Search Results

Search results 81-100 of 560.

  • Quote from EmptysMiss: “Quote from XuXi: “Jajaja parece mentira, te dije que dejaría todo, incluso te dije de pactar, no te tires flores” jaja Dame el OK y posteo las conversaciones completas...todos tus mensajes, los contestados, que fueron los menos y los que me enviabas y yo no respondía...y así me explicas a mi y a todos donde dijiste eso... Vamos...con esta actitud tuya lo único que demuestras es que no eres buen jugador...ya que un verdadero jugador reconoce cuando es cazado Saludos!” Solo…

  • help

    DemoN - - Questions & Help


    Dovrebbe andare al tuo profilo. Nelle impostazione d'account (del forum) dovrebbe fare l'abilitazione delle lingue che si desidera vedere per vedere i post in quelle lingue. Settings >> Settings: General: *Multilingualism * English *French *German *Italian *Polish *Portuguese *Spanish *Turkish Nel menu sopra clicca sul tuo nickname: "DioriFede". E poi "Settings".

  • Hola vengo a spamear!

    DemoN - - Spamcorner


    That photo of Napoleon in your avatar, was the grand father of my grand father that took that picture. He was a photographer (20 megapixels camera on his mobile phone).

  • Hola vengo a spamear!

    DemoN - - Spamcorner


    Quote from Juvamine: “No, se trata de una broma a un amigo "vvv" que reconocerá Problema seniorrrr ?? Miss VVVV” ahUqhug.gif Que bueno castellano se habla... Estoy de acuerdo (mismo no comprendiendo lo que dices...). Solo para decir que si... Ale a pa... spamear!

  • Hola vengo a spamear!

    DemoN - - Spamcorner


    They just didn't want to try to conquer Portugal, because we will kick their asses... Like we kicked to everybody that wanted our country! Once there was France involved... and guess what? Ass kicked! But what it would be that compared with the Ottoman Empire?!... Just want to remind you that time of the heros had been gone lots of years ago... They are all dead, not even bones rested. All of this to ask: What is the point of that posting @Juvamine? History lecture? Or you miss the time that Fre…


    DemoN - - Board News


    Due the lack of respect and the tries of jeopardizing the Staff Members' dedication and work in this Game and this Board, there are two new Rules in this Board: Quote: “25. - Accusations or insinuations of any kind pointing another Players or Alliances (examples: Cheating, Pushing, Bashing, Multi-Accounting, IP-Sharing Violation, Bot-Using, Script-Using) are considered misconduct and will lead to a direct WARNING. Any suspicion of the cases presented before should be reported by Private Message …

  • Candidatures pour Modérateur

    DemoN - - Board News


    Candidatures pour Modérateur Les candidatures pour entrer dans le staff du Forum sont ouverts! Êtes-vous prêt à relever le défi? Avez-vous du temps libre et le désir d'aider une communauté? Lisez attentivement les conditions nécessaires, et si elles sont toutes remplies, il est juste nécessaire d'envoyer la candidature et nous analyserons votre profil dès que possible. Exigences requises pour être un Modérateur: 1.- Avoir plus de 18 ans. 2.- Analysez votre temps, être un modér…

  • Version 0.10.4 translation

    DemoN - - In Progress


    Quote from RaVenC: “Thank you very much for the translations. French and Portuguese is now up to date. In portuguese i've changed "citar" to "fila". This should fit better i think.” That's true! If it is a queue like "building in construction", would be even better the word: "lista"... And if it is a queue with information about "time remaining" would be even better "lista de espera".

  • This situation was analysed again and the thread was reopened. According to the War Rules: Quote: “§5 End of the War - If the War gets silent for more than 7 days , meaning, if not relevant Battle Reports are appearing, then this War is considered as ended and the Bashing Rule Exemption is automatically annulled.” Even if it is true that there were more than 7 days of silent war (meaning no relevant Battle Reports are appearing) in the past weeks, there were relevant attacks happening a few days…

  • This situation was analysed again and the thread was reopened. According to the War Rules: Quote: “§5 End of the War - If the War gets silent for more than 7 days , meaning, if not relevant Battle Reports are appearing, then this War is considered as ended and the Bashing Rule Exemption is automatically annulled.” Even if it is true that there were more than 7 days of silent war (meaning no relevant Battle Reports are appearing) in the past weeks, there were relevant attacks happening a few days…

  • This situation was analysed again and the thread was reopened. According to the War Rules: Quote: “§5 End of the War - If the War gets silent for more than 7 days , meaning, if not relevant Battle Reports are appearing, then this War is considered as ended and the Bashing Rule Exemption is automatically annulled.” Even if it is true that there were more than 7 days of silent war (meaning no relevant Battle Reports are appearing) in the past weeks, there were relevant attacks happening a few days…

  • Menes ( PDC) vs T-Bone ( pollos )

    DemoN - - Other Attacks


    Problèmes pour comprendre votre attaque. Si vous voulez utiliser pour l'organiser::

  • BOARD TEAM | Staff

    DemoN - - Community


    logo.png BOARD TEAM | Staff star2.gifstar2.gifstar2.gifstar2.gif Board Administrator [BA] star2.gifstar2.gifstar2.gifstar2.gif 20-61268f69e1b56faa6c2b954ddfa623f40bfb18a2.jpg RaVenC Quote: “His first function isn't take care of users, but take care of the structure of the Board and its connection with the Game. Besides his function is to supervise the SMODs and hire new Moderators. In addition, the information provided in the Board should be passed by him to the Teams and/or users. ” star2.gifst…

  • GAME TEAM | Staff

    DemoN - - Community


    logo.png GAME TEAM | Staff star4.gifstar4.gifstar4.gifstar4.gifstar4.gif Project Manager [PM] star4.gifstar4.gifstar4.gifstar4.gifstar4.gif 20-61268f69e1b56faa6c2b954ddfa623f40bfb18a2.jpg RaVenC Quote: “The Project Manager is the Game developer and creator, the one that is responsible for the programming of the game, the design, the bugs correction, the installation of new features... Without is work the Game just wouldn't exist.” star3.gifstar3.gifstar3.gifstar3.gif Game Administrator [GA] star…

  • Tabella Avvertimenti & Bans

    DemoN - - Stiddari




  • Tabla de Advertencias & Bans

    DemoN - - Stiddari



  • Tabela de Advertências & Bans

    DemoN - - Stiddari



  • Verwarnungstabelle

    DemoN - - Stiddari



  • Warnings Table

    DemoN - - Stiddari
