation. You think during war I'm going to leave my troops for your alliance mates 1200 scouts? Get real. Your boys fleetsave all the time, and celebrate us "running". Such a joke how noob some of your guys really are.

    the hits by cesc you whine about were super ninja attacks
    they all coincide with failed hits on other members, and great teamwork to communicate and plan return attacks. You complain about us moving when you send mercs at players who haven't unlocked them. Every time you complain, its about something you do, and you look more and more pathetic

    p.s. Maty, I like how you had to change to an acct you didn't build, and still think you have a place to talk here.... AhahHa

    The post was edited 1 time, last by CannabisKid ().

  • Originally posted by robbyatmlc
    So much complaining about things you do yourselves! Bomberox, what's the training difference between messam and dragonslayer? You are such hypocrites.

    I do not have mercs, I had 2000 training points when maty and Randy crashed my troops with no provocation. You think during war I'm going to leave my troops for your alliance mates 1200 scouts? Get real. Your boys fleetsave all the time, and celebrate us "running". Such a joke how noob some of your guys really are.

    the hits by cesc you whine about were super ninja attacks
    they all coincide with failed hits on other members, and great teamwork to communicate and plan return attacks. You complain about us moving when you send mercs at players who haven't unlocked them. Every time you complain, its about something you do, and you look more and more pathetic

    p.s. Maty, I like how you had to change to an acct you didn't build, and still think you have a place to talk here.... AhahHa

    No se quien sos, por que no das la cara?.
    Los que empezaron atacando a los peques fueron ustedes,
    Iron teniendo muchos mas puntos y merces, ataco a weed, en ese momento sin merces. Despues la siguio Cesc con migo, y como dije nosotros respondimos en modo de DEFENSA.
    Obviamente no ibamos a poder hacer contra gente mucho mas grande con nosotros, asi que tuvimos que ir por los que estan a nuestro alcanze o mas chiquitos, ya que su familia ataca a pequeños, por qe nosotros no?
    Despues dijieron que no querian guerra, pero la cantera de la familia no paraba de recibir ataques, y por eso es esta Guerra. Por meterse con quien no deben.

    Y aca no vengas a decir que no tengo lugar para hablar, por que hablo lo que se me antoja. Para eso esta el foro, y que haya cambiado de cuenta no significa nada.. y no se si fuistes vos o algun compañero tuyo, pero decile que reporte lo que quiera, pero el cambio de cuenta ya esta avisado, asi que dejen de hablar por hablar y de amenzar y dediquense a jugar limpio (Aunque no creo que algunos compañeros suyos sepan lo que es eso)

    Menos palabra, menos correr, y mas accion.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Maty ().

  • I don't have the habit to reply, but I will make an exception this time.

    I was not online :) , I sleep at night... ( so now do not take advantage, because everybody as to sleep ... eventually)

    I knew, that Bomberox would attack me that night, because the night before he had the brilliant idea to send a "boy" to do a men's job.

    So before he took out all my troops on my secondary buildings ( I replied next morning), then [NR] decide to send a "boy" Mr.AnGelPrO with his 76 mercenaries to do collateral damages in my army, which was not so bad, he manage to take me out 41818 point, but he lost 90388..

    Now I had a big loss, 98835 points but Bomberox had also a loss of 68208, so if my math is not so bad ....

    My losses :41818+98835 = 140653 points
    NR losses: 90388+68208 = 158596 points

    (not counting other attacks that will do a little more difference in favor of us, v.V.v.)

    Good reconstructions to the fighters, good luck to all of us and let the party continue…
    Cyrus AKA the Virus
  • Original von devilman
    I don't have the habit to reply, but I will make an exception this time.

    I was not online :) , I sleep at night... ( so now do not take advantage, because everybody as to sleep ... eventually)

    I knew, that Bomberox would attack me that night, because the night before he had the brilliant idea to send a "boy" to do a men's job.

    So before he took out all my troops on my secondary buildings ( I replied next morning), then [NR] decide to send a "boy" Mr.AnGelPrO with his 76 mercenaries to do collateral damages in my army, which was not so bad, he manage to take me out 41818 point, but he lost 90388..

    Now I had a big loss, 98835 points but Bomberox had also a loss of 68208, so if my math is not so bad ....

    My losses :41818+98835 = 140653 points
    NR losses: 90388+68208 = 158596 points

    (not counting other attacks that will do a little more difference in favor of us, v.V.v.)

    Good reconstructions to the fighters, good luck to all of us and let the party continue…

    devilman, ahi tenemos una diferencias tu buscas puntos y yo busco bajartelos lol.

    Ningun niño mande, angel se mando por ti, porque quizo, sabia que se iba a estampar. Recuerda que el dia antes, te mande merces a todos los edificios, para no jugar con scout, y que hicistes tu? enviastes scout lol. Asi que tranquilo perdimos "puntos" pero tu, el poder de ataque xD
  • I Don't have to justify why I sent you scout’s.

    I could send you mercenaries as I also did, but didn't have so much time so it was a quicker response to the transporters that you killed, killing your carriers.

    A war is not won in a battle, but in the sum of all of them, and it is here that the points speak louder.
    Cyrus AKA the Virus
  • Originally posted by devilman
    I Don't have to justify why I sent you scout’s.

    I could send you mercenaries as I also did, but didn't have so much time so it was a quicker response to the transporters that you killed, killing your carriers.

    A war is not won in a battle, but in the sum of all of them, and it is here that the points speak louder.

    totally agree with this!! goog job!

    animo Bobmeroxx, esto no se gana en 2 dias :P

    "La persona cuyo nombre quede inscrito en mi cuaderno, morirá"
  • Original von devilman
    I Don't have to justify why I sent you scout’s.

    I could send you mercenaries as I also did, but didn't have so much time so it was a quicker response to the transporters that you killed, killing your carriers.

    A war is not won in a battle, but in the sum of all of them, and it is here that the points speak louder.

    Mi respuesta fue a la que solo atacamos con scout, y no lo creo xD

    Las batallas seran largas, y esperemos entretenidas.
  • Originally posted by dragangel

    4 [NR] NOOBS RULES 3.209.150 23 139.528
    6 [v|V|v] Veni_Vidi_Vici 2.821.623 14 201.544
    :D :D :D :D :D

    yea, our points/ player has grown much faster than yours. 23 members to 14. Which alliance has more troop losses? Not even a question.

    maty play your own account loser. You got crashed so you run to beg for another account. What a noob child.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by CannabisKid ().

  • Originally posted by robbyatmlc
    Originally posted by dragangel

    4 [NR] NOOBS RULES 3.209.150 23 139.528
    6 [v|V|v] Veni_Vidi_Vici 2.821.623 14 201.544
    :D :D :D :D :D

    yea, our points/ player has grown much faster than yours. 23 members to 14. Which alliance has more troop losses? Not even a question.

    maty play your own account loser. You got crashed so you run to beg for another account. What a noob child.

    Como te gusta hablar de mi eh.. si yo cambie de cuenta no es problema tuyo. O que pasa tenes miedo? Mi cuenta anterior estaba a nada de los merces.. y esta cuenta el dueño no la podia llevar de la manera adecuada en esta guerra. Por eso, intercambiamos. Que tiene de malo? Nada.
    A ver si aprendes a cerrar la boca.. y deja de hablar taaanto de mi.

    Y sigo diciendo, deja de esconderte y deci como es tu nick en el juego.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Maty ().

  • You know who I am. I should take over cescs acct and listen to you cry when I crash your second account with it. You whine and whine and play like a little girl. When you build your own account, we will listen to you, for now your words mean nothing because you haven't earned what you have. I haven't mercs either, but I don't cry when you attack me with them on your new account.

    just stop talking. You don't deserve it. I'll take great pleasure in helping you lose your troops on this acct too.

    ahahahaha this is like ww2. Noobs start war with coward attacks then cry about the nuclear bomb we drop on em (cesc)

    The post was edited 1 time, last by CannabisKid ().

  • Ok, I'll build mercs soon. Then we can see who is better player. Your alliance Sucks. You get ninja'd over and over and celebrate fleetsaves and scout attacks. I entered game just over a month ago and can show those results. Your best attack shows near the same losses. We work as a team to have players who are online and capable hit you when you can't avoid it. I am doing my part. You will be in my sights shortly.
  • niño, hace unos comentarios tu pusistes a maty, que no festeje con logros que no son de el, asi que cuando tu me bajes, festeja ese logro, mientras tanto segui llorando por el foro y hablando mucho, atacando poco, lorrando llorando, que te piensas que no me di cuenta que cesc se vino a mi barrio?? lo espero con todo amigo, yo no se correr jajaja
  • por aca solo leo puros bla bla bla bla, y mucho mucho llanto.
    Empiezan a fijarse en sus cosas, antes de fijarse y hablar de los demas.

    Como se dice aca, los pingos se ven en la cancha.
    Y si no lo entienden, a joderse.

    Sigan criticando, hablando x hablar, llorando, quejandose de todo. Ustedes empezaron, asi que a bancarsela gente.
    Si yo cambie la cuenta es mi problema, y no el de ustedes.. sigan preocupandose en correr que asi les va bien.
    Por que cada ves que abren la bocota, solo lloran, y dicen cosas que a ustedes no les incumbe.
    Dediquense a correr, q x ahora es lo unico que hacen bien.

    Nos vemos en la cancha.
  • Originally posted by Maty
    por aca solo leo puros bla bla bla bla, y mucho mucho llanto.
    Empiezan a fijarse en sus cosas, antes de fijarse y hablar de los demas.

    Como se dice aca, los pingos se ven en la cancha.
    Y si no lo entienden, a joderse.

    Sigan criticando, hablando x hablar, llorando, quejandose de todo. Ustedes empezaron, asi que a bancarsela gente.
    Si yo cambie la cuenta es mi problema, y no el de ustedes.. sigan preocupandose en correr que asi les va bien.
    Por que cada ves que abren la bocota, solo lloran, y dicen cosas que a ustedes no les incumbe.
    Dediquense a correr, q x ahora es lo unico que hacen bien.

    Nos vemos en la cancha.

    Bla bla bla and again bla bla...one thing: BUILD YOUR OWN ACCOUNT :) Then talk :)
    [Blocked Image: http://i.imgur.com/jV1WIIN.jpg]
  • Originally posted by TheDarkSide
    Originally posted by Maty
    por aca solo leo puros bla bla bla bla, y mucho mucho llanto.
    Empiezan a fijarse en sus cosas, antes de fijarse y hablar de los demas.

    Como se dice aca, los pingos se ven en la cancha.
    Y si no lo entienden, a joderse.

    Sigan criticando, hablando x hablar, llorando, quejandose de todo. Ustedes empezaron, asi que a bancarsela gente.
    Si yo cambie la cuenta es mi problema, y no el de ustedes.. sigan preocupandose en correr que asi les va bien.
    Por que cada ves que abren la bocota, solo lloran, y dicen cosas que a ustedes no les incumbe.
    Dediquense a correr, q x ahora es lo unico que hacen bien.

    Nos vemos en la cancha.

    Bla bla bla and again bla bla...one thing: BUILD YOUR OWN ACCOUNT :) Then talk :)

    y seguimos con el bla bla bla :motz2: :motz2: :motz2:

    Dejen de hablar y empiezen a actuar.

    Quedate tranquilo que mi cuenta esta bien construida. Y ahora la esta llevando alguien adecuado para ella.
  • Ok Boys. I belive You all said what you had to say, and this chattering is becoming redundant. If you don't have anything new to say to each other, abstaing yourself. From now on, if I see a post that says something very similar to something already said, I will give notices and warnings because they will be considered as SPAM.
    Also, be carefull with your expressions and words, some of them are close to be considered insults or serious provocations.
    Lets see more battles and less words!
    Good war to all of you!


    Ok chicos. Creo que ya se dijeron todo lo que tenian que decirse. Toda esta charlataneria se esta volviendo redundante. Si no tienen nada nuevo que decirse el uno al otro, abstenganse. Desde ahora, si veo un post que diga algo similar a algo ya dicho, voy a dar advertencias y avisos porque seran considerados como SPAM.
    Tambien, tengan cuidado con sus expresiones y las palabras. Algunas estan muy cerca de ser considerados como insultos o provocaciones graves.
    Veamos mas batallas y menos palabras.
    Buena guerra a todos ustedes.
  • Originally posted by NaHuaL
    Ok Boys. I belive You all said what you had to say, and this chattering is becoming redundant. If you don't have anything new to say to each other, abstaing yourself. From now on, if I see a post that says something very similar to something already said, I will give notices and warnings because they will be considered as SPAM.
    Also, be carefull with your expressions and words, some of them are close to be considered insults or serious provocations.
    Lets see more battles and less words!
    Good war to all of you!


    Ok chicos. Creo que ya se dijeron todo lo que tenian que decirse. Toda esta charlataneria se esta volviendo redundante. Si no tienen nada nuevo que decirse el uno al otro, abstenganse. Desde ahora, si veo un post que diga algo similar a algo ya dicho, voy a dar advertencias y avisos porque seran considerados como SPAM.
    Tambien, tengan cuidado con sus expresiones y las palabras. Algunas estan muy cerca de ser considerados como insultos o provocaciones graves.
    Veamos mas batallas y menos palabras.
    Buena guerra a todos ustedes.

    + 1000000000000