Search Results

Search results 61-80 of 315.

  • Quote: “but now I'm being forced to mass produce camos, so be it” nobody forces you. I'm done with camos. I've built them in masses, but I don't want it anymore. I have decided to go another way. I'll use them and afterwards won't produce new ones. But since I don't stand a chance against camos then, I'll refuse to fight with people having camos. Maybe that's also a way to do it. I'll see.

  • Okay, I tried to take the "discussion" to a level where there is some reasonable arguments in it. Since you both can't stick to facts and need to keep on provoking, I'll close this topic just as Stv3n announced it already since there is no progress on the topic, but only provoking as we have read it numerous times.

  • You really are not able to discuss a topic with provoking, are you? Why don't you just talk about the topic? Why don't you answer out/my concerns towards camos? You are defending this "strategy" without giving reasons. I'd really love to know if you really think that building masses of camos improves the game, and especially WHY.

  • I'm getting tired of running circles. We are still talking about things that we know for some weeks now. Where is the point? FWC is building lots of camos. Since they are too expensive to move, they are like Rocket Towers. You all know my opinion about towers. If you build enough camos, you can't move them anymore, but you don't need it since the only chance to beat them is more camos. And there is the problem: Who makes the first move? Right, D_S doesn't do it. But FWC doesn't do it either. Noo…

  • Shot Clock!

    Sirius Delta - - Diskussionen


    Na sicher geht es um Zeit. Wenn du ein Jahr lang täglich mehrere Stunden für das Game opferst und der "kleine Mann", der sich vor wenigen Wochen erst angemeldet hat, an dir vorbeizieht, dann empfinde ich das als sehr frustrierend, da ich mich dann frage, wofür ich denn soviel Zeit investiert habe, wenn man unter dem Strich mit viel weniger Aufwand ähnliche Ergebnisse erzielen kann. Dass Neuanfänger selten ganz oben aufschließen können, ist nichts Neues und nichts Überraschendes. Man kann übrigen…

  • Shot Clock!

    Sirius Delta - - Diskussionen


    Ich bin ja nur bei U4k aktiv, habe mir das hier aber mal angesehen, da es vielversprechend klang und ja im Prinzip alle 3 Games betrifft. Kurz für die, die nicht U4k spielen und mich daher nicht kennen: Ich bin momentan Platz 38 in der "normalen" Highscore und Platz 2 in der Titel Highscore nach knapp 1,5 Jahren Serverlaufzeit. Nur damit ihr ein Bild habt, wer da spricht Wenn ihr mich fragt: Für 30-40 aktive Spieler lohnt sich der Aufwand wohl nicht, ein komplett neues System zu implementieren. …

  • trade treaty

    Sirius Delta - - Resources Trade


    As you wished!

  • I need to agree with you, CK. In most points this is just my opinion. The only thing is the fleetsave discussion, but it's fine to have another opinion

  • Well, we should add it here since it's not a huge boom, but still I like it Combat Report: xx:xx:xx (Battousai) >>> xx:xx:xx (Sirius Delta) 19.04.2016 15:17:58 Battle round 1 Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed Stealth Bomber 0 0 28870 617 Longeagle V 0 0 2606 56 Noah 200 196 2577 55 Sentih 200 196 547 12 Battle round 2 Units Sum Destroyed Sum Destroyed Stealth Bomber 0 0 28253 0 Longeagle V 0 0 2550 0 Noah 4 4 2522 0 Sentih 4 4 535 0 Points lost: Battousai: 1.108.800 Sirius Delta: 126.892 Total: …

  • So, you did attack and had good farming? Well, seems like this can happen to you as well I added the 7 combat reports: Sentih 440 vs Espionage Probe 30.000 Stealth Bomber 300 Longeagle V 153 Noah 480 Points lost Sirius Delta: 0 Battousai: 342.003 Resources captured Iron: 21.821.687 Lutinum: 9.071.927 Water: 8.132.448 Hydrogen: 5.115.002 See you next time

  • That's the problem: If there is only one single player who doesn't accept the agreement, the whole "I don't use camos" thing is completely senseless.

  • agreed with most points. Still I don't know what's your problem with camos. It is quite easy: pro: big attack index. con: slow and expensive as fuck. it should be everyone's own choice to build them or not and to live with the advantages and disadvantages or not.

  • Thor vs me almost has been a 50:50 battle as well Quote: “10 million points of mine vs 10 million of yours?? ”

  • There's a difference of a goodbye-hit with deleting the account or at least putting it into vmode and a goodbye-hit with giving the account to somebody else afterwards. If he wouldn't have announced that this is his last hit nobody would have given a damn.

  • What is the best playing style?

    Sirius Delta - - The Tavern


    Let me quote a short line of Pirates of the Caribbean: Quote: “Jack Sparrow (after Will draws his sword): Put it away, son. It's not worth you getting beat again. Will Turner: You didn't beat me. You ignored the rules of engagement. In a fair fight, I'd kill you. Jack Sparrow: That's not much incentive for me to fight fair, then, is it? ” It's the same with fleetsaving. What's the point in letting fleet stay on the planet when I KNOW that there are 30 people with bigger fleets who will definitel…

  • What is the best playing style?

    Sirius Delta - - The Tavern


    Quote: “CannabisKid wrote: Why have you recalled troops that you have sent to my buildings many times? There is a big difference between dodging an attack, and fleetsaving every time you go offline... ” Then tell me the difference. For me personally, both has the aim to avoid an attack.

  • Again: continue in the Tavern. I'll answer your question there. I don't really like to give out warnings, but I think it's enough here.

  • What is the best playing style?

    Sirius Delta - - The Tavern


    I've opened this thread so you can discuss the thing that is being discussed in so many combat threads so you can do it here and don't need to spam the combat thread. So please continue here.

  • Sorry CK, but why have you saved then when I wanted to farm your sides? You should have let your troops and recources there, this really was cowardice. Doesn't that sound strange to you? Personally I appreciate the playing style of Cello very much and I enjoy hits like those. The thing we can see here clearly is that every player has his own style how to play this game, and every style has its right to exist. There are turtles, there are people that do nonsense harakiri. There are fleetsavers an…

  • Great hit, pal! You already know that I'm quite sad that you're leaving. It was always fun and you've shown several times that you know how to play.