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  • [Project] New themed Game

    Starscream - - Polls


    Also, please the new themed game, please OPTIMISE the units/fleet/troops or whatever we will have, becouse the format in stiddari works, but in universe doesent, due to camos and noahs. So please stick with format of stiddari, so that there is one the stomngest unit, or optimise the format where we can and need to use several units in the end game, but not in the way is right now, with noahs and camos.

  • [Project] New themed Game

    Starscream - - Polls


    Roman, Sparta and last but not last since i dont know how it would work lol Cars PS i would like a game like Bitefight, gladiatus, it doesent have to be vampires vs wolverines...but something else..but a model like that, its a nice model, doesent require people to be online alot, and its alot easier to learn then this kind of games.

  • STUBIGMAN Vs Destroyer

    Starscream - - Other Attacks


    Quote from Stubigman: “There is no such thing as an honourable attack. An attack is an attack. I've built many planets before and deleted to make a battle several times and the likes of loqui and some s4k guys will have seen this. Just because u don't like the strategy doesn't make it a wrong one. It simply means urs is not the same as mine. You may not have seen it on another server simply because I've not played the games you have. You do not see me saying how wrong your style is or how anybod…

  • STUBIGMAN Vs Destroyer

    Starscream - - Other Attacks


    One less, we continue like always..untill the very end, then probably we will make attacks within DT haha

  • STUBIGMAN Vs Destroyer

    Starscream - - Other Attacks


    Quote from Stv3N: “At the end day honorable or not It will end up un a worthless closed thread if you all continue down these lines. As iv said, respect your enemy and he will respect you, if not avoid wasting time typing because Stv3N is allways un the shadows muajajaj Just to make It abit funny... Keep in the límites guys ” You first know this is a disgace of an attack, and you know what would happen to guys who would do this back in the days they would be mocked by the whole community, blackl…

  • What trap? YOu know i live for this kind of things, provocations, and everything with it, and you know how i can be, this is nothing. You wanna give me a free pass so i can shut mouth of everyone? Plizzz, i will be polite It wont hurt much

  • STUBIGMAN Vs Destroyer

    Starscream - - Other Attacks


    You had all my respect, now you lost it, its not my fault, its yours, i wanted all the best to you, destroyer and the the end we got a botch. Period PS: You listed players on your first post that got your respect, but trust me, alot of people on that list, you lost their respect, but you dont know it yet, But they made it clear in messages, both personal, and alliance. I wont say names, its on their own, but just to get you the feeling, that alot of people share the same concept that i s…

  • STUBIGMAN Vs Destroyer

    Starscream - - Other Attacks


    Yeah, its your own choice, but everyone knows non-written rules about honorable and last hits. Ask any veteran or real player on the server. Also the hit was not in war, or not agains an enemy, but to make the biggest hof, not to botch it. You dont have to have any feelings for me, like i dont have for anyone in here. I dont have anyone in here, or have anything personal, but man, honestly, after this, you lost all my respect, and be assured, you had a massive respect from me, and trust me, i do…

  • STUBIGMAN Vs Destroyer

    Starscream - - Other Attacks


    I am not a good guy, i was never a good guy and i will never be You can hate me or love me, there is no middle My history is not important, but if you wanna know, atleast i "wrote" it in a honorable way Have fun in real life, i dont have anything personal agains you since this is only a game, but still...not a way to go man, but one day you will understand..meybe, but in the end, its your own choice.

  • STUBIGMAN Vs Destroyer

    Starscream - - Other Attacks


    Instead of being remembered for a great 300M+ HOF you and this hit will be remember for someone who has no honor or pride in himself. Way to quit the game, a dream come true Hope to see you on some other server, but dont worry i wont attack you or anything...who knows you might delete planets seconds before hahah Now i wait for destroyer to get up and make a PROPER 300M+ HOF with honorable people...not this shit UPDATE: Now lets get this even more funnier shall we You have Diplo 8 and 75 planets…

  • Quote from Stv3N: “Quote from Starscream: “Quote from Sirius Delta: “Well done! Would have performed better though if you had deleted some planets before the impact ” Hahah no tnx, you mistaken me for your coward friend I would rather lose more in a fair play way then to be that kind of coward with no honor or anything ” Lets not provoke others, you Win some and you lose others there are no laws of engagement everyone is free to attack/defend As they wish. Lets stick to the subject at the moment…

  • Quote from Sirius Delta: “Well done! Would have performed better though if you had deleted some planets before the impact ” Hahah no tnx, you mistaken me for your coward friend I would rather lose more in a fair play way then to be that kind of coward with no honor or anything

  • Starscream presents Start of new year with a bang Those who mass build defence and camos should be put on wall of shame, or end up here in HOF Section! Long live Dream Team! I live, I die, I live again 3 Starscream [DT] en 64.407 618.475 8.97*107 9.04*107 48 11 PeaceMaker [FWC] es 59.894 331.144 6.67*107 6.71*107 30 3XCUGxX.jpg v9NFSo6.jpg Ok0K57X.jpg oe6EHDe.jpg xKUAokZ.jpg 15 Starscream [DT] en 64.407 618.475 3.91*107 3.97*107 48 44 PeaceMaker [FWC] es 59.894 331.172 5.8*106 6.19*106 30 Point…

  • so wahts the point here?then why are you asking? we could have one this year also, its what the majorit votes, not a single person.

  • Quote from Bam Bam: “2016 ? ” Do we need for this year?

  • Quote from Dannyto: “Quote from Starscream: “Quote from Dannyto: “Nice hit, congratulation and good rebuild to me ” Lay off the alcohol ” I am afraid alcohol has nothing with that :))) simply I slept like baby ” Shame on you

  • Quote from Dannyto: “Nice hit, congratulation and good rebuild to me ” Lay off the alcohol

  • No.1 HOF Very nice Congratulations Dreamer keep it up Rebuild to both

  • Then do it, but it wont change much, since seems like people dont want changes, seems like they like it this way..and we can go like this for the next 10 years...if thats what everyone wants, well then so be it..but dont "cry" in the end that the server is dead, that fights are not happening, and always expecting and poiting fingers ut us top players expecting that we must always fight for the "sake" and intertrainment" of the server.

  • I am waiting for others, and whats going to be in the end about all this