Search Results

Search results 21-40 of 686.

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  • Dalpo [SPQR] Vs C e s c [DARK]

    DonSacha - - Other Attacks


    Dalpo 22 Dalpo [SPQR] 31.048 136.284 475.664 642.996 44 Vs C e s c 39 C e s c [DARK] 28.736 126.793 283.578 439.108 40 ★★★★★…77b44c4dc8b5de2ae8f8c7e14…77b44c4dc8b5de2ae8f8c7e14…77b44c4dc8b5de2ae8f8c7e14 ★★★★★ 37 Dalpo [SPQR] 31.048 136.284 299.264 466.596 44 92 C e s c [DARK] 28.736 126.793 102 155.632 40 ★★★★★ Points Loses: Dalpo = - 176.400 C e s c = - 283.476 Total = 459.876 ★★★★★

  • TOP Vendetta Good Fight and excellent lesson

  • DonSacha 24 ⭐ĐoɳSαcӊα [SPQR] 30.939 78.553 486.773 596.266 30 Vs S@iNt-MiL0!!! 47 S@iNt-MiL0!!! [13] 24.882 76.955 264.515 366.352 30 ★★★★★ jKT7wBr.png ★★★★★ 28 ⭐ĐoɳSαcӊα [SPQR] 30.939 78.553 437.381 546.874 30 76 S@iNt-MiL0!!! [13] 24.882 76.955 125.076 226.913 30 ★★★★★ Points Loses: DonSacha = - 49.392 S@iNt-MiL0!!! = - 139.439 Total = 188.831 ★★★★★ to be continued...

  • DonSacha 24 ⭐ĐoɳSαcӊα [SPQR] 30.863 76.801 470.786 578.450 30 Vs Crusader 77 Crusader [MW*W] 17.742 94.806 112.000 224.549 40 ★★★★★ QIIgLQX.png ★★★★★ 25 ⭐ĐoɳSαcӊα [SPQR] 30.863 76.801 454.313 561.977 30 109 Crusader [MW*W] 17.742 94.806 0 112.549 40 ★★★★★ Points Loses: DonSacha = - 16.464 Crusader = - 112.000 Total = 128.464 ★★★★★ to be continued...

  • Respect

  • Very Good my friend

  • ***LegioneFelix*** gladiator03.jpg 26 ***LegioneFelix*** [S.P.Q.R.] 27.712 83.786 328.918 440.416 33 Vs WHISTLA Whistla_DJ-150x150.jpg 43 WHISTLA [DARK] 29.582 130.530 135.355 295.468 44 ★★★★★ y493gYb.png ★★★★★ 37 ***LegioneFelix*** [S.P.Q.R.] 27.712 83.786 247.774 359.272 33 64 WHISTLA [DARK] 29.582 130.530 38.923 199.036 44 ★★★★★ Points Loses: ***LegioneFelix*** = - 81.144 WHISTLA = - 96.432 Total = 177.576 ★★★★★

  • ***LegioneFelix*** gladi.jpg 19 ***LegioneFelix*** [S.P.Q.R.] Vs Rottweiler rottweiler-dogs-250x250.jpg 47 Rottweiler [DARK] ★★★★★ JCj39b2.png ipvXR9s.png ★★★★★ 27 ***LegioneFelix*** [S.P.Q.R.] 69 Rottweiler [DARK] ★★★★★ Points Loses: ***LegioneFelix*** = - 64.680 Rottweiler = - 77.505 Total = 142.185 ★★★★★

  • Good PDC

  • 1 to 10.000

    DonSacha - - Spamcorner



  • Misterone [SPQR] Vs Shaytan [MW]

    DonSacha - - Hall of Fame


    Good Game Misterone Quote from Cornholio: “Quote from DonSacha: “good attack, but nothing will go unnoticed ” its okay ” Cornholio you remember this? "Shaytan Vs Milone"

  • Misterone [SPQR] Vs Shaytan [MW]

    DonSacha - - Hall of Fame


    Misterone 4 Misterone [SPQR] 24.561 84.903 278.518 387.982 37 Vs Shaytan 3 Shaytan [MW] 26.837 114.345 274.099 415.281 47 ★★★★★ WVyGTSf.png O32fjHY.png xJnN6Hm.png ★★★★★ 29 Misterone [SPQR] 24.561 84.903 75.070 184.535 37 40 Shaytan [MW] 26.837 114.345 13.027 154.209 47 ★★★★★ Points Loses: Misterone = - 203.448 Shaytan = - 261.072 Total = 464.520 ★★★★★

  • Shaytan [MW] vs. Milone [Nerv]

    DonSacha - - Other Attacks


    good attack, but nothing will go unnoticed

  • DonSacha [Nerv] Vs THOR [13]

    DonSacha - - Other Attacks


    Quote from payday: “Quote from DonSacha: “Quote from payday: “Rlly?! Rank 22 vs Rank 110? Well done! ... not. ” show everyone what you're capable of doing. I've never seen your combat report ” The only combat report i will post with my Name is against you my friend. ” this only happened in your dreams

  • DonSacha [Nerv] Vs THOR [13]

    DonSacha - - Other Attacks


    Quote from Thranduil: “PFF como siempre el florero de sacha atacando cuando es 10 veces mayor en tropas. Cansa ver como se vanaglorian de sus super ataques cuando no son capaces de hacerlo con gente que este similar en puntos a ustedes, y claro, si lo hacen, perderían muchos puntos y quedarían muy atrás en el ranking... ” muahahahhaah you are Thranduil Almirante THOR

  • DonSacha [Nerv] Vs THOR [13]

    DonSacha - - Other Attacks


    Quote from payday: “Rlly?! Rank 22 vs Rank 110? Well done! ... not. ” show everyone what you're capable of doing. I've never seen your combat report

  • DonSacha [Nerv] Vs THOR [13]

    DonSacha - - Other Attacks


    DonSacha 21 ĐoɳSαcӊα [Nerv] 15.503 44.701 39.502 99.707 30 Vs THOR 110 THOR [13] 7.788 18.183 15.077 41.048 15 ★★★★★ 6ltlxEd.png D0sYl7S.png ★★★★★ 22 ĐoɳSαcӊα [Nerv] 15.503 44.723 38.079 98.305 30 144 THOR [13] 7.788 18.223 974 26.985 15 ★★★★★ Points Loses: DonSacha = - 1.423 THOR = - 14.083 Total = 15.506 ★★★★★ to be continued...

  • El Bar de MOE !!

    DonSacha - - The Tavern



  • 1 to 10.000

    DonSacha - - Spamcorner

