Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 35.

  • Points for Research

    ma83 - - The Tavern


    Hi there, I've also found the link in the stiddari game, and want to ask you how much points each research gives to you? Maybe someone can answer me this question. PROBLEM SOLVED

  • Testserver updated | 0.10.4

    ma83 - - Testserver Feedback


    I don't know if it's a bug, or if it's planned. The label for Weapons, etc. is here. But at units there is no label telling you what kind of unit it is. fehler2.png

  • Testserver updated | 0.10.4

    ma83 - - Testserver Feedback


    Hi, I think I've found a bug while updateing my tool to the new highscore page. When you go to the highscore for alliance nothing is shown. Here is a picture of the bug. fehler1.png

  • Here you'll find the statistics of the two allies.

  • Combat Reports Analyzer

    ma83 - - The Tavern


    Quote from Juvamine: “ How this tool obtain point and rank from stidari's players ?” How does this question belong to the combat analyzer? You copy your Battle Report and insert it. Then the tool generates the output. Thats all. The other pages are generated from the highscore tables automatically.

  • Combat Reports Analyzer

    ma83 - - The Tavern


    Quote from Juvamine: “Sorry, but you read in the base ? How staff can be sure you don't alter it too ? :/” I'm sorry, I don't get your question.

  • Combat Reports Analyzer

    ma83 - - The Tavern


    Current Output: Any suggestions for improvement? Source Code (13 lines) The striker has won the battle! Resources lost in the battle Resources lost by the attacker: 19.500.000 Resources lost by the defender: 56.484.200 Total of resources lost: 75.984.200 Points lost Points lost by the attacker: 91.728 Points lost by the defender: 265.716 Total of Points lost: 357.444 Profability Captured: 116.144 W , 787.906 M , 208.986 D Lost: 6.240.000 W , 9.360.000 M , 3.900.000 D

  • Combat Reports Analyzer

    ma83 - - The Tavern


    I've fixed some bugs. Now it should analyze the total troops correct and analyze the battle winner correct. Also defensive troops are calculated now. Please report me any error, if you find a bug. Next thing: I will improve the visual output. Are there any special requests? I personally don't like the style here: Calculadora de Producción y Compactador de Batallas

  • Infinite Number

    ma83 - - Spamcorner



  • Combat Reports Analyzer

    ma83 - - The Tavern


    I've already used this. It's not enough . I need multiple Reports now. Like Cb with more than one round. Cb with defensive troops, etc.

  • Combat Reports Analyzer

    ma83 - - The Tavern


    Hi, I'm trying to program a Combat Analyzer like posted here: Calculadora de Producción y Compactador de Batallas But there is one problem, I can't generate so much Combats Reports, because I can't build all units. It would be nice if you can insert your Reports here. With your help I can collect different reports with all kinds of units and different languages. This will help me to finish the tool. If you have some time, please use also uncommon troops for combat reports. You can find the input…

  • Produktionskosten

    ma83 - - The Tavern


    Hallo, ich suche die Produktionskosten für Problemlöser, Ninja und Bombenleger. Grund dafür ist, dass ich die noch nicht bauen kann. Ich aber gerne wüsste, wie viel diese Einheiten kosten. Danke

  • What! You even destroyed my tool destroyed.png BUG fixed now

  • 1021

  • Advertising a new feature of my tool.*Killer

  • TOP Weekly Statistics

    ma83 - - The Tavern


    Is there someone who can translate this into other languages? It's for my tool shown above. You can send me a translation per PN. Thx, for your help. Here are the words. For example: $english['spieler'] = 'Player'; => English: Player => German: Spieler, => French: Joueur, => Spain: Jugador, ... $english['tool'] = 'Tool'; $english['tools'] = 'Tools'; $english['spieler'] = 'Player'; $english['allianz'] = 'Alliances'; $english['highscorespieler'] = 'Highscore Player…

  • TOP Weekly Statistics

    ma83 - - The Tavern


    Maybe you like it. Language of my tool only german for now. TOP Wochenstatistik / Weekly Statistics

  • TOP Wochenstatistik / Weekly Statistics

    ma83 - - Bar


    @Mods, sieht man diesen Thread auch im Forum, wenn man eine andere Sprache als Deutsch eingestellt hat? Bei mir wars nämlich nicht so. So, wieder eine Kleinigkeit eingebaut. Jetzt sieht man die Top 3 Veränderungen bei (Aus , Geb, Einheiten+ , Einheiten-) und man kann den Highscore sortieren. Namensänderungen werden erkannt.

  • TOP Wochenstatistik / Weekly Statistics

    ma83 - - Bar


    Hi Jungs, ich hab mal ein kleines Tool programmiert. Ich bastle aber immer wieder mal rum, => keine Garantie, dass es immer funktioniert.

  • Hallo, hätte eine Frage wie in den KBs die "Angriffswerte und Verteidigungswerte" berechnet werden? Angenommen ich greife jemanden mit 2 Einheiten zu je 10 Angriffsstärke, sowie 2 x 5 Verteidigung an. Wie funktioniert das dann, wenn der Angegriffene, eine Einheit mit 20 Angriffstäkre aber nur 9 Verteidigung hat? Und warum haben die Truppen im Objektschutz auch einen Angriffswert? Ich dachte die sind nur für die Verteidigung da.