Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 139.

  • fearless o Okoko

    Shaggy - - The Tavern


    Tu devrais pouvoir les trouver ici : De rien

  • Server Produccion

    Shaggy - - The Tavern


    Armes : 19.544.160 Munitions : 37.713.024 Dollars : 10.190.088

  • AsFiG [ΛKƧ] vs Prett [MW]

    Shaggy - - Hall of Fame


    GG Asfig, joli poutrage de farmeur !

  • Quote from DiosNadal: “cuando dije ser impetable ??” You write a skit, right ? Quote: “ya sabemos que no vendras a este barrio shaggy” Quote: “quien es el noob que tiene una familia que me puso en su lista negra y no me manda ni un ataque ???” Quote: “eres muy gracioso shaggy, y tu cuando usaras el boton de atacar ?” Quote: “este ataque costo caro, porque intento engañarme desde un edificio mas lejano XD eres sorprendente shaggy, tu y tus mañas” Quote: “la gente se hace en los pantalones cuando …

  • KaRmA Vs R2D2[PDC] | -12.393.828

    Shaggy - - Hall of Fame


    loooool The day Prett killed me with 3x more mercenary than me, I got behind 10 attacks per day for 2 weeks from many players as I did not even 100k dot unit ... When we started to attack SFDV, they were a lot ahead of us, many more players and many more big players, we farted them one on one with teamwork ... Before that the attack: 3 [SFDV] Stiddari's Finest DejaVu 32,865,442 16 2,054,090 9 [PDC] Pirates of the Caribbean 9 20,713,060 2,301,451 r2d2 + matrix + shaggy [PDC] vs klopo [SFDV] PDC V…

  • KaRmA Vs R2D2[PDC] | -12.393.828

    Shaggy - - Hall of Fame


    Quote: “This game is dead mostly thanks to you guys” Explain to me why the French are killing the server? We are too active ? We too are attacking the poor small players? This is the kind of guy like you rotting server, always complaining about everything, still believe the community that you hold the single thought, that all others are doing is crap. You can not imagine how you the kind of character like you, Dios and others you are really heavy, unbearable, unfortunately you shoot a bullet in …

  • In Berserkers we like to party

    Shaggy - - Bar


    Well then, you don't want to give us the names of all the great players who left the game ?

  • Quote from robbyatmlc: “6000 more mercs, and still lost the first round. Instead of trading accounts all the time, you should train your mercs PDC... huge defense” Some mounted account from the start, others are already mounted account, we don't share the same starting line I can't start the game several months after the other and have the same value of mercenaries, oh great master, excuse me if I'm not David Copperfield

  • Fe@rless [KL] Vs Bregolas [MW]

    Shaggy - - Hall of Fame


    Magnifique, GG

  • In Berserkers we like to party

    Shaggy - - Bar


    Quote from TheDarkSide: “It find it very funny that PDC and most of french guys now acting all tough since most of them got accs of ex KL guys and when 70% of berserk left, and the rest doesent care much about this game anymore. I ask you french guys, where did you been till now? If KL and most of Berserk where still here, you would be taking a piss from Pollos becouse most of you didnt do shit with your own accs until KL and Berserk practicaly left. So have "fun" now when all major players left…

  • This is the Game! Insert Coin...

    Shaggy - - Bar


    I never asked for anyone's help, they all came to give me info without me asking them something, that's the funny There are not only smurf, spanish or not, I'm sorry but they all wanted to see Nadal fall. I'll not give any name, but you'd be surprised who wanted to see Nadal down It's ugly ! the beautiful Spanish fraternity

  • Il a voulu jouer, il a perdu ce noob ! Pour parler sur le forum, il est toujours le 1er, par contre niveau stratégie, une vraie fillette Même en se faisant péter, il arrive à faire une dédicace aux Berserk, donc en plus de leur faire honte tous les jours sur le forum, il leur dédicace les branlées qu'il prend, trop fort ! J'ai tenté un coup de poker avec une CF4, la capacité étant de 610k $$ alors que le coup de l'attaque était de 600k $$. Avec un jour de plus, et 2/3 CF en plus, il se serait mé…

  • In Berserkers we like to party

    Shaggy - - Bar


    Quote from DiosNadal: “shaggy es muy rapido subiendo los edificios nuevos, ya sabemos que no vendras a este barrio shaggy ” You're sure of yourself ? Good night

  • In Berserkers we like to party

    Shaggy - - Bar


    Great battle, congratulations !

  • This is the Game! Insert Coin...

    Shaggy - - Bar


    Quote from DiosNadal: “preguntale a shaggy si tienes dudas, yo creo que fueron mas que 50kk ,tu siguete escondiendo pequeña mariposa o atacando secundarios lo unico que sabe hacer MP, no se si alguno tiene merces porque solo veo ataques de scout, que familia tan noob dios mio ” I haven't spent 30M, how did you get 50M ? You certainly have been dreaming you were a great player who could do anything other than spend his life to speak on a forum

  • In Berserkers we like to party

    Shaggy - - Bar


    Les mecs nous parlent castagnettes, paella, et taureau à longueur de journée mais il faut que nous fassions l'effort de parler anglais, c'est des malades mentaux ces mangeurs de tortillas

  • In Berserkers we like to party

    Shaggy - - Bar


    Quote from EMPTY: “that's an answer that surprised me, if you play as you like, because you pretend that others do so as you want them to do, and not as they like ?” Je n'ai rien contre les autres, chacun fait ce qu'il veut Je critique juste la façon de jouer de Dios comme beaucoup de monde sur ce serveur, parce qu'à part parler tout le temps ici, il ne fait jamais rien sur le jeu... Il s'est tellement fait humilier la première fois que le mec a quand mec arrêté le jeu parce qu'il s'est fait pét…

  • In Berserkers we like to party

    Shaggy - - Bar


    Quote from EMPTY: “I just found your last great battles, one every two months is average good. without considering that the last was over 3 months ago, correct me if I'm wrong please if you do not do it because you demand to another” POCOYO : -892.584 points SDFV : - 470.084 pts = 1.362.668 pts 7 Shaggy 17.388.134 Colonel Commandant Faut arrêter d'emmerder les gens, c'est pas possible ça J'ai infligé 17M de perte, donc tu crois vraiment que je n'ai rien fait depuis les 2 combats que tu as sorti …

  • In Berserkers we like to party

    Shaggy - - Bar


    6 Shaggy 17.388.134 Colonel Commandant Si tu veux donner des leçons sur le bouton attaque, tu ne t'es pas adressé à la bonne personne

  • In Berserkers we like to party

    Shaggy - - Bar


    Il vient de trouver le bouton "attaque", il est content.