Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 104.

  • El Bar de MOE !!

    Jhonny Deep - - The Tavern


    messijostick.jpg el joystik que usa bulldog para atacar !!!

  • 1 to 10.000

    Jhonny Deep - - Spamcorner



  • 1 to 10.000

    Jhonny Deep - - Spamcorner



  • Bulldog and its attacks

    Jhonny Deep - - The Tavern


    the Germans also cheat

  • Bulldog and its attacks

    Jhonny Deep - - The Tavern


    really ?? you can ?? test it attack me

  • Bulldog and its attacks

    Jhonny Deep - - The Tavern


    Can any explain how bulldog as it does to send 2 attacks in 1 second and 40 in less than 30 seconds?…5c8cfa7b85582a3c51ecc7cfa Edited by Matacapullos: same than the previous post, and not allowed double post. Warned again. Quote from DemoN: “18. - It is not allowed to make two consecutive posts in the same thread. If the edition of the previous post is not possible (e.g. because he has reached the character limit for a post), you should contact PREVIOUSLY a Moderat…

  • Bulldog and its attacks

    Jhonny Deep - - The Tavern


    Can any explain how bulldog as it does to send 2 attacks in 1 second and 40 in less than 30 seconds? Edited by Matacapullos: not allowed to show coordinates and no to allow insinuations about cheat/bashing etc ... Warned. Quote from DemoN: “24. - It is forbidden to post the coordinates of the buildings of the protagonists involved on the Battles. This rule applies to all the Attacks posted in this Board. 25. - Accusations or insinuations of any kind pointing another Players or Alliances (example…

  • 1 to 10.000

    Jhonny Deep - - Spamcorner



  • 1 to 10.000

    Jhonny Deep - - Spamcorner



  • 1 to 10.000

    Jhonny Deep - - Spamcorner



  • DIOS NADAL Mercenario 415 Destruido: 0 vs. Saint-milo Matón 13 Destruido: 13 Recursos Robados: 0 Armas, 742.680 Munición, 1.325.910 Alcohol, 0 Dólares POINTS LOST DIOS NADAL lost a total of 0 points. Saint-milo lost a total of 78 points.

  • Quote from Stv3N: “Refer to players by there nickname not inveted ones to provoke them. Then your the first one reporting provocations...... ” que malo es tu ingles de traductor, se nota mucho que eres de españa stv3n creimos que te ibas, duraron poco tus vacaciones [MW] Bulldog Scout 1864 Destruido: 181 vs. DIOS NADAL Mercenario 1 Destruido: 1 POINTS LOST [MW] Bulldog lost a total of 2,353 points. DIOS NADAL lost a total of 1,176 points.

  • 1 to 10.000

    Jhonny Deep - - Spamcorner



  • 1 to 10.000

    Jhonny Deep - - Spamcorner



  • 1 to 10.000

    Jhonny Deep - - Spamcorner



  • DIOS NADAL 2Q== Mercenario 309 Destruido: 0 vs. Bad•Bunny Matón 26 Destruido: 26 Porteador 22 Destruido: 22 Mercenario 36 Destruido: 36 Scout 11 Destruido: 11 Recursos Robados: 18.913 Armas, 0 Munición, 2.059 Alcohol, 0 Dólares POINTS LOST DIOS NADAL lost a total of 0 points. Bad•Bunny lost a total of 42,833 points. StiddariTools - Beta Version - ©Copyright by Luxifer

  • Player's diary production

    Jhonny Deep - - The Tavern


    Armas: 3,692,256 Munición: 7,518,224 Alcohol: 63,816 Dolares: 995,632

  • Lewandoscry : Recursos Robados Armas 119.568 Munición 119.568 Alcohol 611 Dólares 6.551 Recursos Robados Armas 42.537 Munición 104.169 Alcohol 59.313 Dólares 9.170 Recursos Robados Armas 79.338 Munición 119.734 Alcohol 23.011 Dólares 49.876 Recursos Robados Armas 10.390 Munición 87.274 Alcohol 30.251 Dólares 7.639 Recursos Robados Armas 23.091 Munición 23.091 Alcohol 23.091 Dólares 23.091 Recursos Robados Armas 10.390 Munición 87.274 Alcohol 30.251 Dólares 7.639 Recursos Robados Armas 42.682 Mun…

  • 1 to 10.000

    Jhonny Deep - - Spamcorner


    2727 xdeamon

  • 1 to 10.000

    Jhonny Deep - - Spamcorner


    I need new friends 2725