Search Results

Search results 81-100 of 124.

  • 226 [NR] 9.223 40.684 4.299 54.206 16 What a desperate challenge to avoid attacks :D, so you plan to switch to mode " invisible " ?

  • Add a time limit to the war , for ex give 1 month time and the alliance which makes more damage in this period will be the winner . In this server it is the only reasonable method which could be implemented , otherwise wars could last half year or even more cause the losing side will tend to drag the time as much as possible , this thing needs clear regulations .

  • Xplorer [v|V|v] vs Necro [NR]

    Xplorer - - Other Attacks


    Thanks are due to all teammates from vVv alliance , especially SiBiReC and catbob5, always nice to remember good old days with such fights .) Separate thanks to a Player : cyberalx , for being offline when it is needed and having enough troops where it is needed , u really took part in a great action . Indeed , what can come to your mind when you don't have enough $ to attack and only 20 minutes left ? A clear dead-end , isn't it ? Iron and 6u7oz , dnt be upset about ban , I guess these people g…

  • Well , there are no more points to discuss whether this war is in the right place and on the right time , and how it will change the situation on the server . Just few things which should be clarified . As you know the fuel of the game are resources ( mainly dollar ) . And players willing to rise more , will look around for new bases with their abundance , no matter wherever they're from . What happens is , one of our players , attacked to raid a random guy who is close to his districts (not to …

  • The idea of a Great War

    Xplorer - - Suggestions and Ideas


    Never was so actual like in the present ...Maybe in a week or so we can observe something similar . Time will show the bests...

  • Great battle .

  • Well ,eliminating 50% speed button , or not to speak about increasing salary could not be a solution to this issue in any way. The only thing that could be done to somehow prevent the battle "runaway"s or 18 hour "hide-and-seeks" is to reduce the overall mission duration by 50 or 60 % . So, mercs can attack building from the same district in 30 minutes and the defender would have less time to hide them, moreover 50 % speed journeys will be 2 times shorter , and it will make it more possible to c…

  • +1 agree and it will especially help new players ...

  • Ok , but the majority ( I guess ) wouldn't mind if the salary would be 150 or 200 (max) , the advantages everyone will see in the FUTURE .You can add a quick poll with variants :salary 100 , 150, 200 or leave it as it is.

  • The thing is that 70% of server have buildings in , or near 25-25 area , so the attacks cost are relatively low . But there are also players who have buildings far away by 10 or more districts . And they need far more money to relocate mercs to this area , and start missions .This somehow puts them into " isolation" , eventually they can lose interest and leave the game . Maybe after 1 year , when they will raise $ prod much more , the costs would be affordable, but at that time many players cou…

  • Actually I don't know when the update will come , but I think with the development of the game players have more ideas about new possible improvements and many issues become now more striking . Well as we can see several players unlocked Mercs and their number begins to rise. It is not the secret that from now this units will be the main battlepower . I see that no changes done about mercenaries, the same techniques which were on former vendetta. However I think many players want its salary (300…

  • The idea of a Great War

    Xplorer - - Suggestions and Ideas


    Well , again salute to all of you ,Vendetta fanciers. Finally after many long lasting trainings we now can see several players who already unlocked mercenaries , and many more are coming next days . So we can say , the main goal has been reached, the ultimate unit is unlocked. Now players will increase troop points more rapidly , and maybe soon we will see new fights.. One of the things I most disliked about the game was so called "sitting ducks" . These are players and alliances which only coll…

  • Honest People vs Forum's Team

    Xplorer - - The Servers


    Haha I wonder who supply here these anonymouses ?) I guess there are 2 sections in your alliance, wherever you are from - 1sr Kindergarten 2nd house for oldmen ... Don't know which one rules ...

  • Well it is really complicated question , many players can have different outlook to this question. Suggestion of self surrender is reasonable , and could be seen as direct solution without any complex calculation and stuff. In fact , there are certain nuances which could lead to some issues that could arise later on , when this rule will be implemented . I think there would be such cases when (apparently defeated) side and its leader wouldn't accept the defeat . ( you know that there are players…

  • Discussion: ideal buildings number

    Xplorer - - Bar


    Quote: “Originally posted by Illia5 Quote: “Original von Xplorer ...or u can build them in 1-1 , 2-2 , 3-3 ....50-50 districts , then control the whole server )” This is actually not a very good spread since that way anything in the area of 1:50 or 50:1 is still just as far away from your closest building as if you had all your building in 25:25 (about the same distance as 1:1 to 1:36 btw.). A better spread for 50 buildings would be 1:1, 1:50, 3:3, 3:47 etc..” 90 % of the server have bldgs in xx…

  • Discussion: ideal buildings number

    Xplorer - - Bar


    More buildings - more time spent to maintain them . If you're of those who is 24/7 on here , the best choice is 35-40 even 50 ) You ll be able to produce clusters of units , then demolish half of them when you are far away from other players ...or u can build them in 1-1 , 2-2 , 3-3 ....50-50 districts , then control the whole server ) far from illusions .. As for me , 25+-2 looks quite good- sufficient prod , stable combat strength .

  • Well generally I think it is unnecessary to enforce such rulle ..Maybe it is somehow reasonable to put a limit of 50 % , but not 10% that most of the people vote for here . At the moment most of players are engaged in leveling up their research , and there is not such a huge gap between their points . There could be such situation , when players help each other to raise their research levels for unlocking mercenaries . Enforcing this rule means that a person who wants to help another players sho…

  • Quote: “Originally posted by Lynx I think it should be created a market inside the game. Like the Travian one. You choose how much you need and offer what you can. Let's suppose I need 50k dolars. I'll put a new entry in the market saying I need 50k dollars and I offer 250k ammo (for example). It will end this discussion, rates will be variable, whatever the player wants. And it will end trade scam, it will be fair for everyone.” You mean an immediate exchange system ? Well sounds good , but it …

  • producciones del server

    Xplorer - - Bar


    Production/hour W: 17.720 A: 40.305 D: 5.218 Production/day W: 425.280 A: 967.320 D: 125.232

  • Addio da Murales

    Xplorer - - Presentation & Farewells


    Quote: “Originally posted by Murales Quote: “Originally posted by Alessius 2. Il fatto di dover uppare un allenamento costoso per poter fare altri edifici allunga ulteriormente i tempi. thats will be fixed ” Well , dude this "disadvantages" that u mentioned relate to all players . The times for room upgrades are too high , that's why we have BO to lower it. Every player has his own strategy in this game , maybe u should change ur approach . Just open statistics and look at the room and training …