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  • Quote from El_Greco: “Hi all, i have found TODAY this successor of the great Vendetta game after 11 years! I used to play it for 3 years on high school. So glad to rediscover this great browsergame! Anbody here from My name back then was El_Greco and i was the Capo of the Greek_Connection / Server 2 I do remeber Vendettas Kranke Horde and Raumpatrouille Orion! Anyone else here from Server 2? So sad that you want to close it .... ” ich kenne dich und ich kenne auch VKH

  • I think i started this with vendetta in 2004/2005 ? shit that is ages ago

  • What Next!?

    Nicky - - English Tavern


    Doing a another Bsc in Business Administration and economics.. :^)

  • P3ggy vs Rottweiler

    Nicky - - Hall of Fame


    geht net

  • Paris vs The morgue vs Tiburon

    Nicky - - Hall of Fame


    1 att.. the only guy that i found next to me Untitled.png and then second attack Untitled.jpg Untitled.jpg

  • Stiddari Team ?

    Nicky - - The Tavern


    i bet people are scripting/multi

  • Paris - Samira

    Nicky - - Hall of Fame


  • Paris - Samira

    Nicky - - Hall of Fame


    Before - after.. dunno Samira was 11? i was 13th…bb9beff034f5dacec4f1895f9…bb9beff034f5dacec4f1895f9 I lost 1605718 points Samira lost ca. 3M points It was closer than i initially thought have fun

  • well first i did not complain because i understood the intention of the GO but the problem is what the rules says and what you do. The rule is very clear.. and we all understand it ( i hope) but Quote: “The simple act of one player spying and the other attack is enough, ” No because that is not what the rule says.. so either you apply it rule as stipulate in the "game rules" or you let it be. That is what he complained about. and this what the "community" complains about.. because this looks lik…

  • i don't know the circumstances but as you said.. the rule is simple.. and in english it says.. Quote: “attack between 2 players of the same IP to a third party in a short time range is also prohibited ” i mean.. that just means 2 players with the same IP cannot attack 1 other.. and if it is true what rotti said that he spied.. then Quote: “usual "espionage" is exempt and doesn't count as an attack ” as simple as it gets..

  • naja.. ich sage eigentlich nur das man kann es wie man will uebersetzt.. es steht nur wenn 2 in kurzer zeit angreifen. also wenn man dir sagt schaue die englische.. kannst du mit "bedeute das gleiche" antworten (was auch stimmt) Das einzige was nicht definiert ist, ist "in einem kurzen Zeitbereich". Wobei man hier sagen kann das es sich hier um ein angriff innerhalb der gleichen zeit handelt.. mit anderen worten.. 2-3 std und wie Whistla schon sagte.. in den regeln steht das ein spy angriff kein…

  • Quote from Litschi: “was wie wo? da fehlt ein Teil der Regeln in der deutschen Übersetzung??? Wie mies ist das denn ” nicht wirklich... Auf english steht da.. Quote: “attack between 2 players of the same IP to a third party in a short time range is also prohibited ” auf deutsch Quote: “Angriffe zweier Spieler mit gleicher IP Adresse auf einen Dritten in einem kurzen Zeitbereich ist hier ebenfalls verboten ” auf franz Quote: “attaque entre 2 joueurs de la même adresse IP à un tiers dans une gamme…

  • New rules draft [Poll]

    Nicky - - Polls


    ah stimmt ja.. einerseits macht es sinn und auch kein sinn thinking-face_1f914.png

  • New rules draft [Poll]

    Nicky - - Polls


    Spielregeln Quote: “Angriffe zweier Spieler mit gleicher IP Adresse auf einen Dritten in einem kurzen Zeitbereich ist hier ebenfalls verboten ” stand eigentlich seit anfang des servers da oder ?

  • Bye bye Kamikaz ❤️

    Nicky - - Presentation & Farewells


    the one that provided u with dollar

  • Bye bye Kamikaz ❤️

    Nicky - - Presentation & Farewells


    i can give you if you want a last CR btw i will miss you and you did not even mention me

  • New rules draft [Poll]

    Nicky - - Polls


    Make it "only allowed to trade"... and you made it simple work for the GO..

  • New Ban Catalog draft [Poll]

    Nicky - - Polls


    Quote from Stv3N: “Quote from Nicky: “Lol... Meanwhile you lost a big amout of players because of those who had multi.. if you had clear rules since the beginning maybe that could have been prevented.. ” You have done 4 posts and in every single one your just flaming and complaining very little positive help towards the community. If you have nothing that can help the community that you complain so much about just avoid posting. ” Then you don't know the definition of flaming. I am complaining a…

  • New Ban Catalog draft [Poll]

    Nicky - - Polls


    Quote from Stv3N: “Yes, the durations will be much harder than before, and as I said with the cumulative factor maybe it's his first Multi IP ban but he gets a lvl 3 and 2 months ban (for example) We are not trying to ban half the server so there is only 20 players playing fair, we are trying to get players to understand, if you don't play by the rules you will get banned, if you continue it will be for a long time. ” Lol... Meanwhile you lost a big amout of players because of those who had mult…

  • New rules draft [Poll]

    Nicky - - Polls


    then next time make something read frienldly and not posting some pics you took a screenshot from your mobile device.. because I have read it 3-4 times and could not find that info.. not to mention that your post could not be read from my mobile device... but maybe that is how the BB board is designed. And i do understand the catolog.. just it is useless when you have not yet discussed severity.. multi/ip violiation should directly be 1Y, there is no need for 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Feels like you really…