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  • Lucifer (AW) vs SirCid (LRE)

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    Good attack Good reconstructions to both.

  • We got invited to the family but never as a help to this war. It's not our war to fight and vVv is doing great without us. Dios_nadal didn't know this as he entered the family after the arrangement.

  • Caça prémios

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    Se matarem X% das tropas de um jogador que tenham a cabeça a prémio, podem levantar esse X% dos recursos que tavam associados à cabeça dele.

  • Next time don't be a wuss and go straight to my main building. Killing movers it's really lame and ruins the fun. Now get some sleep. I lost more than you but clearly my mercenaries need a lot of training Good reconstructions to both 4 Avatar [SOLDIER] 20.124 77.903 315.265 413.293 30 5 *gomorra* [K.L] 22.015 75.872 261.337 359.225 37 Combat Report: XX:XX:XX (Avatar) >>> XX:XX:XX (*gomorra*) Wed, 30.04.2014 - 00:58:49 Battle round 1 Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed Bouncer 0 0 10 5 Knifer 0 0 4…

  • Só para esclarecer algumas dúvidas!!!

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    Vou já estacionar aqui a camionete IST2011_18+064.JPG

  • And it is not me complaining!

  • Which Combat System do you like?

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    Modifiers. Playing with mercenaries is brainless. With some good modifiers (not the old ones, something in the lines of ogame) we will actually have to build different types of troops.

  • Error en tecnologia [Resuelto]

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    What is the error?

  • Thank you

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    I would like to acknowledge the team effort in fixing the rules "bug". Since you don't get paid for doing this you should get paid in "thank you" or coffee. I prefer to offer coffee. But you should improve your communication with the players because telling them to go F (guess the word) themselves is not a correct attitude. Also I can't open new threads in any of the Acknowledgements & Criticisms board so I created it here. Move it there. [SIZE=1](warning incoming for placing a thread in the wro…

  • Eu não sei quanto a vocês...

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    Mas agora já pagam, então já é recurso de troca.

  • Eu não sei quanto a vocês...

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    Tu estás sempre aberto é o que vale

  • The defense tower idea is good. However I don't agree with the landmines one, it shouldn't be that complicated. For each round of the fight, each level of the mines could kill troops corresponding to X% of the attack power of the attacker. When it kills the troops, it downgrades one level. And Raven, please no random() stuff. Don't put luck in the game, it makes people rage a lot.

  • top 1 secret

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    Quote: “Originally posted by RaVenC Hi, the problem is, that the translation of the rules to english and to the other languages is totally different to the german original rules. At first: In the german rules it is allowed to trade Alcohol. Also there is no rule which prohibit trade violations. So why i should bann him when he play within the rules?” So this allows me to create several accounts, on different IP addresses, and use those accounts to trade resources to my main account using alcohol…

  • Eusébio da Silva Ferreira

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  • Pontos não batem certo [Resolvido]

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    Bump Isto tem a ver com as tropas de ocupação. Se fizerem as contas das pessoas que têm 2 ou mais edifícios, os pontos não vão bater certo.

  • Pontos não batem certo [Resolvido]

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    Os pontos totais não me batem certo. Isto parece ter acontecido depois de ter o segundo edificio. fIIFlfu.png Estes estariam errados porque 1062 + 440 + 153 = 1655. Logo ele aí parece não estar a somar as coisas bem. Mas na minha vista geral já aparecem correctos: uLxbEmI.png Já na família também aparecem os errados 1644.

  • Vista de olhos

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    Olá Broas

  • Torre Defesa/Minas

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    A sério, censuraste aquilo? Então tens aqui dois links para ires censurar também, fico ofendido pelo que lá estou a ler, ao que parece sou muito novo para ver destas coisas: Fico à espera que os vás censurar. Ou és um admin parcial? E sim eu sei que o jogo era assim. Foi por isso que morreu. Eu estou a tentar dar ideias para que isto não vá pelo mesmo caminho. Para já estão a jogar pela nostalgia, qu…

  • Torre Defesa/Minas

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    E não é só isso. Ontem os meus rufias estiveram fora 6h. Sabem a fazer o quê? Atacar um gajo. SEIS HORAS para um ataque de ( :censur: ). O gajo nem estava assim tão longe. EDITADO: Atenção à linguagem. Neste fórum tenta-se primar pela boa educação. Cuidado com o off-topic.

  • Vista geral / Empire [Resolvido]

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    A vista geral não mostra os recursos actualizados. Parece que mostra uma especie de snapshot de algum tempo atrás. The empire page does not show the updated resources. It seems like it shows some sort of snapshot from a while ago.