Search Results

Search results 61-80 of 224.

  • Quote from Stv3N: “ IV been getting many reports of players attacks arriving at the same time, Iv explained that the important time is when an attack is sent. ” If you know how to make a script you also know to make it that it does not send everything at the same time... Also if you attack me with some units and then at 2 min before your units arrive you send me scouts that come 10 seconds before your attack on everyone of my buildings.. i will find this strange.. it is nearly impossible to time…

  • Quote from Stv3N: “also including that continually report Bot users, Multi IP, etc. Without solid proof. ” It is kind of hard to prove if you don't have the same access ass you. We can only say "hey this and that" because of "this and that" and then there is your job to see if there an infraction. Also the fact that the banned one still play, everyone will be extremly suspicious with their action. You have to understand that everyone here is on high alert and will point out every little movement…

  • Changing Rules

    Nicky - - Acknowledgements & Criticisms


    Quote from Stv3N: “;( Now you made me cry... Since I find it hard to read I couldn't get to the constructive criticism too much gibberish in between. At least you sold your self well, maybe I'll think about retirement and giving it to you ” How old are you ? You are having a hard time understanding and I assume you have a problem with your ego, haven't you ? Like this is certainly not the attitude of someone who wants to be a respresentative for a community. Also thanks I will pass that.. I have…

  • Changing Rules

    Nicky - - Acknowledgements & Criticisms


    Quote from Litschi: “@Nicky: nicely written. I disagree only in one point: there are german written rules: Spielregeln ” Those are the game rules.. not the board rules.. I am just poing out the fact of telling people to go read the rules while there are no German rules for this board.. Hence all action take should be made invalid because of the lack of rules (in this case lack of supported language) I went a bit through the forum and and yo…

  • Changing Rules

    Nicky - - Acknowledgements & Criticisms


    Tho i have to agree.. I have been in the past community coordinator and have to say that when it comes to the job done on this board it is poor.. The way people recieve warnings makes me sometimes think do you even read ? You complain that you don't want to be 24h here but then again you have chosen to do this so your job is to read. 2. Do you even understand and speak fluent english? Because from your writting I suppose you don't and you do translate everything into your native language.. Since…

  • Der Stammtisch

    Nicky - - Bar


    a.k.a war es.. also Rakka, a.k.a und kasulke waren die top spammer.. hab nur gute erinnerungen :') ich bin aber auch so ein uhrgestein.. fast so alt wie ravenc (er ist S1 gewesen)

  • Der Stammtisch

    Nicky - - Bar


    mich.. aber ich bin einer vom originalen stammstisch.. zeiten wo kasulke rakka und ....(habe ich vergessn) regierten lebt 24 ueberhaupt noch

  • Saqueos varios // Loot's from attacks

    Nicky - - The Tavern


    * Ammunition * 14.926 * Alcohol * 14.926 * Dollar * 3.147 * Weapons * 0 * Ammunition * 10.529 * Alcohol * 22.471 * Dollar * 0 * Weapons * 4.667 * Ammunition * 11.059 * Alcohol * 243 * Dollar * 1.139 * Weapons * 7.805 * Ammunition * 21.070 * Alcohol * 3.156 * Dollar * 777 * Weapons * 4.739 * Ammunition * 9.557 * Alcohol * 0 * Dollar * 1.004 * Weapons * 1.968 * Ammunition * 11.864 * Alcohol * 300 * Dollar * 301 nothing great but yeah

  • Saqueos varios // Loot's from attacks

    Nicky - - The Tavern


    * Weapons * 4.972 * Ammunition * 15.989 * Alcohol * 0 * Dollar * 0 * Weapons * 4.797 * Ammunition * 4.797 * Alcohol * 290 * Dollar * 1.115 * Weapons * 0 * Ammunition * 0 * Alcohol * 0 * Dollar * 11.000 (i had ony sent 1 mover... if i had sent more i could have farmed more ) * Dollar * 27.494 etc etc...

  • Player's diary production

    Nicky - - The Tavern


    oh rly ?

  • Player's diary production

    Nicky - - The Tavern


    Quote from Matthew: “Quote from kingvesjon: “for how many buildings? i think that would be a good indicator, don't you think so?If you have 20 building i would say super, if you have 50 i would say meeh but nice alcohol production ” Show your production first hahaQuote from Matacapullos: “Mantthew give me dolar$. ” No ” I have higher Weapons and ammunition then you but less dollar 1.13 million W 2,4 millon M around 250.000 dollars 30 buildings

  • Player's diary production

    Nicky - - The Tavern


    Quote from Matthew: “Armas: 1,085,952 Munición: 2,382,000 Alcohol: 187,824 Dolares: 327,960 ” for how many buildings? i think that would be a good indicator, don't you think so? If you have 20 building i would say super, if you have 50 i would say meeh but nice alcohol production

  • Pablo Escobar VS Thor

    Nicky - - Other Attacks


    343 movers... that is a lot

  • El Bar de MOE !!

    Nicky - - The Tavern


    donsacha should have them

  • Player's diary production

    Nicky - - The Tavern


    Quote from Matacapullos: “Quote from Matacapullos: “Producción diaria Armas: 32,448 Munición: 62,976 Alcohol: -768 Dolares: 7,872 ” 1 week later: Producción diaria Armas: 74,592 Munición: 166,032 Alcohol: 19,848 Dolares: 14,328 5 buildings. ” wait whut where on s2.. is this per hour or 24h now ??

  • Legione Felix VS BUD SPENSER

    Nicky - - Other Attacks


    i can start citing a lot of games where you get a warning for calling someone a noob... like really. And yes mostlikely it came from the word newbie but it is a bad conotation and if I for example feel offended by it then you could be entilted to a warning ( since you say "how it is interepreted") Nowadays in the gaming community if you call someone "noob" you are basically insulting him

  • Legione Felix VS BUD SPENSER

    Nicky - - Other Attacks


    Quote from DonSacha: “Quote from Andrit87: “that noob this bud Warned by Stv3N ” noob is not an insult, in any game or forum ” reading your own source helps you know...straight out of wikipedia Quote: “Different spellings can have quite different connotations; so in some contexts a "newb" refers to a beginner who is willing to learn;[10] while a "noob", refers disparagingly to an inexperienced or under-talented hacker or gamer who lacks the determination to learn ” E…

  • Legione Felix VS BUD SPENSER

    Nicky - - Other Attacks


    Quote from Cesc: “If everyone will write in their native languages it will be a mess here. English? ” the english level here is... Quote: “I did not see anything, I asked for the screens but you did not show me anything. Demonstration that you banned me without motivation ... good! ” why was it moslty ML that got banned... who cares to prove anything.. you are the guys that got banned for pushing, multi. No one believes you. And don't dare to come with excuses.. the other guy from the other coun…

  • Legione Felix VS BUD SPENSER

    Nicky - - Other Attacks


    i actually caught 3 occupation troops... but i did not want to attack that one guy because i thought he might leave the game

  • El Bar de MOE !!

    Nicky - - The Tavern


    Quote from Matacapullos: “Quote from kingvesjon: “yeeees in server 2 in aah memories ” And ?? xD ” hhm maybe