Search Results

Search results 21-40 of 618.

  • [ENGLISH TAVERN] World Cup 2018

    Green - - English Tavern



  • Ban bulldog and kim jon noob

    Green - - The Tavern


    Quote from LuisSuarez: “es trampa igual,la cuenta no juega solo pushing y tu lo sabes Pero vamos que eres aleman y entonces no eres tramposo Quote from BulldogBuende: “... ” tu sabes muchas cosas, te lo dijo bud ?? Es legal eso ?? Vamos, sigue hablando,que mas te dijo ” thats insulting a teammember and a bannable offense. Edit by Matacapullos: please, next time use the report button. He doesn't insult a teammember, but he accusates him.

  • Ban bulldog and kim jon noob

    Green - - The Tavern


    if you dont want to lose the rest of your credibility, i would stop with those stupid accusations. learn to play the game and stop cry

  • [ENGLISH TAVERN] World Cup 2018

    Green - - English Tavern


  • Lasst die Atzenspiele beginnen!

  • Other Attacks - Great Fun

    Green - - Other Attacks


    glad to see my old account being used in the right way. die söldner sind mittlerweile ein wenig stärker geworden

  • Scout

    Green - - Server 2: New York


    Quote from hrtfun: “Quote from Dr.Greenthumb: “what you call "simple tactics to avoid suffering" is actually to either a) dont have any carrys/transporters on your lower buildings, or save them every fuckin night. yes, thats very fun and interactive, or how you would say, "fast and interesting". ” i do it every night, I take my risk near 0%.inthe past someone killed my troops with a scout attack, ok it happends, lesson learned! now is more difficult do it. if i kill your troops every day with sc…

  • Scout

    Green - - Server 2: New York


    ach, eine konstruktive diskussion zu führen gehört auch nicht zu deinen stärken? hätte ich mir ja denken können, das setzt schliessilch eine gewisse grundintelligenz voraus ist ein steiler abstieg auf dein niveu, aber ich versuchs mal: wieso überläst du in zukunft nicht den erwachsenen das reden und hockst dich brav an den kindertisch? deine sprachlichen und kognitiven kompetenzen scheinen sich noch am entwickeln zu sein. hoff ich jedenfalls für dich

  • Scout

    Green - - Server 2: New York


    Quote from Dr.Greenthumb: “ still waiting for valid arguments on your side, tho i know it would be hard to lose the only type of troop you are able to handle (not adressed to you specifically) ” oh hey pablo, nice to meet you here, how unexpected. that part was directed to you my friend. i see you have as much arguments as you have ingame- and english-skills

  • Scout

    Green - - Server 2: New York


    now thats a good base of argumentation, lol. not bringing any arguments and just call it a point of view my point still stands. i could be active 23 out of 24 hours a day, literally just watching my overview, and you would still be able to hit my lower buildings up to 20!! times a day. this just doesnt make any sense. for every other unit you have to take a risk to get a reward, whilst for scouts you just blindly send a few hundreds. and what you call "simple tactics to avoid suffering" is actua…

  • Scout

    Green - - Server 2: New York


    actually its exactly the other way around. scouts are for people who are not very active during the day and have no clue how to actually play the game. you dont have the skill to farm and battle players with 5times less troops than you? ez, just blindly attack with scouts without any risks, since theres no chance the deffender can react to the attack in terms of deffing it with mercs (because way higher running time). everything the scouts actually do is taking all the skill out of the game. i u…

  • Scout

    Green - - Server 2: New York


    i kinda agree with you. its kinda annoying to deal with scouts several times every day just because your enemy is not able to catch anything with "real" troops. scouts these days are pretty much "fast mercenaries for the poor". and yes, i mentioned this back in like 2013 already.

  • Der Stammtisch

    Green - - Bar


    na dann erwecken wir den stammtisch mal zu neuem leben @Nicky, du warst auch bei HALMAKKA? wie war dein nick? das waren noch zeiten damals ... hellen, marcomaniera, aka meine lieblingsglatze ... da wird man richtig nostalgisch dürfte 13 Jahre her sein

  • Der Stammtisch

    Green - - Bar


    Quote from Illia5: “Ich mein ... das könnt er auch mit seinem eigenen Account machen. Genug Gebs und Def hat er, er müsste nur farmen. Ist ja nicht so als wenn ich unendlich Söldner nur mit meiner Prodde allein bauen könnte.” mit welchem account kannst du bitte nicht unendlich söldner prodden?

  • Badboys, empezo la caceria

    Green - - Other Attacks


    4/10 from MW is more like fonduezumsechsten9a6d2.jpg

  • Badboys, empezo la caceria

    Green - - Other Attacks



  • Why the rules are sh!t

    Green - - Spamcorner


    Es posible recomendar una buena receta paella?

  • primeros ataques

    Green - - Bar


    sigh, wheres the christmas break when i need it well played, nice timing. i was just a litte bit to late. and nice account swap merry christmas! paella!

  • Why the rules are sh!t

    Green - - Spamcorner


    hahaha was hesch du widr graucht?

  • primeros ataques

    Green - - Bar


    nid ganz, ich ka so schriebe wie mir d schnure wachst du habasch illia5 pls