
    • Thoughts DuneWar

      1. Storage should be unlocked at level 7-9 of the specific resource.
      2. Chemical Refinary should be unlocked at higher level of Chemical Plant
      3. Research Center & Produccion Center should be unlocked at Level 2-3 of HeadQuarters.
      4. Defense Center should be unlocked at level 1 of Produccion Center.
      5. Defensive Wall & Shield should be unlocked at level 1 of Defense Center.
      6. Beginin Research should be unlocked once reached a specific level on a research.

      This is based on my thoughts starting the game.
      This game is similar to Stiddari but very diferent at the same time, and if you do not know how to play Stiddari it can be very complicated to start with so many opciones on a build.

      With soo few players i think this server is a bit too slow, have been playing 2 weeks and still have not got more than 400 points.
      Much slower game play than Stiddari and havin less players i think it should be a bit more faster to atract more players.

      If there could also be some advertising for DuneWar this would help gratefuly

      Rating: 7/10
      Based on gameplay.
      Mail: Stv3N@gmx.es
      Skype: Stv228

      Allways remember, follow the rules, respect others and most important have FUN! :thumbsup:
      "Give your hand and they will take your arm."