Game Marketing

  • Game Marketing

    Any ideas about bringing more vendetta players? Many of them does not even know about stiddari, and its only 3 months old server.
    I found some of my friends from servers on my old hotmail ( msn ) contacts, and bring them here, but there is so many players i know that i cant find, or they don't use that mail adresses anymore.
    So placing threads on travian, ogame boards could give results, i guess they have all changed vendetta for some other game.
    I'm looking at polish players, there is 40 of them here and they all brought teammates from old servers.
    Any ideas? Anyone tried to find players that can notice their old alliance-mates.
    Lets make something out of it, if you got on facebook, google +, someone you know from back then, look your old msn accounts, icq accounts ( back than it was the main source of coumunication rofl ) , your ex enemies, allies, anyone, just send messages that vendetta is online again, thats how i got here, and i'm glad, it doesn't take too much time.

  • I've registered in more than 50 forums of old families from all languages that I can speak (and even 2 polish forums). And I tried to send private messages and emails (when the forum let me).
    Sometimes were forums that I need the administration permission to activate my accounts, in that ones nothing could be made.
    I also searched for youtube videos related with vendetta, made a post in the comments and send a private message to the owner of the video!

    But me and DonSacha were doing this work for months.
    If everybody try to do this, or at least go to their old family forums, try to send emails, private messages and make a post on there, for sure we could have even more players.

    I also put the game in 3 websites that the players can vote on our game to help to rise in the rank and get the interest of new players:
    Vote now in

    The third website (BBG site) is very good and has projection.
    But as you can see it seems that not so much people "gives a shit".
    We have 6 votes...
    Because our community knows really how to make exigences, criticise, annoy, disrespect, create confusion (instead of trying to help on the success of this game), but when comes the time to help (even it is for their own good) and have more players to make the game more pleasant, moved and funny, they can't even loose 5 minutes to give us a vote!

  • Originally posted by Dr.Greenthumb
    dafuq dude, again you sound like the godfather of stiddari.
    calm down and try to not patronising when you talk...

    We live in a free world where democracy has arrived (at least to most of the countries in Europe).
    So I think I have the right to express my opinions.

    If you don't like them it's your problem.
    But it won't be you that will teach me or tell me what to say, savi?!

    And I was not "patronising" like you said... What I said just can disturb the ones that don't have a clear conscience... The other ones don't even feel included in the group that it may sound that I was criticising!
    And btw thanks by the compliment, "Godfather of Stiddari", nice. I appreciate it, I can see that you hold me in high regard! :D

  • Originally posted by DemoN
    Originally posted by Dr.Greenthumb
    dafuq dude, again you sound like the godfather of stiddari.
    calm down and try to not patronising when you talk...

    We live in a free world where democracy has arrived (at least to most of the countries in Europe).
    So I think I have the right to express my opinions.

    If you don't like them it's your problem.
    But it won't be you that will teach me or tell me what to say, savi?!

    And I was not "patronising" like you said... What I said just can disturb the ones that don't have a clear conscience... The other ones don't even feel included in the group that it may sound that I was criticising!
    And btw thanks by the compliment, "Godfather of Stiddari", nice. I appreciate it, I can see that you hold me in high regard! :D

    +1 godfather of stiddari
  • Original von DemoN
    but when comes the time to help (even it is for their own good) and have more players to make the game more pleasant, moved and funny, they can't even loose 5 minutes

    So how are those new rules coming along, brah? :)

    One day you'll say "Why is everyone dead?
    Why didn't we just do what Kim Jong Il said?"
  • Originally posted by Illia5
    Original von DemoN
    but when comes the time to help (even it is for their own good) and have more players to make the game more pleasant, moved and funny, they can't even loose 5 minutes

    So how are those new rules coming along, brah? :)

    I think you may ask that to the Game Administrator, it is him that is leading that process!...
    Even though I already presented my proposal 3 weeks ago and I am waiting for him to give his feedback (but he has been a bit busy IRL so far).

    But I take advantage of this post of yours, to ask you if that "issue" has anything to do with the subject discussed in here and the subject proposed to be discussed by the user that opened the thread?!
    I think you should be more aware of the Rules of this Board, since you are Moderator somewhere, and try to give the example by avoiding the "Spam" and the "Off-topic". So please restrain yourself to the subject being discussed in here!

  • You're right, I should instead limit myself to holding short talks about the freedom of speech and having a clean conscience . How mindless of me.

    Warned: see profile. DemoN
    5. - It will not be tolerated SPAM or Offtopic in the sections where it is not allowed according to the rules. It is considered Spam the messages without content that does not bring anything new to the content of the thread. The majority of the messages that only contain smilies or less than 5 words, are typical of spam. The members who make SPAM of any kind, may be warned. The order on the board, the respect for the intention of the authors when they create a thread and for the various sections and subsections is something important for the proper functioning of the board and its flexibility for the users, therefore a negligent attitude regarding these rules may be punished.
    In: BOARD RULES (link).

    One day you'll say "Why is everyone dead?
    Why didn't we just do what Kim Jong Il said?"
  • Originally posted by JaredLeto
    Originally posted by DonSacha

    +1 godfather of stiddari

    +1 you are son of a bitch

    Edit: DonSacha
    Wanted baby sitter:

    dear donsacha you will be also a moderator of the forum, but can not afford to create a post where do you get around a whole family! I invite you on my part to find a babysitter because you suffer from inferiority complex towards us ml. I mean inferiority of game so I'm not offending anyone, I replied in a very calm and polite and I hope that you do not just edit my message because it's not! I hope to get a response just as educated and not the usual warning ol edit my post!

    Edit: DonSacha
    Wanted baby sitter:
  • Originally posted by BUDSPANCER
    Originally posted by JaredLeto
    Originally posted by DonSacha

    +1 godfather of stiddari

    +1 you are son of a bitch

    Edit: DonSacha
    Wanted baby sitter:

    dear donsacha you will be also a moderator of the forum, but can not afford to create a post where do you get around a whole family! I invite you on my part to find a babysitter because you suffer from inferiority complex towards us ml. I mean inferiority of game so I'm not offending anyone, I replied in a very calm and polite and I hope that you do not just edit my message because it's not! I hope to get a response just as educated and not the usual warning ol edit my post!

    ban him!!

    Edit: DonSacha
    Wanted baby sitter: