Search Results

Search results 41-60 of 704.

  • Your all full of shit. There are three members to the Diggest Bicks, and not a single one of you belong to it. If you want to be considered, you must apply. Otherwise, you sound like Donald Trump...

  • Quote from Destroyer: “Thor you talk to much for someone with 11kk title points” My response was to this. However, why dont you create a thread where you cry about other peoples discussions? Instead of spamming them with your own complaints....

  • Before THIS attack... but you had 40m troop points before you started attacking anyone. You let yourself have over 8X as many troop points as you had title points. Its not surprising that now people are commenting on that. Its what happens when a flower finally blooms but like I said, this attack is legit.

  • In all fairness, thats what I said about you when you had 8kk title points. Lol. I think this is a legit attack. No reason to lose troops on a banned player, and if your capable of taking them out, why not?

  • Hahaha, you said you got playful with the picture I am quite proud that we got to have this fight, and I am pleasantly surprised that you were willing to initiate it. My troops found their way to your district for the good of the server, not due to "personal vendetta" as some have thought. It is not good for the server to have a person sitting on top that is not being challenged, and not using their troops to challenge other top players. I also did this to prove another point about how much more…

  • Its also possible to understand that those things you mentioned are part of the game for some people, and to stop crying about it so much every time you have a post you DONT HAVE TO READ, get posted.... Wonderful, you know how to play nice. This is a war game, and there are scuffles that include more than the fighting in the game. Provocation is a part of war. Get over it. You guys wonder why people dont stay with these games, and from my experience in Vendetta, S4k, Stiddari, and here, it is al…

  • Quote from Starscream: “ Only Prett and Loqui can cope with our growth, good luck to the rest.” Ill insist I throw my name in the hat

  • Quote from Destroyer: “ Not top 1 sadly :(” ouch

  • And you know I could have also just kept doing sentih for days and never been able to catch you. Instead, I used strategy, and found a way to do more damage than I took. My troops in your district says that was always my plan to come for you. Your having buildings in only your district (except the one that you recently added that wont ever get used) says that you havent figured out how attacking works in this game, and are content being a turtle. Its good you attacked now, like I told you, every…

  • Sooooooooo much crying from people not even in it. Seriously, are you so incredibly sensitive that it offends you to see two people talking shit to eachother? Seriously, its not the people who are BOTH active in doing so that are the problem, its the whiny little babies around here throwing a tantrum every time they dont see someone hold another persons hand as they cross the street. Grow up okylar, If we are talking about you, we will mention you by name next time.... And THIS is the true Makav…

  • Twice as many title points with half as many troops says I dont run, but I attack. Stay home coward. I am coming for you. Only reason to have all those troops in your district Soon we will see who is the brave one and who is all talk

  • You attack only when you know the troops are split. You have the messages in your inbox telling you to resend. But you dont want to Lets be honest about this destroyer.... lol your still a coward. With almost twice as many points you need my troops to be split, and to have your teammate hit the sentih... HAHAHAHA!!! WHAT A WARRIOR YOU ARE! 617-hurley-315.jpg


  • Buy Lutinum

    CannabisKid - - Resources Trade


    Searching for Lutinum, willing to pay with either Hydro or Iron. Any player below me in rank can enjoy 4:1 ratio on hydro trade

  • Great hit Starscream. Congrats! I was very worried you had overtaken me on the title list Good rebuild to both players!

  • A couple people didnt get that I was joking. Thats ok It literally only matters when you are trying to manage large fleets of troops on missions. It gets impossible to tell the difference between types of troops. Perhaps there is a way to remove the image completely, and add text instead? No loading time concern, and easier to organize

  • It slows his scripts down to have to download images

  • I agree. Even changing from an image to text to tell what the types of troops are on the tooltip would make a big difference in actually managing multiple attacks.

  • Version .14.0

    CannabisKid - - Suggestions and Ideas


    Is this going to be deployed as an option under settings? I do see use in the current format for some people as well. I am impartial, because dividing by 24 hours is not that difficult

  • Version .14.0

    CannabisKid - - Suggestions and Ideas


    On another note, what are the chances we could see a symbol or something in the ToolTip for missions that at least distinguishes the units from eachother. Right now I cant tell the difference between when I have 1 noah or 1 senith on a mission. I know this is largely because of the picture/copyright issue, but perhaps we can make some simple image/symbol?